ARMmbed / ble-nrf51822

Nordic stack and drivers for the mbed BLE_API
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Cannot open source input file "system_nrf51.h" #52

Closed georgeedwards closed 8 years ago

georgeedwards commented 8 years ago

I have just imported this library into a project. I have set the platform to NRF51-DK (default), but it is throwing the following error:

Error: Cannot open source input file "system_nrf51.h": No such file or directory in "nRF51822/source/nordic-sdk/components/drivers_nrf/hal/nrf51.h", Line: 102, Col: 131

Have I done something wrong, or is this a bug? Are there any work arounds etc. ?

ghost commented 8 years ago

you still have to include the relevant directories from the mbed library. In this case


if you run into similar errors, just search in mbed for them.

rgrover commented 8 years ago

Can you compare your project against something standard like ?

ghost commented 8 years ago

@rgrover : i was running into tons of stuff like this when setting up CMake for mbed projects based on your notebooks (on because everything in this repository, mbed, and the ble libraries had changed paths.

EDIT: they are probably running into it for the same reasons

rgrover commented 8 years ago

as the project evolves, my notes and sample CMakeLists.txt get obsolete in minor ways; but developers would hopefully be able to adapt. I'm happy to provide updates if requested or necessary.

ghost commented 8 years ago

I don't need it for myself, I'm just suggesting that one could easily run into issues like this because of it.

georgeedwards commented 8 years ago

@rgrover @jrobeson I am using the standard code in this project -

rainierwolfcastle commented 8 years ago

ARM Internal Ref: IOTSFW-1024

georgeedwards commented 8 years ago

Is there any way I can track the above internal bug? Or are there any know work arounds to this?

rgrover commented 8 years ago

@georgeedwards We'll mirror parts of our bug database to github. Can you please confirm that works for you from the online IDE?

georgeedwards commented 8 years ago

@rgrover Great, thanks. Yes, the iBeacon example does work for me, it is the GATT Example I am having issues with.

andresag01 commented 8 years ago

@georgeedwards: We had a look at the GATT Example. The main problem was that the APIs used were slightly out-of-date. So, they were updated to the latest version and modified the main.cpp file to comply with the latest APIs. The changes are public, please have a look and let us know if you experience any further issues. It is important to highlight that the GATT Example worked correctly on the NRF51-DK after a firmware update to version 0218 found under

rgrover commented 8 years ago

@andresag01 :+1:

ghost commented 8 years ago

can this be closed now?

andresag01 commented 8 years ago

The GATT examples was updated.