ARMmbed / mbed-client-example-6lowpan

DEPRECATED: Example demonstrating 6LoWPAN mesh networking
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Border Router is not registering in mDS #19

Closed MarceloSalazar closed 9 years ago

MarceloSalazar commented 9 years ago

This is an important requirement, we need to make sure that the BR does register in mDS when using all possible configurations (6LoWPAN 2.4ghz, sub-ghz and Thread binaries).

If something goes wrong (BR, end-node or host PC are not working properly), one of the first things to do, is to double-check whether the BR is working correctly, e.g. by checking if it's registered in mDS.

Please do enable the option in the fw have the BR registered in mDS.


SeppoTakalo commented 9 years ago

Still might not be possible for the public release. We cannot statically configure the IP address of the mDS server unless that we have been given promise that this server will run at least next 6 months in the same IPv6 address. We could, basically use mDS registration in statically configured routers, but then the environment must be exactly as specified. Therefore we have chosen that static&dynamic ones are closely following the same bootstrap.

MarceloSalazar commented 9 years ago

This ticket has been rejected.

The static version could have the registration enabled, but the dynamic cannot.

For consistent behaviour, we have agreed to disable this feature. This could be enabled again in the future if using a fixed IPv6 address for Device Server / Connector.