ARMmbed / mbed-os-example-cellular

This is an example based on mbed-os cellular APIs that demonstrates a TCP or UDP echo transaction with a public echo server.
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Example not running on custom Quectel port #164

Closed iliapenev closed 4 years ago

iliapenev commented 4 years ago

I'm doing custom Quectel MC60 port. It's based on MC26 target in mbed 5.14. Modem is connected to STM Nucleo L476RG Example could not be started. It could not get context.

Problem appears to be here.

I tried with lwip.ppp enabled and disabled

            "lwip.ipv4-enabled": true,
            "lwip.ipv6-enabled": false,
            "lwip.ethernet-enabled": false,
            "lwip.ppp-enabled": false,
            "lwip.tcp-enabled": true,
            "QUECTEL_MC60.provide-default": true


Using mbed-cli 1.10.1 gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2018-q4-major

ciarmcom commented 4 years ago

ARM Internal Ref: IOTCELL-2244

iliapenev commented 4 years ago Solves problem.

Carefully checked all _at.lock _at.unlock pairs and I found where is problem.