ARMmbed / mbed-os-example-lorawan

Simple LoRaWAN example application for mbed OS
Apache License 2.0
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Can not reach low power state when radio is declared outside of main() #227

Open charlesmodrich-tc opened 3 years ago

charlesmodrich-tc commented 3 years ago

Description of defect

Inability to enter sleep mode (or at least reach expected sleep mode average current) after calling static LoRaWANInterface lorawan(radio); when working with NRF52840-DK + SX1262MB2xAS mbed shield

even when building with Develop profile. Results in average "sleep" current of ~6.5mA. Uncommenting all code before main() (except for above line) and removing all code except sleep_for within main() yields expected sleep current (~14uA).

Target(s) affected by this defect ?


Toolchain(s) (name and version) displaying this defect ?

Mbed Studio 1.4.0

What version of Mbed-os are you using (tag or sha) ?


What version(s) of tools are you using. List all that apply (E.g. mbed-cli)

Mbed CLI 2

How is this defect reproduced ?

Set up 2 NRF52840 DK's: one with PowerProfilerKit, another with SX1262MB2xAS mbed shield. Connect both to PC via microUSB (not nRF USB). Have PPK DK power LoRa shield DK via External supply, switch power on LoRaDK ON, nRF ONLY switch, VEXT->nRF switch to ON. Load up nRF Connect utility for the power profiler kit application, and enable DUT power and monitoring.

Use the default example for this sketch, but remove most of the code such that all that remains looks as below:

#include <stdio.h>

#include "lorawan/LoRaWANInterface.h"
#include "lorawan/system/lorawan_data_structures.h"
#include "events/EventQueue.h"

// Application helpers
#include "SX126X_LoRaRadio.h"
SX126X_LoRaRadio radio(D11,//MOSI

#include "mbed.h"

//DigitalOut led1(LED1);
using namespace events;
uint8_t tx_buffer[30];
uint8_t rx_buffer[30];
#define TX_TIMER                        20000
#define MAX_NUMBER_OF_EVENTS            10
#define PC_9                            0

static EventQueue ev_queue(MAX_NUMBER_OF_EVENTS *EVENTS_EVENT_SIZE);
static void lora_event_handler(lorawan_event_t event);
static lorawan_app_callbacks_t callbacks;

static LoRaWANInterface lorawan(radio);

int main()

change the following in mbed_app.json:

"target_overrides": { "*": { "platform.stdio-convert-newlines": true, "platform.stdio-baud-rate": 115200, "platform.default-serial-baud-rate": 115200, "lora.over-the-air-activation": true, "lora.duty-cycle-on": false, "lora.phy": "US915", "lora.device-eui": "{ 0x00, 0x80, 0xA0, 0xD0, 0x09, 0xEA, 0x82, 0x37 }", "lora.application-eui": "{ 0x70, 0xB3, 0xD5, 0x7E, 0xD0, 0x03, 0xE4, 0x02 }", "lora.application-key": "{ 0xEE, 0xB6, 0x72, 0x7D, 0xEB, 0x52, 0x08, 0x1C, 0x2E, 0x32, 0xC4, 0x3B, 0xB8, 0x96, 0x86, 0x6D }", "target.components_add": ["SX126X"], "": 2, "lora.fsb-mask": "{0xFF00, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0002}" },

"macros": ["MBEDTLS_USER_CONFIG_FILE=\"mbedtls_lora_config.h\"", "MBED_TICKLESS=1"]

Now, compile, upload and compare the average currents when static LoRaWANInterface lorawan(radio); is commented, and uncommented. For me, results for commented are ~14uA average sleep current over 52ms period, while uncommented shows an average sleep current of approximately 6.5mA over 52ms period.

evandavey commented 2 years ago

@JenertsA - the main example is complicated by things like the duty cycle flags and supporting multiple targets but the main thing is that the API is event driven. The LoRa callbacks are hooked in and then handled