ARMmbed / mbed-os-example-lorawan

Simple LoRaWAN example application for mbed OS
Apache License 2.0
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Open evandavey opened 3 years ago

evandavey commented 3 years ago

This is a follow-on from #119 which never seems to have adequately resolved.

In addition to getting ~300uA on VDD_MCU when the event loop is idle, I always see ~1mA on VDD_USB. I believe this is due to TCXO being powered by PA_12 (with JP9 in position 1-2) and this always staying high in the SX1276 library. If JP9 is in position 2-3 then the 1mA shifts to VDD_LRA (since this hard-wires TCXO to always on).

So problem 1 is how to control PA_12/TCXO so it is off when the event loop is idle. This could be done manually by setting sx1276-lora-driver.tcxo to NC and manually turning it on before a send and off following a send but this seems a bit hacky.

And problem 2 is how to further reduce MCU consumption in deep sleep.

Both of these are crucial for a battery powered IoT application which is the target of this library.

ciarmcom commented 3 years ago

@evandavey This issue has an incomplete or old issue template.For future reference please use an up to date clone of the repository before raising issues. Many thanks.

ciarmcom commented 3 years ago

Thank you for raising this detailed GitHub issue. I am now notifying our internal issue triagers. Internal Jira reference:

evandavey commented 2 years ago

The SX12... drivers look considerably out of date relative to

The SX1276 driver for example has a call to SX1276SetBoardTcxo(...) which is not used in the mbed driver.

It also looks like there is some work on a new SX126X driver here:

This look like a much better design with a HAL abstraction that could be used to de-couple the SX12... driver logic from the framework implementation, however it looks like a lot of work to port across as the MBED implementation is very opinionated.

These libraries also seem to account for gpio_deinit for low power.

MustafaYassin commented 1 year ago

I'm trying to deep sleep DISCO_L072CZ_LRWAN1 between transmissions and facing the same issues: TXCO needs to be manually put off by PA_12 & VDD_MCU draws ~450uA after lorawan initialization. I step-debugged the lorawan.initialize(..) function while measuring the current. The current increases at the call to _radio->random() in LoRaPHY.cpp. It seems that the SPI peripheral remains enabled after first transmission. Disabling SPI between transmissions removed the 450uA. Added this code in TX_DONE event:

    DigitalIn spi_pin1(MBED_CONF_SX1276_LORA_DRIVER_SPI_MOSI, PullNone); 
    DigitalIn spi_pin2(MBED_CONF_SX1276_LORA_DRIVER_SPI_MISO, PullNone); 
    DigitalIn spi_pin3(MBED_CONF_SX1276_LORA_DRIVER_SPI_SCLK, PullNone);

And this in the beginning of send_message() function:


Hope Mbed team would provide an API to disable/enable SPI.

sillevl commented 1 year ago

@MustafaYassin thank you for your solution. I can confirm this also working on a custom STM32L432 targit with SX1276. I can get as low as 3µA between transmits.

Did you improve this implementation, or have some other insights or ideas to solve in a better way?

Currently I'm trying to get it working using the SX1276_LoRaRadio::sleep() in the mbed library. This way, I would like to achieve the low power state between TX and RX windows, which is not the case now.

UnCanard14 commented 1 year ago

Hi @MustafaYassin @sillevl I'm trying to use this card but I can't get down from 4.80mA with mbed os 6... Can any of you share your code that consumes less than 1mA? Thank you for your answer :)

MustafaYassin commented 10 months ago

@sillevl The issue is that you need to re-configure the SPI pins after wake-up so deactivating SPI in SX1276_LoRaRadio::sleep() alone won't do it. Note that mbed targets provides spi_init() & spi_free() functions that configure and reset SPI pins respectively hence they can be used for this purpose. I thought of having an 'initialized' flag in the SPI class and calling spi_init() when read or write is requested while initialized is false. And have a free() function that calls spi_free() and sets initialized to false. Then calling; at the end of SX1276_LoRaRadio::sleep().

@UnCanard14 Please check this fork I created to explain this "quick" fix. Assuming you are using DISCO_L072CZ_LRWAN1 board, you need to put JP9 in position 1-2 to allow controlling TCXO (high speed oscillator) from PA_12.

sillevl commented 10 months ago

@UnCanard14 you can see my implementation at

@MustafaYassin Your solution is almost identical like the implementation i settled with. I can confirm this works correctly and solves the problem. I develloped on a custom board.

MustafaYassin commented 10 months ago

@sillevl Good to confirm! Thanks. PS: The link you posted is not reachable.

UnCanard14 commented 10 months ago

Thank you @sillevl @MustafaYassin for your answers!

I tried @MustafaYassin solution but I'm still at 6mA. In the code I've only changed the import of the DigitalOut classes in your code to mbed::DigitalOut because the project didn't want to build. I set my build profile to 'Release'.

On the hardware side, I removed the SB37<->NRST bridge to be able to supply the card with usb and added a jumper wire onto SB37 which we could connect to CN12(5) to be able to continue flashing my card. I placed JP9 in poistion 1-2 (jumper facing down when looking at the board with the antenna at the bottom). I didn't remove the board's LED and resistors, which consume a bit of power (I'm guessing their total consumption won't save me 6mA).

To take my measurements, I use a lab power supply that gives me a voltage of 4.5V, allowing me to simulate my batteries, and I add an amperemeter in series in the circuit to measure the board's power consumption. Do you see anything I might have forgotten?

MustafaYassin commented 10 months ago

@UnCanard14 6mA is too much to be caused by the issue of the thread. Answering your questions, your practice with SB37<->NRST is correct. Your JP9 configuration is also correct. LEDs? seriously? one LED could consume up to 20mA; you need to remove all LEDs for this experiment. Here are a few more tips: Remove SB28 & SB29, I remember one of STLINK_TX/RX caused current drain. Confirm whether your MCU enters into deep sleep at all. Use sleep tracing (MBED_SLEEP_TRACING_ENABLED) feature to debug this. Remove one of R26, R27 because they form a path from 3V3 to GND.

You better measure the current at VDD_USB, VDD_RF & VDD_MCU instead of +5V to get only MCU current. Edit: Also need to set lora.duty-cycle-on to false in mbed_app.json.

Hope these help.

jeromecoutant commented 8 months ago

Dear Lora user with STM32L0 or STM32WL, maybe you could have a look on Regards,

hallard commented 8 months ago

FYI I used STM32L0 on custom boards by the past with 3µA sleep mode without any issue with this PR (now merged)

So with basic board with only STM32L0 you should be able to achieve this 3µA sleep.