ARMmbed / mbed-os-example-lorawan

Simple LoRaWAN example application for mbed OS
Apache License 2.0
78 stars 92 forks source link

FaultType: HardFault #203

Open JchenEng opened 3 years ago

JchenEng commented 3 years ago

Description of defect


I am still fairly new to the ARMmbed and lorawan world. When I finished adjusting the EUIs and build the program, I receive a FaultType: HardFault. I have looked over previous closed issues, but none of the changes seemed to resolve my issue.

I am using SX1276 as the lora-radio with loraphy being US915.

Here is the serial communication messages that I receive from the terminal:

++ MbedOS Fault Handler ++

FaultType: HardFault

Context: R0 : 00000000 R1 : 20005000 R2 : 00000000 R3 : 00000000 R4 : 20003010 R5 : 20003E98 R6 : 2000208C R7 : 200004BC R8 : 00000000 R9 : 00000000 R10 : 00000000 R11 : 00000000 R12 : 00000000 SP : 20002058 LR : 08011B03 PC : 08005516 xPSR : 21000000 PSP : 20002038 MSP : 20004FC8 CPUID: 410CC601 Mode : Thread Priv : Privileged Stack: PSP

-- MbedOS Fault Handler --

++ MbedOS Error Info ++ Error Status: 0x80FF013D Code: 317 Module: 255 Error Message: Fault exception Location: 0x8012C01 Error Value: 0x8005516 Current Thread: main Id: 0x20002830 Entry: 0x8012E8D StackSize: 0x1000 StackMem : 0x20001118 SP: 0x20004F70 For more info, visit: Z -- MbedOS Error Info --

Target(s) affected by this defect ?

Not really clear what targets are.

Toolchain(s) (name and version) displaying this defect ?

I am using mbed studio as my toolchain.

What version of Mbed-os are you using (tag or sha) ?

I am using mbed-os 5.14.0.

sha: b6e5a0a8afa34dec9dae8963778aebce0c82a54b

What version(s) of tools are you using. List all that apply (E.g. mbed-cli)

Mbed Studio 1.3.1

How is this defect reproduced ?

Following the instructions.

ciarmcom commented 3 years ago

@JchenEng thank you for raising this issue.Please take a look at the following comments:

We cannot automatically identify a release based on the version of Mbed OS that you have provided. Please provide either a single valid sha of the form #abcde12 or #3b8265d70af32261311a06e423ca33434d8d80de or a single valid release tag of the form mbed-os-x.y.z . E.g. '5.14.0.' has not been matched as a valid tag or sha. NOTE: If there are fields which are not applicable then please just add 'n/a' or 'None'.This indicates to us that at least all the fields have been considered. Please update the issue header with the missing information, the issue will not be mirroredto our internal defect tracking system or investigated until this has been fully resolved.

JchenEng commented 3 years ago


Hi, I think the sha is #b6e5a0a8afa34dec9dae8963778aebce0c82a54b image

ciarmcom commented 3 years ago

Thank you for raising this detailed GitHub issue. I am now notifying our internal issue triagers. Internal Jira reference:

pan- commented 3 years ago

@JchenEng We do not support Mbed OS 5.14, have you tried with the latest version of Mbed OS (6.14) ? It would help if you provide more information about the application you try to execute and how to reproduce your issue.

JchenEng commented 3 years ago

@pan- I updated the mbed-os version to 5.15.6 sha: b114a9c878519d6489ac3426697196bbea34c8ea image

However, I am encountering issues with the fsl_sha.h file, it says fsl_devie_registers.h file is not found and unknown type name: SHA_TYPE.

fsl_sha.h mbed-os-example-mbed5-lorawan/mbed-os/targets/TARGET_NXP/TARGET_MCUXpresso_MCUS/TARGET_MCU_LPC546XX/drivers 4 In included file: 'fsl_device_registers.h' file not foundclang(pp_file_not_found)[37, 10] Unknown type name 'SHA_Type'clang(unknown_typename)[104, 19] Unknown type name 'SHA_Type'clang(unknown_typename)[118, 21] Unknown type name 'SHA_Type'clang(unknown_typename)[133, 21]