ARMmbed / ble-examples

BLE demos using mbed OS 3 and yotta.
Apache License 2.0
24 stars 27 forks source link; crashes app #80

Closed PeterKenyon closed 8 years ago

PeterKenyon commented 8 years ago

I created a small application that registers a GattService with a couple of GattCharecteristics. This all (seems to) works fine, so I added handler and the app crashes on connection. The handler doesn't actually do anything just registering it seems to cause this behaviour So identical code without the handler works but uncommenting the cause the crash

PeterKenyon commented 8 years ago

I added the following file to the yotta folder (config.json) and the mysterious issue went away. Thanks to pan (Vincent) a hero. I will have to retry the samples again and hopefully all the weirdness will go. Basically it looks like I was running low on memory, see comment on issue #78
