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Mbed 2 builds are broken (was: ff_lpc546xx: Library name 'platform' is not unique) #5887

Closed gorazdko closed 4 years ago

gorazdko commented 6 years ago

Compiling example in online compiler for target FF_LPC546XX results in error:

Error: Library name 'platform' is not unique (defined in '/extras/mbed_7130f322cb7e/TARGET_LPC546XX/mbed_lib.json' and '/extras/mbed_7130f322cb7e/TARGET_FF_LPC546XX/mbed_lib.json')

Compiling examples with mbed-os works fine.

See PR #5876 for details

0xc0170 commented 6 years ago

IS this happening only in the online compiler ? Offline all works - for instance exporting to an IDE or using mbed cli?

what is in those 2 json files? [Mirrored to Jira]

gorazdko commented 6 years ago

mbed_lib.json is:

    "name": "platform",
    "config": {
        "stdio-convert-newlines": {
            "help": "Enable conversion to standard newlines on stdin/stdout",
            "value": false

        "stdio-baud-rate": {
            "help": "Baud rate for stdio",
            "value": 9600

        "stdio-flush-at-exit": {
            "help": "Enable or disable the flush of standard I/O's at exit.",
            "value": true

        "default-serial-baud-rate": {
            "help": "Default baud rate for a Serial or RawSerial instance (if not specified in the constructor)",
            "value": 9600
    "target_overrides": {
        "EFM32": {
            "stdio-baud-rate": 115200
        "EFR32": {
            "stdio-baud-rate": 115200

I cannot compile with mbed-cli because the target name is not found which is another bug:

C:\Users\Gorazd\Desktop\mbed-os-2-fflpc546xx\mbed-error_reporduce_in_cli\mbed_blinky\mbed>mbed update 7130f322cb7e
[mbed] Updating library "mbed" to rev #7130f322cb7e

C:\Users\Gorazd\Desktop\mbed-os-2-fflpc546xx\mbed-error_reporduce_in_cli\mbed_blinky\mbed>cd ..

C:\Users\Gorazd\Desktop\mbed-os-2-fflpc546xx\mbed-error_reporduce_in_cli\mbed_blinky>mbed compile -t ARM -m FF_LPC546XX
WARNING: MBED_ARM_PATH set as environment variable but doesn't exist
usage: [-h] [-m MCU] [-t TOOLCHAIN] [--color] [--cflags CFLAGS]
               [--asmflags ASMFLAGS] [--ldflags LDFLAGS] [-c]
               [--profile PROFILE] [--app-config APP_CONFIG] [-p PROGRAM]
               [-n PROGRAM] [-j JOBS] [-v] [--silent] [-D MACROS]
               [-S [{matrix,toolchains,targets}]] [-f GENERAL_FILTER_REGEX]
               [--stats-depth STATS_DEPTH] [--automated] [--host HOST_TEST]
               [--extra EXTRA] [--peripherals PERIPHERALS]
               [--dep DEPENDENCIES] [--source SOURCE_DIR]
               [--duration DURATION] [--build BUILD_DIR] [-N ARTIFACT_NAME]
               [-d DISK] [-s SERIAL] [-b BAUD] [-L] [--rpc] [--usb] [--dsp]
               [--testlib] [--build-data BUILD_DATA] [-l LINKER_SCRIPT] error: argument -m/--mcu: FF_LPC546XX is not a supported MCU. Supported MCUs are:
ARCH_BLE,              ARCH_BLE_BOOT,         ARCH_BLE_OTA,
ARCH_GPRS,             ARCH_LINK,             ARCH_LINK_BOOT,
ARCH_LINK_OTA,         ARCH_MAX,              ARCH_PRO,
ARM_MPS2_M0,           ARM_MPS2_M0P,          ARM_MPS2_M1,
ARM_MPS2_M3,           ARM_MPS2_M4,           ARM_MPS2_M7,
B96B_F446VE,           BLUEPILL_F103C8,       DELTA_DFBM_NQ620,
DISCO_F051R8,          DISCO_F100RB,          DISCO_F303VC,
DISCO_F334C8,          DISCO_F401VC,          DISCO_F407VG,
DISCO_F413ZH,          DISCO_F429ZI,          DISCO_F469NI,
DISCO_F746NG,          DISCO_F769NI,          DISCO_L053C8,
EFM32GG_STK3700,       EFM32HG_STK3400,       EFM32LG_STK3600,
EFM32PG12_STK3402,     EFM32PG_STK3401,       EFM32WG_STK3800,
FF1705_L151CC,         HEXIWEAR,              HRM1017,
HRM1017_BOOT,          HRM1017_OTA,           K20D50M,
K22F,                  K64F,                  K66F,
K82F,                  KL05Z,                 KL25Z,
KL26Z,                 KL27Z,                 KL43Z,
KL46Z,                 KL82Z,                 KW24D,
KW41Z,                 LPC1114,               LPC11C24,
LPC11U24,              LPC11U24_301,          LPC11U34_421,
LPC11U35_401,          LPC11U35_501,          LPC11U35_501_IBDAP,
LPC11U35_Y5_MBUG,      LPC11U37H_401,         LPC11U37_501,
LPC11U68,              LPC1347,               LPC1549,
LPC1768,               LPC1769,               LPC4088,
LPC4088_DM,            LPC4330_M0,            LPC4330_M4,
LPC4337,               LPC54114,              LPC546XX,
LPC810,                LPC812,                LPC824,
LPCCAPPUCCINO,         MAX32600MBED,          MAX32620HSP,
MAX32625MBED,          MAX32625NEXPAQ,        MAX32630FTHR,
MAXWSNENV,             MCU_LPC4088,           MICRONFCBOARD,
MTS_MDOT_F405RG,       MTS_MDOT_F411RE,       NCS36510,
NRF51822,              NRF51822_BOOT,         NRF51822_OTA,
NRF51822_Y5_MBUG,      NRF51_DK,              NRF51_DK_BOOT,
NRF51_DK_LEGACY,       NRF51_DK_OTA,          NRF51_DONGLE,
NRF52840_DK,           NRF52_DK,              NUCLEO_F030R8,
NUCLEO_F031K6,         NUCLEO_F042K6,         NUCLEO_F070RB,
NUCLEO_F072RB,         NUCLEO_F091RC,         NUCLEO_F103RB,
NUCLEO_F207ZG,         NUCLEO_F302R8,         NUCLEO_F303K8,
NUCLEO_F303RE,         NUCLEO_F303ZE,         NUCLEO_F334R8,
NUCLEO_F401RE,         NUCLEO_F410RB,         NUCLEO_F411RE,
NUCLEO_F412ZG,         NUCLEO_F429ZI,         NUCLEO_F439ZI,
NUCLEO_F446RE,         NUCLEO_F446ZE,         NUCLEO_F746ZG,
NUCLEO_F756ZG,         NUCLEO_F767ZI,         NUCLEO_L011K4,
NUCLEO_L031K6,         NUCLEO_L053R8,         NUCLEO_L073RZ,
NUCLEO_L152RE,         NUCLEO_L432KC,         NUCLEO_L476RG,
NUCLEO_L486RG,         NUCLEO_L496ZG,         NUMAKER_PFM_M453,
NZ32_SC151,            OC_MBUINO,             RBLAB_BLENANO,
RO359B,                RZ_A1H,                SAMD21G18A,
SAMD21J18A,            SAMG55J19,             SAML21J18A,
SAMR21G18A,            SARA_NBIOT_EVK,        SEEED_TINY_BLE,
SSCI824,               Super_Target,          TB_SENSE_1,
TB_SENSE_12,           TEENSY3_1,             TMPM066,
TY51822R3,             TY51822R3_BOOT,        TY51822R3_OTA,
UBLOX_C027,            UBLOX_C030_N211,       UBLOX_C030_U201,
UBRIDGE,               USENSE,                VBLUNO51,
VBLUNO52,              VK_RZ_A1H,             WALLBOT_BLE,
WIZWIKI_W7500ECO,      WIZWIKI_W7500P,        XADOW_M0,
XBED_LPC1768,          XDOT_L151CC
[mbed] ERROR: "c:\python27\python.exe" returned error code 2.
[mbed] ERROR: Command "c:\python27\python.exe -u C:\Users\Gorazd\Desktop\mbed-os-2-fflpc546xx\mbed-error_reporduce_in_cli\mbed_blinky\.temp\tools\ -t ARM -m FF_LPC546XX --source . --build .\BUILD\FF_LPC546XX\ARM" in "C:\Users\Gorazd\Desktop\mbed-os-2-fflpc546xx\mbed-error_reporduce_in_cli\mbed_blinky"


FF_LPC546XX is definitely in targets.json locally and online. [Mirrored to Jira]

0xc0170 commented 6 years ago

From the log, I cannot spot FF_LPC546XX there. But looking at the sha, latest mbed 2 version - it contains this target - 😩

@theotherjimmy can you help? [Mirrored to Jira]

theotherjimmy commented 6 years ago

@gorazdko This looks like the release contains a complete mbed implementation for both LPC546xx and FF_LPC546xx. That is a bit strange, because FF_LPC546xx does not contain the key "release_version". @adbridge This seems like a release mistake, could we look into correcting it?

@0xc0170 @gorazdko I need to update the mbed 2 tools to parse the new target. I'll do that this week. After I do that, you should be able to reproduce this offline as well. [Mirrored to Jira]

0xc0170 commented 6 years ago

@gorazdko This looks like the release contains a complete mbed implementation for both LPC546xx and FF_LPC546xx. That is a bit strange, because FF_LPC546xx does not contain the key "release_version". @adbridge This seems like a release mistake, could we look into correcting it?

Good catch 👍

@gorazdko - did not have release version labeled, intentional or should be fixed? [Mirrored to Jira]

theotherjimmy commented 6 years ago

@0xc0170 Adding a release version would be a mistake as it would enforce this compiler error. [Mirrored to Jira]

gorazdko commented 6 years ago

Hi, what is the status of this ticket? [Mirrored to Jira]

screamerbg commented 6 years ago

@gorazdko @theotherjimmy The target definition for FF_LPC546XX in target.json must not inherit from LPC546XX, otherwise Mbed 2.0/Classic builds won't link due to duplicate symbols errors. E.g. due to the inheritance from existing target, both target build directories in the Mbed 2.0 release (TARGET_FF_LPC546XX and TARGET_LPC546XX) will be included, causing duplicate linker errors. I think that this is why you're seeing the mbed_lib.json errors as well, you just haven't gotten to the linker step for the duplicate linker errors. [Mirrored to Jira]

theotherjimmy commented 6 years ago

@screamerbg I looked and the FF_... does not have release version 2 attached to it. My understanding was that: therefore it should not get it's own build of mbed 2 [Mirrored to Jira]

screamerbg commented 6 years ago

The parent target has 2 and 5 release versions, therefore it gets both.

Also, we want Mbed 2 releases for this board :) [Mirrored to Jira]

gorazdko commented 6 years ago

The target definition for FF_LPC546XX in target.json must not inherit from LPC546XX

So #5876 is OK then? [Mirrored to Jira]

screamerbg commented 6 years ago

Yes. The PR is correct. You would have to wait for the next Mbed 2.0/Classic release until it starts working in the online IDE. [Mirrored to Jira]

gorazdko commented 6 years ago

Thanks! [Mirrored to Jira]

adbridge commented 6 years ago

@gorazdko Just FYI the next Mbed 2.0 release is in 2 weeks time :) [Mirrored to Jira]

ashok-rao commented 6 years ago

@theotherjimmy ..Regarding: .. looks like the issue is still reproducible in the online IDE.. have the new mbed 2.0 tools been released with this target added? Thanks. [Mirrored to Jira]

theotherjimmy commented 6 years ago

@ashok-rao While the online compiler and the mbed 2 tools are the same, I don't have to release the mbed 2 tools OR update the online compiler for that PR to take affect. [Mirrored to Jira]

theotherjimmy commented 6 years ago

I'm having trouble reproducing the error. What's the name of the FF_LPC546xx in the online compiler? [Mirrored to Jira]

ashok-rao commented 6 years ago

L-Tek FF-LPC546XX . I'm on v160 of Mbed lib and just compiling blinky on Classic (not OS 5).


[Mirrored to Jira]

gorazdko commented 6 years ago [Mirrored to Jira]

theotherjimmy commented 6 years ago

Weird, I don't see the L-Tek FF-LPC546XX. [Mirrored to Jira]

gorazdko commented 6 years ago

because the platform is not opened yet [Mirrored to Jira]

theotherjimmy commented 6 years ago

Thanks. Now I can reproduce it. [Mirrored to Jira]

theotherjimmy commented 6 years ago

Hm, No I can't. I get a "The Requested Build is not available" error. It won't let me build with 161. [Mirrored to Jira]

ashok-rao commented 6 years ago

v160 of Classic (not 161). I edited the comment earlier.. [Mirrored to Jira]

gorazdko commented 6 years ago

Note: NXP LPCxpresso54608 (LPC546XX) builds fine. Thats the platform it is clashing with. [Mirrored to Jira]

theotherjimmy commented 6 years ago

@ashok-rao version 160 contains the bug. [Mirrored to Jira]

ashok-rao commented 6 years ago

Yep @theotherjimmy, and v161 doesn't seem to build.. @adbridge .. we are facing issues with v161 of the Classic build.. can you please have a look? [Mirrored to Jira]

adbridge commented 6 years ago

@ashok-rao we don't have a v161 of mbed 2 , are you referring to the commit in the repo rather than the version in mbed-os.h ?

[Mirrored to Jira]

adbridge commented 6 years ago

So I tried it and get: Error: Library name 'platform' is not unique (defined in /extras/mbed_5571c4ff569f/TARGET_LPC546XX/mbed_lib.json' and '/extras/mbed_5571c4ff569f/TARGET_FF_LPC546XX/mbed_lib.json' which is the same as reported above.

mbed2 compiles work differently to mbed-os as I believe all the files get copied into one directory, which means any clashes will show up immediately. I don't know if this means the target inheritance on FF_LPC546XX is still wrong somehow or there is a tool issue. I don't currently know enough about how the target stuff works to help. @0xc0170 do you have any ideas on this one?

[Mirrored to Jira]

theotherjimmy commented 6 years ago

@adbridge Yes, we are referring to the commit in the repo. We can't open the mbed.h to view the version. [Mirrored to Jira]

theotherjimmy commented 6 years ago

I don't know if this means the target inheritance on FF_LPC546XX is still wrong somehow or there is a tool issue.

Actually, it means we have not made a release of Mbed 2 that included #5876 [Mirrored to Jira]

ashok-rao commented 6 years ago

Thanks both.. @adbridge .. when do you think v161 of Mbed 2 will be released with #5876 included? [Mirrored to Jira]

adbridge commented 6 years ago

@ashok-rao The next release of mbed 2 is due alongside 5.7.7 in 2 weeks time [Mirrored to Jira]

ashok-rao commented 6 years ago

@theotherjimmy @adbridge .. looks like the issue is still reproducible..

Error: Library name 'platform' is not unique (defined in '/extras/mbed_994bdf8177cb/TARGET_LPC546XX/mbed_lib.json' and '/extras/mbed_994bdf8177cb/TARGET_FF_LPC546XX/mbed_lib.json')

I tried all these revisions below: classic_versions

@gorazdko .. I'm running out of ideas for what else we can try to fix this. [Mirrored to Jira]

HarishkumarBringiramakannu commented 6 years ago

Hi @ashok-rao , I am using STM32l072 microcontroller. Now I am trying to compile DS18B20 Temperature sensor program. But I am getting the same error what you got. My error is, "Error: Library name 'platform' is not unique (defined in '/tmp/chroots/ch-2619ff6b-a6f9-4624-81ff-1ac9c3c14ea0/extras/mbed/TARGET_DISCO_L072CZ_LRWAN1/mbed_lib.json' and '/tmp/chroots/ch-2619ff6b-a6f9-4624-81ff-1ac9c3c14ea0/src/mbed-os/platform/mbed_lib.json')"

Did you clear this ? Could you say how did you clear this ? [Mirrored to Jira]

gorazdko commented 6 years ago

Hi, what is the status of this Issue? Is there anything we could do to resolve this Issue?

@adbridge @screamerbg @theotherjimmy [Mirrored to Jira]

adbridge commented 6 years ago

@gorazdko We have had some problems with making the mbed releases recently and thus it has been about 2 months since the last one. I'm currently trying to get these resolved and will try and make a new release in the next few days. Perhaps you could try again then to see if the issue has been resolved? [Mirrored to Jira]

HarishkumarBringiramakannu commented 6 years ago

@adbridge @gorazdko Thanks for your replies. So there is no other way to rectify this ?I am using online compiler. [Mirrored to Jira]

theotherjimmy commented 6 years ago

There's no way that I know of to work around this in the online compiler. My suggestion was going to be "go offline and delete some stuff from the mbed 2 directory". Sorry. [Mirrored to Jira]

adbridge commented 6 years ago

Well there is a duplication of mbed_lib.json files so how does that even happen? Surely there should only be one of these per application ?? [Mirrored to Jira]

theotherjimmy commented 6 years ago

I think the release process creates many duplicates... [Mirrored to Jira]

screamerbg commented 6 years ago

@gorazdko @adbridge Is this still an issue? At least from my perspective, this is no longer an issue about the duplicate platform definition, but rather release process issues. [Mirrored to Jira]

theotherjimmy commented 6 years ago

Just checked with the most recent mbed 2 release, it's still an issue. [Mirrored to Jira]

theotherjimmy commented 6 years ago should finish this off. [Mirrored to Jira]

adbridge commented 6 years ago

Internal Jira reference:

ruevs commented 5 years ago

Sorry for barging in on this but there is at least one more target that has the same problem in the online compiler - Xadow-M0. Here is a blinky reproducing the problem with MBED 2 rev 177:3a7713b1ebdc

The error message is:

Error: Library name 'platform' is not unique (defined in '/tmp/chroots/ch-32cf0677-917d-4063-970e-6b43474ba95e/extras/mbed/TARGET_LPC11U35_501/TOOLCHAIN_ARM_MICRO/mbed_lib.json' and '/tmp/chroots/ch-32cf0677-917d-4063-970e-6b43474ba95e/extras/mbed/TARGET_XADOW_M0/TOOLCHAIN_ARM_MICRO/mbed_lib.json')

This problem was introduced in:

Rev: 142:4eea097 10 May 2017

Release 142 of the mbed library

Ports for Upcoming Targets

Fixes and Changes

4059: [Silicon Labs] Rename targets 4187: [NCS36510] Reduce default heap size allocated by IAR to 1/4 of RAM 4225: fixed missing device_name for xDot and removed progen 4251: Fix C++11 build error w/ u-blox EVK-ODIN-W2 4236: STM32 Fixed warning related to __packed redefinition 4190: LPC4088: Enable LWIP feature 4260: Inherit Xadow M0 target from LPC11U35_501 4249: Add consistent button names across targets

theotherjimmy commented 5 years ago

Thanks @ruevs ~It's probably #4260 that did it, if I were to guess.~ Actually, that PR looks fine to me.

ruevs commented 5 years ago

I suspected #4260 as well but I am not at all familiar with the build system. The text I quoted above is just the commit message for rev. 142, there could have been other changes I first noticed this almost a year ago ( but since I was not actively using the board I did not pursue it seriously.

robin604 commented 5 years ago

issue solved??

gorazdko commented 4 years ago

issue solved??

yes, issue has been solved