ARMmbed / ble-nrf51822

Nordic stack and drivers for the mbed BLE_API
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A call to shutdown does not clear the state of some components of BLE API #85

Closed andresag01 closed 8 years ago

andresag01 commented 8 years ago

The implementation of shutdown() does not reinitialise the GattServer. For instance, it does not reset the values of characteristicCount, serviceCount, descriptorCount, etc.

rgrover commented 8 years ago

thanks for raising this. It is a serious flaw. It could be affecting the functioning of Eddystone and similar services which rely upon being able to flush the GattServer based on a shutdown.

ciarmcom commented 8 years ago

ARM Internal Ref: IOTSFW-1378

andresag01 commented 8 years ago

@rgrover: I believe there is more state that is not being handled correctly in shutdown(). For instance, if you have two targets, the first running as a GattServer and the second as a GattClient. If you connect the client to the server and then call shutdown() in both this will not clear the Gap state. In other words, if after the call to shutdown() I call getState() in Gap, then the client will tell me that it is currently "connected" and the server tells me it is "advertising" and "connected".

Clearly, this leaves the API into all sorts of inconsistency and further calls to other functions (even after calling init()) might start returning unexpected errors.

rgrover commented 8 years ago

maybe BLE::shutdown() should call Gap::shutdown(), GattServer::shutdown(), etc. We might need to create these additional shutdown virtual methods and leave them empty by default. Thanks for pointing this out.