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Online Compiler and ARM GCC build inconsistency? #7306

Closed cederom closed 6 years ago

cederom commented 6 years ago

Hello world :-)

I am a bit confused as I can see some inconsistency between Online Compiler and offline ARM GCC [armgcc] builds:

Any hints are welcome :-)

[armgcc] [bleuart] [eventq_ex1]

[X] Question
[ ] Enhancement
[X] Bug

I have updated the MbedOS to 5.9.1, below is the code example and the build output.. I am building with clean BUILD directory just to make sure build is clean..

(venv36) uname -a
Darwin iCeDeROM.local 17.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 17.6.0: Tue May  8 15:22:16 PDT 2018; root:xnu-4570.61.1~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64

(venv36) python --version
Python 3.6.5

(venv36) arm-none-eabi-gcc --version
arm-none-eabi-gcc (GNU Tools for Arm Embedded Processors 7-2017-q4-major) 7.2.1 20170904 (release) [ARM/embedded-7-branch revision 255204]
Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

(venv36) mbed toolchain
[mbed] WARNING: If you're using Python 3 with Mbed OS 5.8 and earlier versions, Python errors will occur when compiling, testing and exporting
[mbed] GCC_ARM

(venv36) mbed target
[mbed] WARNING: If you're using Python 3 with Mbed OS 5.8 and earlier versions, Python errors will occur when compiling, testing and exporting
[mbed] NRF52_DK
  1. Event queue example:
    #include "mbed.h"
    #include "mbed_events.h"

DigitalOut led1(LED1); InterruptIn sw(BUTTON2); EventQueue queue(32 * EVENTS_EVENT_SIZE); Thread t;

void rise_handler(void) { // Toggle LED led1 = !led1; }

void fall_handler(void) { printf("fall_handler in context %p\r\n", Thread::gettid()); // Toggle LED led1 = !led1; }

int main() { // Start the event queue t.start(callback(&queue, &EventQueue::dispatch_forever)); printf("Starting in context %p\r\n", Thread::gettid()); // The 'rise' handler will execute in IRQ context sw.rise(rise_handler); // The 'fall' handler will execute in the context of thread 't' sw.fall(queue.event(fall_handler)); }

This results in following `mbed compile` failure:

(...) Compile [ 3.7%]: SerialBase.cpp Compile [ 3.8%]: TimerEvent.cpp Compile [ 4.0%]: Timer.cpp Compile [ 4.2%]: equeue.c Compile [ 4.3%]: UARTSerial.cpp Compile [ 4.5%]: equeue_posix.c Compile [ 4.7%]: EventQueue.cpp Compile [ 4.9%]: equeue_mbed.cpp Compile [ 5.0%]: BLEInstanceBase.cpp Compile [ 5.2%]: BLE.cpp [Warning] toolchain.h@23,2: #warning toolchain.h has been replaced by mbed_toolchain.h, please update to mbed_toolchain.h [since mbed-os-5.3] [-Wcpp] Compile [ 5.4%]: DiscoveredCharacteristic.cpp Compile [ 5.6%]: mbed_shared_queues.cpp Compile [ 5.7%]: GapScanningParams.cpp Compile [ 5.9%]: Gap.cpp [Warning] Gap.cpp@138,16: 'Gap::AdvertisementCallbackParams_t::addressType' is deprecated: addressType won't work in connect when privacy is enabled; pleaseuse peerAddrType [since mbed-os-5.9.0] [-Wdeprecated-declarations] [Warning] Gap.cpp@138,16: 'Gap::AdvertisementCallbackParams_t::addressType' is deprecated: addressType won't work in connect when privacy is enabled; pleaseuse peerAddrType [since mbed-os-5.9.0] [-Wdeprecated-declarations] [Warning] Gap.cpp@138,16: 'Gap::AdvertisementCallbackParams_t::addressType' is deprecated: addressType won't work in connect when privacy is enabled; pleaseuse peerAddrType [since mbed-os-5.9.0] [-Wdeprecated-declarations] Compile [ 6.1%]: FileSecurityDb.cpp Compile [ 6.3%]: DFUService.cpp Compile [ 6.4%]: GenericGap.cpp Compile [ 6.6%]: GenericGattClient.cpp Compile [ 6.8%]: UARTService.cpp [Warning] UARTService.h@70,35: 'ble_error_t BLE::addService(GattService&)' is deprecated: Use ble.gattServer().addService(...) [-Wdeprecated-declarations] [Warning] UARTService.h@71,60: 'void BLE::onDataWritten(T, void (T::)(const GattWriteCallbackParams)) [with T = UARTService]' is deprecated: ble.gattServer().onDataWritten(...) [-Wdeprecated-declarations] [Warning] UARTService.h@109,29: 'Gap::GapState_t BLE::getGapState() const' is deprecated: Use [-Wdeprecated-declarations] [Warning] UARTService.h@148,29: 'Gap::GapState_t BLE::getGapState() const' is deprecated: Use [-Wdeprecated-declarations] Compile [ 7.0%]: GenericSecurityManager.cpp Compile [ 7.1%]: custom_helper.cpp Compile [ 7.3%]: nRF5xCrypto.cpp Compile [ 7.5%]: URIBeaconConfigService.cpp [Warning] URIBeaconConfigService.h@148,37: 'ble_error_t BLE::addService(GattService&)' is deprecated: Use ble.gattServer().addService(...) [-Wdeprecated-declarations] [Warning] URIBeaconConfigService.h@149,79: 'void BLE::onDataWritten(T, void (T::)(const GattWriteCallbackParams)) [with T = URIBeaconConfigService]' is deprecated: ble.gattServer().onDataWritten(...) [-Wdeprecated-declarations] Compile [ 7.7%]: btle.cpp [Warning] app_util_platform.h@152,0: "PACKED" redefined [Warning] btle.cpp@61,2: #warning FIXME : We can't use mbed_assert.h because we're using these within functions [-Wcpp] [Warning] btle.cpp@115,24: unused variable 'clockConfiguration' [-Wunused-variable] Compile [ 7.8%]: nRF5xPalGattClient.cpp Compile [ 8.0%]: nRF5xPalSecurityManager.cpp Compile [ 8.2%]: CellularConnectionFSM.cpp Compile [ 8.3%]: EasyCellularConnection.cpp Compile [ 8.5%]: nRF5xGattServer.cpp [Warning] app_util_platform.h@152,0: "PACKED" redefined Compile [ 8.7%]: nRF5xGap.cpp [Warning] app_util_platform.h@152,0: "PACKED" redefined [Warning] nRF5xGap.cpp@110,21: 'ble::peer_address_type_t {anonymous}::convert_identity_address(ble::pal::advertising_peer_address_type_t)' defined but not used [-Wunused-function] [Warning] nRF5xGap.cpp@89,6: 'bool {anonymous}::is_identity_address(ble::peer_address_type_t)' defined but not used [-Wunused-function] Compile [ 8.9%]: AT_CellularBase.cpp Compile [ 9.0%]: AT_CellularDevice.cpp Compile [ 9.2%]: AT_CellularInformation.cpp Compile [ 9.4%]: ATHandler.cpp Compile [ 9.6%]: AT_CellularPower.cpp Compile [ 9.7%]: AT_CellularSIM.cpp Compile [ 9.9%]: nRF5xn.cpp [Warning] app_util_platform.h@152,0: "PACKED" redefined Compile [ 10.1%]: CellularLog.cpp Compile [ 10.3%]: AT_CellularNetwork.cpp Compile [ 10.4%]: CellularUtil.cpp Compile [ 10.6%]: AT_CellularStack.cpp Compile [ 10.8%]: AT_CellularSMS.cpp Compile [ 11.0%]: QUECTEL_BC95_CellularNetwork.cpp Compile [ 11.1%]: QUECTEL_BC95.cpp Compile [ 11.3%]: QUECTEL_BC95_CellularPower.cpp Compile [ 11.5%]: QUECTEL_BC95_CellularSIM.cpp Compile [ 11.7%]: QUECTEL_BC95_CellularStack.cpp Compile [ 11.8%]: QUECTEL_BG96_CellularPower.cpp Compile [ 12.0%]: QUECTEL_BG96.cpp Compile [ 12.2%]: QUECTEL_BG96_CellularNetwork.cpp Compile [ 12.3%]: QUECTEL_BG96_CellularStack.cpp Compile [ 12.5%]: QUECTEL_UG96_CellularPower.cpp Compile [ 12.7%]: QUECTEL_UG96_CellularNetwork.cpp Compile [ 12.9%]: QUECTEL_UG96.cpp Compile [ 13.0%]: TELIT_HE910_CellularPower.cpp Compile [ 13.2%]: TELIT_HE910_CellularNetwork.cpp Compile [ 13.4%]: TELIT_HE910.cpp Compile [ 13.6%]: UBLOX_PPP.cpp [Warning] UBLOX_PPP.h@38,7: attribute ignored in declaration of 'class mbed::UBLOX_LISA_U' [-Wattributes] [Warning] UBLOX_PPP_CellularNetwork.h@40,7: attribute ignored in declaration of 'class mbed::UBLOX_LISA_U_CellularNetwork' [-Wattributes] [Warning] UBLOX_PPP_CellularPower.h@39,7: attribute ignored in declaration of 'class mbed::UBLOX_LISA_U_CellularPower' [-Wattributes] Compile [ 13.7%]: UBLOX_PPP_CellularPower.cpp [Warning] UBLOX_PPP_CellularPower.h@39,7: attribute ignored in declaration of 'class mbed::UBLOX_LISA_U_CellularPower' [-Wattributes] Compile [ 13.9%]: UBLOX_PPP_CellularNetwork.cpp [Warning] UBLOX_PPP_CellularNetwork.h@40,7: attribute ignored in declaration of 'class mbed::UBLOX_LISA_U_CellularNetwork' [-Wattributes] Compile [ 14.1%]: DeviceKey.cpp Compile [ 14.3%]: BufferedBlockDevice.cpp Compile [ 14.4%]: Dir.cpp Compile [ 14.6%]: FileSystem.cpp Compile [ 14.8%]: File.cpp Compile [ 15.0%]: FlashSimBlockDevice.cpp Compile [ 15.1%]: ChainingBlockDevice.cpp Compile [ 15.3%]: ExhaustibleBlockDevice.cpp Compile [ 15.5%]: HeapBlockDevice.cpp Compile [ 15.7%]: ReadOnlyBlockDevice.cpp Compile [ 15.8%]: MBRBlockDevice.cpp Compile [ 16.0%]: ProfilingBlockDevice.cpp Compile [ 16.2%]: ObservingBlockDevice.cpp Compile [ 16.3%]: ffunicode.cpp Compile [ 16.5%]: SlicingBlockDevice.cpp Compile [ 16.7%]: LittleFileSystem.cpp Compile [ 16.9%]: ff.cpp Compile [ 17.0%]: lfs_util.c Compile [ 17.2%]: FATFileSystem.cpp Compile [ 17.4%]: greentea_serial.cpp Compile [ 17.6%]: randLIB.c Compile [ 17.7%]: lfs.c Compile [ 17.9%]: sn_coap_header_check.c Compile [ 18.1%]: greentea_metrics.cpp Compile [ 18.3%]: sn_coap_builder.c Compile [ 18.4%]: greentea_test_env.cpp Compile [ 18.6%]: ip_fsc.c Compile [ 18.8%]: sn_coap_parser.c Compile [ 19.0%]: sn_coap_protocol.c Compile [ 19.1%]: mbed_trace.c Compile [ 19.3%]: ns_list.c Compile [ 19.5%]: common_functions.c Compile [ 19.7%]: ip6tos.c Compile [ 19.8%]: stoip6.c Compile [ 20.0%]: nsdynmemLIB.c Compile [ 20.2%]: ns_nvm_helper.c Compile [ 20.3%]: unity.c Compile [ 20.5%]: mbed-utest-shim.cpp Compile [ 20.7%]: unity_handler.cpp Compile [ 20.9%]: utest_case.cpp Compile [ 21.0%]: utest_default_handlers.cpp Compile [ 21.2%]: utest_stack_trace.cpp Compile [ 21.4%]: utest_greentea_handlers.cpp Compile [ 21.6%]: utest_shim.cpp Compile [ 21.7%]: utest_harness.cpp Compile [ 21.9%]: LoRaWANInterface.cpp Compile [ 22.1%]: utest_types.cpp Compile [ 22.3%]: LoRaMacChannelPlan.cpp Compile [ 22.4%]: LoRaWANStack.cpp Compile [ 22.6%]: LoRaMacCrypto.cpp Compile [ 22.8%]: LoRaMacCommand.cpp Compile [ 23.0%]: LoRaMac.cpp Compile [ 23.1%]: LoRaPHYAS923.cpp Compile [ 23.3%]: LoRaPHYCN470.cpp Compile [ 23.5%]: LoRaPHYAU915.cpp Compile [ 23.7%]: LoRaPHYCN779.cpp Compile [ 23.8%]: LoRaPHY.cpp Compile [ 24.0%]: LoRaPHYEU433.cpp Compile [ 24.2%]: LoRaPHYEU868.cpp Compile [ 24.3%]: LoRaPHYIN865.cpp Compile [ 24.5%]: LoRaPHYKR920.cpp Compile [ 24.7%]: LoRaPHYUS915.cpp Compile [ 24.9%]: LoRaWANTimer.cpp Compile [ 25.0%]: aesni.c Compile [ 25.2%]: LoRaPHYUS915Hybrid.cpp Compile [ 25.4%]: arc4.c Compile [ 25.6%]: mbed_trng.c Compile [ 25.7%]: aria.c Compile [ 25.9%]: asn1parse.c Compile [ 26.1%]: base64.c Compile [ 26.3%]: asn1write.c Compile [ 26.4%]: blowfish.c Compile [ 26.6%]: camellia.c Compile [ 26.8%]: aes.c Compile [ 27.0%]: certs.c Compile [ 27.1%]: cipher_wrap.c Compile [ 27.3%]: ccm.c Compile [ 27.5%]: cipher.c Compile [ 27.7%]: ctr_drbg.c Compile [ 27.8%]: cmac.c Compile [ 28.0%]: des.c Compile [ 28.2%]: dhm.c Compile [ 28.3%]: debug.c Compile [ 28.5%]: ecdh.c Compile [ 28.7%]: ecjpake.c Compile [ 28.9%]: ecdsa.c Compile [ 29.0%]: bignum.c Compile [ 29.2%]: entropy_poll.c Compile [ 29.4%]: ecp_curves.c Compile [ 29.6%]: entropy.c Compile [ 29.7%]: havege.c Compile [ 29.9%]: hmac_drbg.c Compile [ 30.1%]: gcm.c Compile [ 30.3%]: md2.c Compile [ 30.4%]: error.c Compile [ 30.6%]: md4.c Compile [ 30.8%]: md.c Compile [ 31.0%]: md5.c Compile [ 31.1%]: memory_buffer_alloc.c Compile [ 31.3%]: net_sockets.c Compile [ 31.5%]: padlock.c Compile [ 31.7%]: ecp.c Compile [ 31.8%]: md_wrap.c Compile [ 32.0%]: pem.c Compile [ 32.2%]: pk.c Compile [ 32.3%]: pkcs11.c Compile [ 32.5%]: pkcs12.c Compile [ 32.7%]: pkcs5.c Compile [ 32.9%]: oid.c Compile [ 33.0%]: pk_wrap.c Compile [ 33.2%]: platform.c Compile [ 33.4%]: platform_util.c Compile [ 33.6%]: ripemd160.c Compile [ 33.7%]: pkwrite.c Compile [ 33.9%]: rsa_internal.c Compile [ 34.1%]: sha1.c Compile [ 34.3%]: pkparse.c Compile [ 34.4%]: ssl_cache.c Compile [ 34.6%]: ssl_ciphersuites.c Compile [ 34.8%]: sha256.c Compile [ 35.0%]: sha512.c Compile [ 35.1%]: ssl_cookie.c Compile [ 35.3%]: rsa.c Compile [ 35.5%]: ssl_ticket.c Compile [ 35.7%]: threading.c Compile [ 35.8%]: timing.c Compile [ 36.0%]: version.c Compile [ 36.2%]: version_features.c Compile [ 36.3%]: ssl_cli.c Compile [ 36.5%]: x509_create.c Compile [ 36.7%]: ssl_srv.c Compile [ 36.9%]: x509.c Compile [ 37.0%]: x509_csr.c Compile [ 37.2%]: x509write_crt.c Compile [ 37.4%]: x509write_csr.c Compile [ 37.6%]: x509_crl.c Compile [ 37.7%]: xtea.c Compile [ 37.9%]: hash_wrappers.c Compile [ 38.1%]: coap_message_handler.c Compile [ 38.3%]: coap_connection_handler.c Compile [ 38.4%]: x509_crt.c Compile [ 38.6%]: coap_security_handler.c Compile [ 38.8%]: coap_service_api.c Compile [ 39.0%]: ssl_tls.c Compile [ 39.1%]: CallbackHandler.cpp Compile [ 39.3%]: LoWPANNDInterface.cpp Compile [ 39.5%]: NanostackMemoryManager.cpp Compile [ 39.7%]: MeshInterfaceNanostack.cpp Compile [ 39.8%]: ethernet_tasklet.c Compile [ 40.0%]: NanostackEMACInterface.cpp Compile [ 40.2%]: mesh_system.c Compile [ 40.3%]: nd_tasklet.c Compile [ 40.5%]: thread_tasklet.c Compile [ 40.7%]: arm_hal_random.c Compile [ 40.9%]: NanostackEthernetInterface.cpp Compile [ 41.0%]: cs_nvm.c Compile [ 41.2%]: arm_hal_interrupt.c Compile [ 41.4%]: ns_hal_init.c Compile [ 41.6%]: ns_event_loop.c Compile [ 41.7%]: nvm_ram.c Compile [ 41.9%]: event.c Compile [ 42.1%]: minar_hal_timer.cpp Compile [ 42.3%]: ThreadInterface.cpp Compile [ 42.4%]: ns_timeout.c Compile [ 42.6%]: ns_timer.c Compile [ 42.8%]: system_timer.c Compile [ 43.0%]: network_lib.c Compile [ 43.1%]: arm_hal_timer.cpp Compile [ 43.3%]: protocol_6lowpan.c Compile [ 43.5%]: protocol_6lowpan_interface.c Compile [ 43.7%]: 6lowpan_iphc.c Compile [ 43.8%]: cipv6_fragmenter.c Compile [ 44.0%]: Nanostack.cpp Compile [ 44.2%]: iphc_compress.c Compile [ 44.3%]: iphc_decompress.c Compile [ 44.5%]: lowpan_context.c Compile [ 44.7%]: beacon_handler.c Compile [ 44.9%]: mac_data_poll.c Compile [ 45.0%]: protocol_6lowpan_bootstrap.c Compile [ 45.2%]: mac_pairwise_key.c Compile [ 45.4%]: mac_helper.c Compile [ 45.6%]: mac_response_handler.c Compile [ 45.7%]: mesh.c Compile [ 45.9%]: nwk_nvm.c Compile [ 46.1%]: thread_beacon.c Compile [ 46.3%]: thread_bbr_api.c Compile [ 46.4%]: nd_router_object.c Compile [ 46.6%]: thread_border_router_api.c Compile [ 46.8%]: thread_commissioning_if.c Compile [ 47.0%]: thread_dhcpv6_client.c Compile [ 47.1%]: thread_commissioning_api.c Compile [ 47.3%]: thread_diagnostic.c Compile [ 47.5%]: thread_bootstrap.c Compile [ 47.7%]: thread_common.c Compile [ 47.8%]: thread_discovery.c [Warning] thread_discovery.c@562,50: statement with no effect [-Wunused-value] Compile [ 48.0%]: thread_lowpower_private_api.c Compile [ 48.2%]: thread_host_bootstrap.c Compile [ 48.3%]: thread_management_api.c Compile [ 48.5%]: thread_management_client.c Compile [ 48.7%]: thread_leader_service.c Compile [ 48.9%]: thread_joiner_application.c Compile [ 49.0%]: thread_management_if.c Compile [ 49.2%]: thread_mdns.c Compile [ 49.4%]: thread_meshcop_lib.c Compile [ 49.6%]: thread_net_config_api.c Compile [ 49.7%]: thread_management_server.c Compile [ 49.9%]: thread_mle_message_handler.c Compile [ 50.1%]: thread_network_data_lib.c Compile [ 50.3%]: thread_nd.c Compile [ 50.4%]: thread_network_synch.c Compile [ 50.6%]: thread_resolution_client.c Compile [ 50.8%]: thread_resolution_server.c Compile [ 51.0%]: thread_nvm_store.c Compile [ 51.1%]: thread_routing.c Compile [ 51.3%]: thread_network_data_storage.c Compile [ 51.5%]: thread_test_api.c Compile [ 51.7%]: adaptation_interface.c Compile [ 51.8%]: border_router.c Compile [ 52.0%]: icmpv6_prefix.c Compile [ 52.2%]: thread_router_bootstrap.c Compile [ 52.3%]: ipv6_flow.c Compile [ 52.5%]: icmpv6.c [Warning] icmpv6.c@1073,16: this statement may fall through [-Wimplicit-fallthrough=] Compile [ 52.7%]: icmpv6_radv.c Compile [ 52.9%]: ipv6_fragmentation.c Compile [ 53.0%]: ipv6_resolution.c Compile [ 53.2%]: mld.c Compile [ 53.4%]: ipv6.c Compile [ 53.6%]: udp.c Compile [ 53.7%]: buffer_dyn.c Compile [ 53.9%]: sockbuf.c Compile [ 54.1%]: tcp.c Compile [ 54.3%]: DHCPv6_Server_service.c Compile [ 54.4%]: mac_fhss_callbacks.c Compile [ 54.6%]: address.c Compile [ 54.8%]: ns_socket.c Compile [ 55.0%]: mac_filter.c Compile [ 55.1%]: mac_indirect_data.c Compile [ 55.3%]: mac_header_helper_functions.c Compile [ 55.5%]: mac_pd_sap.c Compile [ 55.7%]: mac_security_mib.c Compile [ 55.8%]: mac_timer.c Compile [ 56.0%]: ethernet_mac_api.c Compile [ 56.2%]: mac_mcps_sap.c Compile [ 56.3%]: sw_mac.c Compile [ 56.5%]: mac_mlme.c Compile [ 56.7%]: rf_driver_storage.c Compile [ 56.9%]: serial_mac_api.c Compile [ 57.0%]: virtual_rf_client.c Compile [ 57.2%]: virtual_rf_driver.c Compile [ 57.4%]: mle_tlv.c Compile [ 57.6%]: protocol_core_sleep.c Compile [ 57.7%]: mle.c Compile [ 57.9%]: protocol_stats.c Compile [ 58.1%]: protocol_timer.c Compile [ 58.3%]: mpl.c Compile [ 58.4%]: protocol_core.c Compile [ 58.6%]: rpl_mrhof.c Compile [ 58.8%]: rpl_objective.c Compile [ 59.0%]: rpl_data.c Compile [ 59.1%]: rpl_of0.c Compile [ 59.3%]: rpl_control.c Compile [ 59.5%]: rpl_policy.c Compile [ 59.7%]: rpl_downward.c Compile [ 59.8%]: security_lib.c Compile [ 60.0%]: eap_protocol.c Compile [ 60.2%]: pana_avp.c Compile [ 60.3%]: pana_eap_header.c Compile [ 60.5%]: pana.c Compile [ 60.7%]: pana_header.c Compile [ 60.9%]: pana_relay_table.c Compile [ 61.0%]: rpl_upward.c Compile [ 61.2%]: pana_client.c Compile [ 61.4%]: tls_ccm_crypt.c Compile [ 61.6%]: aes_mbedtls_adapter.c Compile [ 61.7%]: ccm_security.c Compile [ 61.9%]: ns_sha256.c Compile [ 62.1%]: neighbor_cache.c Compile [ 62.3%]: trickle.c Compile [ 62.4%]: shalib.c Compile [ 62.6%]: blacklist.c Compile [ 62.8%]: etx.c Compile [ 63.0%]: tls_lib.c Compile [ 63.1%]: pana_server.c Compile [ 63.3%]: channel_list.c Compile [ 63.5%]: fhss_beacon.c Compile [ 63.7%]: fhss_beacon_tasklet.c Compile [ 63.8%]: fhss_channel.c Compile [ 64.0%]: fhss_configuration_interface.c Compile [ 64.2%]: fnv_hash.c Compile [ 64.3%]: fhss_statistics.c Compile [ 64.5%]: fhss_mac_interface.c Compile [ 64.7%]: fhss.c Compile [ 64.9%]: load_balance.c Compile [ 65.0%]: fnet_poll.c Compile [ 65.2%]: ns_fnet_events.c Compile [ 65.4%]: ns_fnet_port.c Compile [ 65.6%]: fnet_stdlib.c Compile [ 65.7%]: ns_mdns_api.c Compile [ 65.9%]: mle_service_buffer.c Compile [ 66.1%]: mle_service_interface.c Compile [ 66.3%]: fnet_mdns.c Compile [ 66.4%]: mle_service_security.c Compile [ 66.6%]: nd_proxy.c Compile [ 66.8%]: pan_blacklist.c Compile [ 67.0%]: isqrt.c Compile [ 67.1%]: ns_crc.c Compile [ 67.3%]: ns_file_system.c Compile [ 67.5%]: mle_service.c Compile [ 67.7%]: whiteboard.c Compile [ 67.8%]: dhcp_service_api.c Compile [ 68.0%]: libDHCPv6.c Compile [ 68.2%]: protocol_ipv6.c Compile [ 68.3%]: libDHCPv6_server.c Compile [ 68.5%]: multicast_api.c Compile [ 68.7%]: net_6lowpan_parameter_api.c Compile [ 68.9%]: net_ipv6.c Compile [ 69.0%]: ipv6_routing_table.c Compile [ 69.2%]: net_mle.c Compile [ 69.4%]: net_short_address_extension.c Compile [ 69.6%]: net_load_balance.c Compile [ 69.7%]: net_rpl.c Compile [ 69.9%]: net_test.c Compile [ 70.1%]: EMACMemoryManager.cpp Compile [ 70.3%]: socket_api.c Compile [ 70.4%]: ns_net.c Compile [ 70.6%]: NetworkInterface.cpp Compile [ 70.8%]: NetworkInterfaceDefaults.cpp Compile [ 71.0%]: EMACInterface.cpp Compile [ 71.1%]: EthernetInterface.cpp Compile [ 71.3%]: Socket.cpp Compile [ 71.5%]: NetworkStack.cpp Compile [ 71.7%]: SocketAddress.cpp Compile [ 71.8%]: TCPServer.cpp Compile [ 72.0%]: UDPSocket.cpp Compile [ 72.2%]: TCPSocket.cpp Compile [ 72.3%]: WiFiAccessPoint.cpp Compile [ 72.5%]: OnboardCellularInterface.cpp Compile [ 72.7%]: PPPCellularInterface.cpp Compile [ 72.9%]: UARTCellularInterface.cpp Compile [ 73.0%]: mbed_critical_section_api.c Compile [ 73.2%]: nvstore.cpp Compile [ 73.4%]: mbed_flash_api.c Compile [ 73.6%]: mbed_itm_api.c Compile [ 73.7%]: nsapi_dns.cpp Compile [ 73.9%]: mbed_gpio.c Compile [ 74.1%]: mbed_lp_ticker_api.c Compile [ 74.3%]: mbed_pinmap_common.c Compile [ 74.4%]: mbed_lp_ticker_wrapper.cpp Compile [ 74.6%]: mbed_sleep_manager.c Compile [ 74.8%]: mbed_us_ticker_api.c Compile [ 75.0%]: mbed_ticker_api.c [Warning] mbed_ticker_api.c@47,22: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare] Compile [ 75.1%]: CallChain.cpp Compile [ 75.3%]: FileHandle.cpp Compile [ 75.5%]: FileBase.cpp Compile [ 75.7%]: FilePath.cpp Compile [ 75.8%]: LocalFileSystem.cpp Compile [ 76.0%]: ATCmdParser.cpp Compile [ 76.2%]: mbed_application.c Compile [ 76.3%]: mbed_alloc_wrappers.cpp Compile [ 76.5%]: Stream.cpp Compile [ 76.7%]: FileSystemHandle.cpp Compile [ 76.9%]: mbed_assert.c Compile [ 77.0%]: mbed_critical.c Compile [ 77.2%]: mbed_board.c Compile [ 77.4%]: mbed_error_hist.c [Warning] mbed_error_hist.c@39,5: implicit declaration of function 'memcpy'; did you mean 'fmemopen'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] Compile [ 77.6%]: mbed_error.c Compile [ 77.7%]: mbed_interface.c Compile [ 77.9%]: mbed_mktime.c Compile [ 78.1%]: mbed_mem_trace.cpp Compile [ 78.3%]: mbed_sdk_boot.c Compile [ 78.4%]: mbed_poll.cpp Compile [ 78.6%]: mbed_semihost_api.c Compile [ 78.8%]: mbed_wait_api_no_rtos.c Compile [ 79.0%]: mbed_rtc_time.cpp Compile [ 79.1%]: mbed_stats.c Compile [ 79.3%]: ConditionVariable.cpp Compile [ 79.5%]: mbed_retarget.cpp Compile [ 79.7%]: EventFlags.cpp Compile [ 79.8%]: Mutex.cpp Compile [ 80.0%]: mbed_wait_api_rtos.cpp Compile [ 80.2%]: Semaphore.cpp Compile [ 80.3%]: except.S Compile [ 80.5%]: mbed_rtx_fault_handler.c Compile [ 80.7%]: Kernel.cpp Compile [ 80.9%]: RtosTimer.cpp Compile [ 81.0%]: SysTimer.cpp Compile [ 81.2%]: mbed_boot.c Compile [ 81.4%]: mbed_rtx_handlers.c [Warning] mbed_rtx_handlers.c@44,18: unused variable 'tid' [-Wunused-variable] Compile [ 81.6%]: cmsis_os1.c Compile [ 81.7%]: irq_cm4f.S Compile [ 81.9%]: rt_OsEventObserver.c Compile [ 82.1%]: RTX_Config.c Compile [ 82.3%]: rtx_delay.c Compile [ 82.4%]: mbed_rtx_idle.cpp Compile [ 82.6%]: rtx_lib.c Compile [ 82.8%]: rtx_evflags.c Compile [ 83.0%]: rtx_evr.c Compile [ 83.1%]: rtx_memory.c Compile [ 83.3%]: rtx_kernel.c Compile [ 83.5%]: rtx_mempool.c Compile [ 83.7%]: rtx_mutex.c Compile [ 83.8%]: rtx_semaphore.c Compile [ 84.0%]: rtx_msgqueue.c Compile [ 84.2%]: rtx_system.c Compile [ 84.3%]: os_systick.c Compile [ 84.5%]: os_tick_ptim.c Compile [ 84.7%]: PeripheralPinsDefault.c Compile [ 84.9%]: PeripheralPins.c Compile [ 85.0%]: rtx_timer.c Compile [ 85.2%]: startup_NRF52832.S Compile [ 85.4%]: cmsis_nvic.c Compile [ 85.6%]: system_nrf52.c Compile [ 85.7%]: critical_section_api.c Compile [ 85.9%]: rtx_thread.c Compile [ 86.1%]: analogin_api.c [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@124,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@174,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@187,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 86.3%]: itm_api.c Compile [ 86.4%]: flash_api.c Compile [ 86.6%]: lp_ticker.c Compile [ 86.8%]: i2c_api.c [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.h@88,6: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.h@88,6: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.h@89,7: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.h@89,7: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.h@89,29: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.h@89,49: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.h@93,6: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.h@93,6: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.h@94,7: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.h@94,7: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.h@94,30: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.h@94,47: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@124,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@174,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@187,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 87.0%]: object_owners.c Compile [ 87.1%]: reloc_vector_table.c Compile [ 87.3%]: Thread.cpp Compile [ 87.5%]: pinmap_ex.c Compile [ 87.7%]: pwmout_api.c Compile [ 87.8%]: sleep.c Compile [ 88.0%]: trng_api.c [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@124,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@174,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@187,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 88.2%]: spi_api.c Compile [ 88.3%]: ble_radio_notification.c Compile [ 88.5%]: serial_api.c [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@124,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@174,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@187,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 88.7%]: nrf_dfu_mbr.c [Warning] nrf_log.h@54,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log_internal.h@293,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 88.9%]: us_ticker.c [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@124,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@174,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@187,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 89.0%]: nrf_sdh_ant.c [Warning] nrf_sdh_ant.c@42,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 89.2%]: nrf_fstorage_sd.c [Warning] nrf_fstorage_sd.c@43,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 89.4%]: nrf_sdh.c [Warning] nrf_sdh.c@42,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log.h@54,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log_internal.h@293,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 89.6%]: nrf_sdh_ble.c [Warning] nrf_sdh_ble.c@42,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log.h@54,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log_internal.h@293,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 89.7%]: nrf_sdh_soc.c [Warning] nrf_sdh_soc.c@42,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log.h@54,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log_internal.h@293,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 89.9%]: nrf_drv_clock.c [Warning] nrf_drv_clock.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 90.1%]: ble_flash.c Compile [ 90.3%]: boards.c Compile [ 90.4%]: nrf_drv_comp.c [Warning] nrf_drv_comp.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 90.6%]: nrf_drv_common.c [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@124,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@174,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@187,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.c@46,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.c@46,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.c@54,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log.h@54,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log_internal.h@293,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.c@75,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.c@75,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.c@75,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.c@75,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.c@91,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.c@91,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.c@91,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.c@91,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.c@111,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.c@111,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.c@127,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.c@127,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.c@254,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.c@266,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.c@278,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.c@278,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 90.8%]: nrf_ecb.c Compile [ 91.0%]: nrf_nvmc.c Compile [ 91.1%]: nrf_drv_i2s.c [Warning] nrf_drv_i2s.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 91.3%]: nrf_drv_lpcomp.c [Warning] nrf_drv_lpcomp.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 91.5%]: nrf_saadc.c Compile [ 91.7%]: nrf_drv_pdm.c [Warning] nrf_drv_pdm.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 91.8%]: nrf_drv_power.c [Warning] nrf_drv_power.c@42,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 92.0%]: nrf_drv_ppi.c [Warning] nrf_drv_ppi.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 92.2%]: nrf_drv_qspi.c Compile [ 92.3%]: nrf_drv_qdec.c [Warning] nrf_drv_qdec.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 92.5%]: nrf_drv_gpiote.c [Warning] nrf_drv_gpiote.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@124,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@174,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@187,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log.h@54,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log_internal.h@293,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 92.7%]: radio_config.c Compile [ 92.9%]: nrf_drv_rtc.c [Warning] nrf_drv_rtc.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 93.0%]: nrf_drv_pwm.c [Warning] nrf_drv_pwm.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@124,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@174,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@187,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log.h@54,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log_internal.h@293,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_pwm.c@62,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_pwm.c@490,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_pwm.c@497,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_pwm.c@504,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 93.2%]: nrf_drv_rng.c [Warning] nrf_drv_rng.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@124,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@174,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@187,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log.h@54,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log_internal.h@293,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 93.4%]: sdio.c Compile [ 93.6%]: nrf_drv_saadc.c [Warning] nrf_drv_saadc.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@124,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@174,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@187,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log.h@54,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log_internal.h@293,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 93.7%]: nrf_drv_systick.c [Warning] nrf_drv_systick.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 93.9%]: nrf_drv_swi.c [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@124,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@174,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@187,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_swi.h@66,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_swi.h@114,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log.h@54,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log_internal.h@293,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_swi.c@160,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_swi.c@170,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_swi.c@193,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_swi.c@247,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_swi.c@328,3: #warning No available SWIs. [-Wcpp] [Warning] nrf_drv_swi.c@385,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_swi.c@409,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_swi.c@422,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_swi.c@456,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_swi.c@480,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_swi.c@239,13: 'nrf_drv_swi_process' defined but not used [-Wunused-function] Compile [ 94.1%]: nrf_drv_spi.c [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@124,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@174,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@187,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log.h@54,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log_internal.h@293,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@78,6: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@78,6: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@78,42: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@78,42: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@79,6: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@79,26: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@79,46: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@83,6: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@83,6: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@83,43: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@83,43: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@84,6: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@84,23: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@84,40: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@124,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@135,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@139,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@142,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@145,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@149,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@152,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@155,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@181,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@342,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@745,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@749,10: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@749,27: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@749,27: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@757,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@761,10: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@761,27: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@761,27: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@769,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@773,10: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@773,27: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@773,27: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 94.3%]: nrf_drv_spis.c [Warning] nrf_drv_spis.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@124,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@174,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@187,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log.h@54,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log_internal.h@293,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spis.c@71,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spis.c@94,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spis.c@98,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spis.c@101,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spis.c@104,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spis.c@108,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spis.c@111,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spis.c@114,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spis.c@178,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spis.c@315,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spis.c@480,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spis.c@484,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spis.c@488,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 94.4%]: nrf_drv_timer.c [Warning] nrf_drv_timer.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 94.6%]: nrf_drv_usbd.c Compile [ 94.8%]: nrf_drv_twis.c [Warning] nrf_drv_twis.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 95.0%]: nrf_drv_wdt.c [Warning] nrf_drv_wdt.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 95.1%]: nrf_atfifo.c Compile [ 95.3%]: nrf_balloc.c [Warning] nrf_balloc.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log.h@54,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log_internal.h@293,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 95.5%]: nrf_drv_twi.c [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.h@88,6: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.h@88,6: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.h@89,7: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.h@89,7: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.h@89,29: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.h@89,49: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.h@93,6: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.h@93,6: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.h@94,7: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.h@94,7: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.h@94,30: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.h@94,47: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@124,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@174,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@187,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log.h@54,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log_internal.h@293,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.c@149,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.c@156,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.c@160,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.c@163,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.c@167,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.c@170,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.c@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.c@277,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.c@350,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.c@1260,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.c@1263,10: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.c@1263,10: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.c@1263,23: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.c@1272,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.c@1275,10: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.c@1275,10: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.c@1275,23: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 95.7%]: nrf_log_backend_rtt.c [Warning] nrf_log_backend_rtt.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log_backend_rtt.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 95.8%]: nrf_drv_uart.c [Warning] nrf_drv_uart.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@124,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@174,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@187,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log.h@54,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log_internal.h@293,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 96.0%]: nrf_log_backend_uart.c [Warning] nrf_log_backend_uart.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log_backend_uart.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 96.2%]: nrf_log_backend_serial.c [Warning] nrf_log_backend_serial.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 96.3%]: nrf_log_default_backends.c [Warning] nrf_log_default_backends.c@42,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 96.5%]: nrf_log_frontend.c [Warning] nrf_log_frontend.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 96.7%]: nrf_log_str_formatter.c [Warning] nrf_log_str_formatter.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 96.9%]: nrf_fstorage.c Compile [ 97.0%]: nrf_section_iter.c [Warning] nrf_section_iter.c@43,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 97.2%]: nrf_memobj.c Compile [ 97.4%]: nrf_strerror.c [Warning] nrf_strerror.c@42,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 97.6%]: app_error.c Compile [ 97.7%]: nrf_queue.c [Warning] nrf_queue.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 97.9%]: app_error_weak.c [Warning] nrf_log.h@54,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log_internal.h@293,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log_ctrl_internal.h@50,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 98.1%]: app_util_platform.c Compile [ 98.3%]: nrf_assert.c Compile [ 98.4%]: sdk_mapped_flags.c Compile [ 98.6%]: fds.c [Warning] fds.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] fds.c@1228,16: this statement may fall through [-Wimplicit-fallthrough=] Compile [ 98.8%]: pinmap.c Compile [ 99.0%]: port_api.c Compile [ 99.1%]: common_rtc.c [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@124,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@174,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@187,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 99.3%]: gpio_api.c Compile [ 99.5%]: rtc_api.c Compile [ 99.7%]: test_env.cpp Compile [ 99.8%]: main.cpp Compile [100.0%]: main-uart.cpp [Warning] BatteryService.h@85,38: 'ble_error_t BLE::addService(GattService&)' is deprecated: Use ble.gattServer().addService(...) [-Wdeprecated-declarations] [Warning] UARTService.h@70,35: 'ble_error_t BLE::addService(GattService&)' is deprecated: Use ble.gattServer().addService(...) [-Wdeprecated-declarations] [Warning] UARTService.h@71,60: 'void BLE::onDataWritten(T, void (T::)(const GattWriteCallbackParams)) [with T = UARTService]' is deprecated: ble.gattServer().onDataWritten(...) [-Wdeprecated-declarations] [Warning] UARTService.h@109,29: 'Gap::GapState_t BLE::getGapState() const' is deprecated: Use [-Wdeprecated-declarations] [Warning] UARTService.h@148,29: 'Gap::GapState_t BLE::getGapState() const' is deprecated: Use [-Wdeprecated-declarations] [Error] main-uart.cpp@24,88: 'UUID_UART_SERVICE' is not a member of 'GattService' [Error] main-uart.cpp@127,23: 'onDataWritten' was not declared in this scope [Warning] main-uart.cpp@130,77: 'ble_error_t BLE::accumulateAdvertisingPayload(uint8_t)' is deprecated: Use [-Wdeprecated-declarations] [Warning] main-uart.cpp@131,76: 'void BLE::setAdvertisingType(GapAdvertisingParams::AdvertisingType)' is deprecated: Use [-Wdeprecated-declarations] [Warning] main-uart.cpp@133,89: 'ble_error_t BLE::accumulateAdvertisingPayload(GapAdvertisingData::DataType, const uint8_t, uint8_t)' is deprecated: Use [-Wdeprecated-declarations] [Warning] main-uart.cpp@135,113: 'ble_error_t BLE::accumulateAdvertisingPayload(GapAdvertisingData::DataType, const uint8_t, uint8_t)' is deprecated: Use [-Wdeprecated-declarations] [Warning] main-uart.cpp@137,36: 'void BLE::setAdvertisingInterval(uint16_t)' is deprecated: Use [-Wdeprecated-declarations] [Warning] main-uart.cpp@138,26: 'ble_error_t BLE::startAdvertising()' is deprecated: Use [-Wdeprecated-declarations] [Warning] main-uart.cpp@147,26: 'void BLE::waitForEvent()' is deprecated: Use BLE::processEvents() and BLE::onEventsToProcess(). [-Wdeprecated-declarations] [ERROR] In file included from ./tmp/main-uart.cpp:10:0: ./mbed-os/features/FEATURE_BLE/ble/services/BatteryService.h: In constructor 'BatteryService::BatteryService(BLE&, uint8_t)': ./mbed-os/features/FEATURE_BLE/ble/services/BatteryService.h:85:38: warning: 'ble_error_t BLE::addService(GattService&)' is deprecated: Use ble.gattServer().addService(...) [-Wdeprecated-declarations] ble.addService(batteryService); ^ In file included from ./tmp/main-uart.cpp:8:0: ./mbed-os/features/FEATURE_BLE/ble/BLE.h:1235:17: note: declared here ble_error_t addService(GattService &service) { ^~~~~~ In file included from ./tmp/main-uart.cpp:11:0: ./mbed-os/features/FEATURE_BLE/ble/services/UARTService.h: In constructor 'UARTService::UARTService(BLE&)': ./mbed-os/features/FEATURE_BLE/ble/services/UARTService.h:70:35: warning: 'ble_error_t BLE::addService(GattService&)' is deprecated: Use ble.gattServer().addService(...) [-Wdeprecated-declarations] ble.addService(uartService); ^ In file included from ./tmp/main-uart.cpp:8:0: ./mbed-os/features/FEATURE_BLE/ble/BLE.h:1235:17: note: declared here ble_error_t addService(GattService &service) { ^~~~~~ In file included from ./tmp/main-uart.cpp:11:0: ./mbed-os/features/FEATURE_BLE/ble/services/UARTService.h:71:60: warning: 'void BLE::onDataWritten(T, void (T::)(const GattWriteCallbackParams)) [with T = UARTService]' is deprecated: ble.gattServer().onDataWritten(...) [-Wdeprecated-declarations] ble.onDataWritten(this, &UARTService::onDataWritten); ^ In file included from ./tmp/main-uart.cpp:8:0: ./mbed-os/features/FEATURE_BLE/ble/BLE.h:1579:10: note: declared here void onDataWritten(T objPtr, void (T::memberPtr)(const GattWriteCallbackParams context)) { ^~~~~ In file included from ./tmp/main-uart.cpp:11:0: ./mbed-os/features/FEATURE_BLE/ble/services/UARTService.h: In member function 'size_t UARTService::write(const void, size_t)': ./mbed-os/features/FEATURE_BLE/ble/services/UARTService.h:109:29: warning: 'Gap::GapState_t BLE::getGapState() const' is deprecated: Use [-Wdeprecated-declarations] if (ble.getGapState().connected) { ^ In file included from ./tmp/main-uart.cpp:8:0: ./mbed-os/features/FEATURE_BLE/ble/BLE.h:1056:21: note: declared here Gap::GapState_t getGapState(void) const { ^~~ In file included from ./tmp/main-uart.cpp:11:0: ./mbed-os/features/FEATURE_BLE/ble/services/UARTService.h: In member function 'void UARTService::flush()': ./mbed-os/features/FEATURE_BLE/ble/services/UARTService.h:148:29: warning: 'Gap::GapState_t BLE::getGapState() const' is deprecated: Use [-Wdeprecated-declarations] if (ble.getGapState().connected) { ^ In file included from ./tmp/main-uart.cpp:8:0: ./mbed-os/features/FEATURE_BLE/ble/BLE.h:1056:21: note: declared here Gap::GapState_t getGapState(void) const { ^~~ ./tmp/main-uart.cpp: At global scope: ./tmp/main-uart.cpp:24:88: error: 'UUID_UART_SERVICE' is not a member of 'GattService' static const uint16_t uuid16_list[] = {GattService::UUID_BATTERY_SERVICE, GattService::UUID_UART_SERVICE}; ^~~~~ ./tmp/main-uart.cpp: In function 'int main()': ./tmp/main-uart.cpp:127:23: error: 'onDataWritten' was not declared in this scope ble.onDataWritten(onDataWritten); ^~~~~ ./tmp/main-uart.cpp:130:77: warning: 'ble_error_t BLE::accumulateAdvertisingPayload(uint8_t)' is deprecated: Use [-Wdeprecated-declarations] ble.accumulateAdvertisingPayload(GapAdvertisingData::BREDR_NOT_SUPPORTED); ^ In file included from ./tmp/main-uart.cpp:8:0: ./mbed-os/features/FEATURE_BLE/ble/BLE.h:623:17: note: declared here ble_error_t accumulateAdvertisingPayload(uint8_t flags) { ^~~~~~~~ ./tmp/main-uart.cpp:131:76: warning: 'void BLE::setAdvertisingType(GapAdvertisingParams::AdvertisingType)' is deprecated: Use [-Wdeprecated-declarations] ble.setAdvertisingType(GapAdvertisingParams::ADV_CONNECTABLE_UNDIRECTED); ^ In file included from ./tmp/main-uart.cpp:8:0: ./mbed-os/features/FEATURE_BLE/ble/BLE.h:487:10: note: declared here void setAdvertisingType(GapAdvertisingParams::AdvertisingType advType) { ^~~~~~ ./tmp/main-uart.cpp:133:89: warning: 'ble_error_t BLE::accumulateAdvertisingPayload(GapAdvertisingData::DataType, const uint8_t, uint8_t)' is deprecated: Use [-Wdeprecated-declarations] (const uint8_t )"BLE UART", sizeof("BLE UART") - 1); ^ In file included from ./tmp/main-uart.cpp:8:0: ./mbed-os/features/FEATURE_BLE/ble/BLE.h:683:17: note: declared here ble_error_t accumulateAdvertisingPayload(GapAdvertisingData::DataType type, const uint8_t data, uint8_t len) { ^~~~~~~~ ./tmp/main-uart.cpp:135:113: warning: 'ble_error_t BLE::accumulateAdvertisingPayload(GapAdvertisingData::DataType, const uint8_t, uint8_t)' is deprecated: Use [-Wdeprecated-declarations] (const uint8_t )UARTServiceUUID_reversed, sizeof(UARTServiceUUID_reversed)); ^ In file included from ./tmp/main-uart.cpp:8:0: ./mbed-os/features/FEATURE_BLE/ble/BLE.h:683:17: note: declared here ble_error_t accumulateAdvertisingPayload(GapAdvertisingData::DataType type, const uint8_t data, uint8_t len) { ^~~~~~~~ ./tmp/main-uart.cpp:137:36: warning: 'void BLE::setAdvertisingInterval(uint16_t)' is deprecated: Use [-Wdeprecated-declarations] ble.setAdvertisingInterval(1000); / 1000ms; in multiples of 0.625ms. / ^ In file included from ./tmp/main-uart.cpp:8:0: ./mbed-os/features/FEATURE_BLE/ble/BLE.h:518:10: note: declared here void setAdvertisingInterval(uint16_t interval) { ^~~~~~ ./tmp/main-uart.cpp:138:26: warning: 'ble_error_t BLE::startAdvertising()' is deprecated: Use [-Wdeprecated-declarations] ble.startAdvertising(); ^ In file included from ./tmp/main-uart.cpp:8:0: ./mbed-os/features/FEATURE_BLE/ble/BLE.h:791:17: note: declared here ble_error_t startAdvertising(void) { ^~~~ ./tmp/main-uart.cpp:147:26: warning: 'void BLE::waitForEvent()' is deprecated: Use BLE::processEvents() and BLE::onEventsToProcess(). [-Wdeprecated-declarations] ble.waitForEvent(); ^ In file included from ./tmp/main-uart.cpp:8:0: ./mbed-os/features/FEATURE_BLE/ble/BLE.h:445:10: note: declared here void waitForEvent(void); ^~~~

[mbed] ERROR: "/(..._/lab/venv36/bin/python3.6" returned error code 1. [mbed] ERROR: Command "/(...)/lab/venv36/bin/python3.6 -u /(...)/lab/(...)/mbed-os/tools/ -t GCC_ARM -m NRF52_DK --source . --build ./BUILD/NRF52_DK/GCC_ARM" in "/(...) /lab/(...)"

2. Event queue type problem in offline build, while Online Compiler builds that code with no problem..



include "ble/BLE.h"

include "ble/Gap.h"

//#include "ble/services/BatteryService.h"

DigitalOut led1(LED1, 1); Thread t; Queue queue(8*EVENTS_EVENT_SIZE);

void blinkCallback(void) { led1 =! led1; }

int main() { queue.call_every(1000, blinkCallback); queue.dispatch(); return 0; }

The build results are following:

(venv36) mbed compile [mbed] WARNING: If you're using Python 3 with Mbed OS 5.8 and earlier versions, Python errors will occur when compiling, testing and exporting

Building project (...) (NRF52_DK, GCC_ARM) Scan: . Scan: env Scan: mbed Scan: FEATURE_BLE Using regions bootloader, application in this build. Region bootloader: size 0x23000, offset 0x0 Region application: size 0x5d000, offset 0x23000 Compile [ 0.2%]: mbed_tz_context.c Compile [ 0.3%]: AnalogIn.cpp Compile [ 0.5%]: BusIn.cpp Compile [ 0.7%]: BusOut.cpp Compile [ 0.9%]: BusInOut.cpp Compile [ 1.0%]: CAN.cpp Compile [ 1.2%]: Ethernet.cpp Compile [ 1.4%]: FlashIAP.cpp Compile [ 1.6%]: I2C.cpp Compile [ 1.7%]: I2CSlave.cpp Compile [ 1.9%]: MbedCRC.cpp Compile [ 2.1%]: InterruptIn.cpp Compile [ 2.3%]: InterruptManager.cpp Compile [ 2.4%]: SPISlave.cpp Compile [ 2.6%]: RawSerial.cpp Compile [ 2.8%]: TableCRC.cpp Compile [ 3.0%]: SPI.cpp Compile [ 3.1%]: Serial.cpp Compile [ 3.3%]: Ticker.cpp Compile [ 3.5%]: SerialBase.cpp Compile [ 3.7%]: Timeout.cpp Compile [ 3.8%]: Timer.cpp Compile [ 4.0%]: TimerEvent.cpp Compile [ 4.2%]: equeue.c Compile [ 4.3%]: equeue_posix.c Compile [ 4.5%]: UARTSerial.cpp Compile [ 4.7%]: EventQueue.cpp Compile [ 4.9%]: equeue_mbed.cpp Compile [ 5.0%]: BLE.cpp [Warning] toolchain.h@23,2: #warning toolchain.h has been replaced by mbed_toolchain.h, please update to mbed_toolchain.h [since mbed-os-5.3] [-Wcpp] Compile [ 5.2%]: BLEInstanceBase.cpp Compile [ 5.4%]: DiscoveredCharacteristic.cpp Compile [ 5.6%]: mbed_shared_queues.cpp Compile [ 5.7%]: Gap.cpp [Warning] Gap.cpp@138,16: 'Gap::AdvertisementCallbackParams_t::addressType' is deprecated: addressType won't work in connect when privacy is enabled; pleaseuse peerAddrType [since mbed-os-5.9.0] [-Wdeprecated-declarations] [Warning] Gap.cpp@138,16: 'Gap::AdvertisementCallbackParams_t::addressType' is deprecated: addressType won't work in connect when privacy is enabled; pleaseuse peerAddrType [since mbed-os-5.9.0] [-Wdeprecated-declarations] [Warning] Gap.cpp@138,16: 'Gap::AdvertisementCallbackParams_t::addressType' is deprecated: addressType won't work in connect when privacy is enabled; pleaseuse peerAddrType [since mbed-os-5.9.0] [-Wdeprecated-declarations] Compile [ 5.9%]: GapScanningParams.cpp Compile [ 6.1%]: FileSecurityDb.cpp Compile [ 6.3%]: DFUService.cpp Compile [ 6.4%]: GenericGap.cpp Compile [ 6.6%]: GenericGattClient.cpp Compile [ 6.8%]: UARTService.cpp [Warning] UARTService.h@70,35: 'ble_error_t BLE::addService(GattService&)' is deprecated: Use ble.gattServer().addService(...) [-Wdeprecated-declarations] [Warning] UARTService.h@71,60: 'void BLE::onDataWritten(T, void (T::)(const GattWriteCallbackParams)) [with T = UARTService]' is deprecated: ble.gattServer().onDataWritten(...) [-Wdeprecated-declarations] [Warning] UARTService.h@109,29: 'Gap::GapState_t BLE::getGapState() const' is deprecated: Use [-Wdeprecated-declarations] [Warning] UARTService.h@148,29: 'Gap::GapState_t BLE::getGapState() const' is deprecated: Use [-Wdeprecated-declarations] Compile [ 7.0%]: GenericSecurityManager.cpp Compile [ 7.1%]: custom_helper.cpp Compile [ 7.3%]: nRF5xCrypto.cpp Compile [ 7.5%]: URIBeaconConfigService.cpp [Warning] URIBeaconConfigService.h@148,37: 'ble_error_t BLE::addService(GattService&)' is deprecated: Use ble.gattServer().addService(...) [-Wdeprecated-declarations] [Warning] URIBeaconConfigService.h@149,79: 'void BLE::onDataWritten(T, void (T::)(const GattWriteCallbackParams)) [with T = URIBeaconConfigService]' is deprecated: ble.gattServer().onDataWritten(...) [-Wdeprecated-declarations] Compile [ 7.7%]: btle.cpp [Warning] app_util_platform.h@152,0: "PACKED" redefined [Warning] btle.cpp@61,2: #warning FIXME : We can't use mbed_assert.h because we're using these within functions [-Wcpp] [Warning] btle.cpp@115,24: unused variable 'clockConfiguration' [-Wunused-variable] Compile [ 7.8%]: nRF5xPalGattClient.cpp Compile [ 8.0%]: nRF5xPalSecurityManager.cpp Compile [ 8.2%]: CellularConnectionFSM.cpp Compile [ 8.3%]: EasyCellularConnection.cpp Compile [ 8.5%]: nRF5xGattServer.cpp [Warning] app_util_platform.h@152,0: "PACKED" redefined Compile [ 8.7%]: nRF5xGap.cpp [Warning] app_util_platform.h@152,0: "PACKED" redefined [Warning] nRF5xGap.cpp@110,21: 'ble::peer_address_type_t {anonymous}::convert_identity_address(ble::pal::advertising_peer_address_type_t)' defined but not used [-Wunused-function] [Warning] nRF5xGap.cpp@89,6: 'bool {anonymous}::is_identity_address(ble::peer_address_type_t)' defined but not used [-Wunused-function] Compile [ 8.9%]: AT_CellularBase.cpp Compile [ 9.0%]: AT_CellularDevice.cpp Compile [ 9.2%]: AT_CellularInformation.cpp Compile [ 9.4%]: ATHandler.cpp Compile [ 9.6%]: AT_CellularPower.cpp Compile [ 9.7%]: AT_CellularSIM.cpp Compile [ 9.9%]: nRF5xn.cpp [Warning] app_util_platform.h@152,0: "PACKED" redefined Compile [ 10.1%]: CellularLog.cpp Compile [ 10.3%]: AT_CellularNetwork.cpp Compile [ 10.4%]: CellularUtil.cpp Compile [ 10.6%]: AT_CellularStack.cpp Compile [ 10.8%]: AT_CellularSMS.cpp Compile [ 11.0%]: QUECTEL_BC95_CellularNetwork.cpp Compile [ 11.1%]: QUECTEL_BC95.cpp Compile [ 11.3%]: QUECTEL_BC95_CellularPower.cpp Compile [ 11.5%]: QUECTEL_BC95_CellularSIM.cpp Compile [ 11.7%]: QUECTEL_BC95_CellularStack.cpp Compile [ 11.8%]: QUECTEL_BG96.cpp Compile [ 12.0%]: QUECTEL_BG96_CellularNetwork.cpp Compile [ 12.2%]: QUECTEL_BG96_CellularPower.cpp Compile [ 12.3%]: QUECTEL_BG96_CellularStack.cpp Compile [ 12.5%]: QUECTEL_UG96_CellularNetwork.cpp Compile [ 12.7%]: QUECTEL_UG96_CellularPower.cpp Compile [ 12.9%]: QUECTEL_UG96.cpp Compile [ 13.0%]: TELIT_HE910_CellularPower.cpp Compile [ 13.2%]: TELIT_HE910_CellularNetwork.cpp Compile [ 13.4%]: TELIT_HE910.cpp Compile [ 13.6%]: UBLOX_PPP.cpp [Warning] UBLOX_PPP.h@38,7: attribute ignored in declaration of 'class mbed::UBLOX_LISA_U' [-Wattributes] [Warning] UBLOX_PPP_CellularNetwork.h@40,7: attribute ignored in declaration of 'class mbed::UBLOX_LISA_U_CellularNetwork' [-Wattributes] [Warning] UBLOX_PPP_CellularPower.h@39,7: attribute ignored in declaration of 'class mbed::UBLOX_LISA_U_CellularPower' [-Wattributes] Compile [ 13.7%]: UBLOX_PPP_CellularNetwork.cpp [Warning] UBLOX_PPP_CellularNetwork.h@40,7: attribute ignored in declaration of 'class mbed::UBLOX_LISA_U_CellularNetwork' [-Wattributes] Compile [ 13.9%]: UBLOX_PPP_CellularPower.cpp [Warning] UBLOX_PPP_CellularPower.h@39,7: attribute ignored in declaration of 'class mbed::UBLOX_LISA_U_CellularPower' [-Wattributes] Compile [ 14.1%]: DeviceKey.cpp Compile [ 14.3%]: BufferedBlockDevice.cpp Compile [ 14.4%]: Dir.cpp Compile [ 14.6%]: File.cpp Compile [ 14.8%]: FileSystem.cpp Compile [ 15.0%]: FlashSimBlockDevice.cpp Compile [ 15.1%]: ChainingBlockDevice.cpp Compile [ 15.3%]: ExhaustibleBlockDevice.cpp Compile [ 15.5%]: HeapBlockDevice.cpp Compile [ 15.7%]: ReadOnlyBlockDevice.cpp Compile [ 15.8%]: MBRBlockDevice.cpp Compile [ 16.0%]: ProfilingBlockDevice.cpp Compile [ 16.2%]: ObservingBlockDevice.cpp Compile [ 16.3%]: ffunicode.cpp Compile [ 16.5%]: SlicingBlockDevice.cpp Compile [ 16.7%]: ff.cpp Compile [ 16.9%]: lfs_util.c Compile [ 17.0%]: LittleFileSystem.cpp Compile [ 17.2%]: FATFileSystem.cpp Compile [ 17.4%]: greentea_serial.cpp Compile [ 17.6%]: lfs.c Compile [ 17.7%]: randLIB.c Compile [ 17.9%]: sn_coap_header_check.c Compile [ 18.1%]: greentea_metrics.cpp Compile [ 18.3%]: sn_coap_builder.c Compile [ 18.4%]: sn_coap_parser.c Compile [ 18.6%]: ip_fsc.c Compile [ 18.8%]: sn_coap_protocol.c Compile [ 19.0%]: greentea_test_env.cpp Compile [ 19.1%]: mbed_trace.c Compile [ 19.3%]: ns_list.c Compile [ 19.5%]: common_functions.c Compile [ 19.7%]: ip6tos.c Compile [ 19.8%]: stoip6.c Compile [ 20.0%]: ns_nvm_helper.c Compile [ 20.2%]: nsdynmemLIB.c Compile [ 20.3%]: unity.c Compile [ 20.5%]: mbed-utest-shim.cpp Compile [ 20.7%]: unity_handler.cpp Compile [ 20.9%]: utest_case.cpp Compile [ 21.0%]: utest_default_handlers.cpp Compile [ 21.2%]: utest_stack_trace.cpp Compile [ 21.4%]: utest_greentea_handlers.cpp Compile [ 21.6%]: utest_shim.cpp Compile [ 21.7%]: utest_harness.cpp Compile [ 21.9%]: LoRaWANInterface.cpp Compile [ 22.1%]: utest_types.cpp Compile [ 22.3%]: LoRaMacChannelPlan.cpp Compile [ 22.4%]: LoRaWANStack.cpp Compile [ 22.6%]: LoRaMacCrypto.cpp Compile [ 22.8%]: LoRaMacCommand.cpp Compile [ 23.0%]: LoRaMac.cpp Compile [ 23.1%]: LoRaPHYAS923.cpp Compile [ 23.3%]: LoRaPHYCN470.cpp Compile [ 23.5%]: LoRaPHYAU915.cpp Compile [ 23.7%]: LoRaPHYCN779.cpp Compile [ 23.8%]: LoRaPHY.cpp Compile [ 24.0%]: LoRaPHYEU433.cpp Compile [ 24.2%]: LoRaPHYEU868.cpp Compile [ 24.3%]: LoRaPHYIN865.cpp Compile [ 24.5%]: LoRaPHYKR920.cpp Compile [ 24.7%]: LoRaPHYUS915.cpp Compile [ 24.9%]: mbed_trng.c Compile [ 25.0%]: aesni.c Compile [ 25.2%]: arc4.c Compile [ 25.4%]: aria.c Compile [ 25.6%]: LoRaPHYUS915Hybrid.cpp Compile [ 25.7%]: LoRaWANTimer.cpp Compile [ 25.9%]: base64.c Compile [ 26.1%]: asn1write.c Compile [ 26.3%]: asn1parse.c Compile [ 26.4%]: blowfish.c Compile [ 26.6%]: aes.c Compile [ 26.8%]: camellia.c Compile [ 27.0%]: certs.c Compile [ 27.1%]: cipher_wrap.c Compile [ 27.3%]: ccm.c Compile [ 27.5%]: cipher.c Compile [ 27.7%]: cmac.c Compile [ 27.8%]: des.c Compile [ 28.0%]: ctr_drbg.c Compile [ 28.2%]: dhm.c Compile [ 28.3%]: debug.c Compile [ 28.5%]: ecdh.c Compile [ 28.7%]: ecjpake.c Compile [ 28.9%]: ecdsa.c Compile [ 29.0%]: bignum.c Compile [ 29.2%]: entropy_poll.c Compile [ 29.4%]: ecp_curves.c Compile [ 29.6%]: entropy.c Compile [ 29.7%]: havege.c Compile [ 29.9%]: hmac_drbg.c Compile [ 30.1%]: gcm.c Compile [ 30.3%]: md2.c Compile [ 30.4%]: error.c Compile [ 30.6%]: md4.c Compile [ 30.8%]: md5.c Compile [ 31.0%]: md.c Compile [ 31.1%]: memory_buffer_alloc.c Compile [ 31.3%]: net_sockets.c Compile [ 31.5%]: ecp.c Compile [ 31.7%]: padlock.c Compile [ 31.8%]: md_wrap.c Compile [ 32.0%]: pem.c Compile [ 32.2%]: pk.c Compile [ 32.3%]: pkcs11.c Compile [ 32.5%]: pkcs12.c Compile [ 32.7%]: pkcs5.c Compile [ 32.9%]: oid.c Compile [ 33.0%]: pk_wrap.c Compile [ 33.2%]: platform.c Compile [ 33.4%]: platform_util.c Compile [ 33.6%]: ripemd160.c Compile [ 33.7%]: pkwrite.c Compile [ 33.9%]: rsa_internal.c Compile [ 34.1%]: sha1.c Compile [ 34.3%]: pkparse.c Compile [ 34.4%]: ssl_cache.c Compile [ 34.6%]: sha256.c Compile [ 34.8%]: ssl_ciphersuites.c Compile [ 35.0%]: sha512.c Compile [ 35.1%]: ssl_cookie.c Compile [ 35.3%]: rsa.c Compile [ 35.5%]: ssl_ticket.c Compile [ 35.7%]: threading.c Compile [ 35.8%]: timing.c Compile [ 36.0%]: version.c Compile [ 36.2%]: version_features.c Compile [ 36.3%]: ssl_cli.c Compile [ 36.5%]: x509_create.c Compile [ 36.7%]: ssl_srv.c Compile [ 36.9%]: x509.c Compile [ 37.0%]: x509_crl.c Compile [ 37.2%]: x509_csr.c Compile [ 37.4%]: x509write_crt.c Compile [ 37.6%]: x509write_csr.c Compile [ 37.7%]: xtea.c Compile [ 37.9%]: hash_wrappers.c Compile [ 38.1%]: coap_message_handler.c Compile [ 38.3%]: coap_connection_handler.c Compile [ 38.4%]: coap_security_handler.c Compile [ 38.6%]: x509_crt.c Compile [ 38.8%]: coap_service_api.c Compile [ 39.0%]: ssl_tls.c Compile [ 39.1%]: CallbackHandler.cpp Compile [ 39.3%]: LoWPANNDInterface.cpp Compile [ 39.5%]: NanostackMemoryManager.cpp Compile [ 39.7%]: MeshInterfaceNanostack.cpp Compile [ 39.8%]: NanostackEMACInterface.cpp Compile [ 40.0%]: mesh_system.c Compile [ 40.2%]: ethernet_tasklet.c Compile [ 40.3%]: nd_tasklet.c Compile [ 40.5%]: thread_tasklet.c Compile [ 40.7%]: arm_hal_random.c Compile [ 40.9%]: arm_hal_interrupt.c Compile [ 41.0%]: cs_nvm.c Compile [ 41.2%]: NanostackEthernetInterface.cpp Compile [ 41.4%]: ns_event_loop.c Compile [ 41.6%]: ns_hal_init.c Compile [ 41.7%]: nvm_ram.c Compile [ 41.9%]: ThreadInterface.cpp Compile [ 42.1%]: event.c Compile [ 42.3%]: minar_hal_timer.cpp Compile [ 42.4%]: ns_timeout.c Compile [ 42.6%]: ns_timer.c Compile [ 42.8%]: system_timer.c Compile [ 43.0%]: arm_hal_timer.cpp Compile [ 43.1%]: network_lib.c Compile [ 43.3%]: protocol_6lowpan_interface.c Compile [ 43.5%]: protocol_6lowpan.c Compile [ 43.7%]: 6lowpan_iphc.c Compile [ 43.8%]: cipv6_fragmenter.c Compile [ 44.0%]: Nanostack.cpp Compile [ 44.2%]: lowpan_context.c Compile [ 44.3%]: iphc_compress.c Compile [ 44.5%]: iphc_decompress.c Compile [ 44.7%]: protocol_6lowpan_bootstrap.c Compile [ 44.9%]: beacon_handler.c Compile [ 45.0%]: mac_data_poll.c Compile [ 45.2%]: mac_response_handler.c Compile [ 45.4%]: mac_pairwise_key.c Compile [ 45.6%]: mac_helper.c Compile [ 45.7%]: nwk_nvm.c Compile [ 45.9%]: mesh.c Compile [ 46.1%]: thread_beacon.c Compile [ 46.3%]: thread_bbr_api.c Compile [ 46.4%]: nd_router_object.c Compile [ 46.6%]: thread_border_router_api.c Compile [ 46.8%]: thread_commissioning_if.c Compile [ 47.0%]: thread_commissioning_api.c Compile [ 47.1%]: thread_dhcpv6_client.c Compile [ 47.3%]: thread_diagnostic.c Compile [ 47.5%]: thread_bootstrap.c Compile [ 47.7%]: thread_common.c Compile [ 47.8%]: thread_discovery.c [Warning] thread_discovery.c@562,50: statement with no effect [-Wunused-value] Compile [ 48.0%]: thread_lowpower_private_api.c Compile [ 48.2%]: thread_host_bootstrap.c Compile [ 48.3%]: thread_management_api.c Compile [ 48.5%]: thread_management_client.c Compile [ 48.7%]: thread_leader_service.c Compile [ 48.9%]: thread_joiner_application.c Compile [ 49.0%]: thread_management_if.c Compile [ 49.2%]: thread_mdns.c Compile [ 49.4%]: thread_meshcop_lib.c Compile [ 49.6%]: thread_net_config_api.c Compile [ 49.7%]: thread_management_server.c Compile [ 49.9%]: thread_network_data_lib.c Compile [ 50.1%]: thread_nd.c Compile [ 50.3%]: thread_mle_message_handler.c Compile [ 50.4%]: thread_network_synch.c Compile [ 50.6%]: thread_resolution_client.c Compile [ 50.8%]: thread_resolution_server.c Compile [ 51.0%]: thread_nvm_store.c Compile [ 51.1%]: thread_routing.c Compile [ 51.3%]: thread_network_data_storage.c Compile [ 51.5%]: thread_test_api.c Compile [ 51.7%]: border_router.c Compile [ 51.8%]: adaptation_interface.c Compile [ 52.0%]: thread_router_bootstrap.c Compile [ 52.2%]: icmpv6_prefix.c Compile [ 52.3%]: icmpv6.c [Warning] icmpv6.c@1073,16: this statement may fall through [-Wimplicit-fallthrough=] Compile [ 52.5%]: icmpv6_radv.c Compile [ 52.7%]: ipv6_flow.c Compile [ 52.9%]: mld.c Compile [ 53.0%]: ipv6_resolution.c Compile [ 53.2%]: ipv6_fragmentation.c Compile [ 53.4%]: ipv6.c Compile [ 53.6%]: udp.c Compile [ 53.7%]: buffer_dyn.c Compile [ 53.9%]: sockbuf.c Compile [ 54.1%]: tcp.c Compile [ 54.3%]: DHCPv6_Server_service.c Compile [ 54.4%]: mac_fhss_callbacks.c Compile [ 54.6%]: ns_socket.c Compile [ 54.8%]: address.c Compile [ 55.0%]: mac_filter.c Compile [ 55.1%]: mac_header_helper_functions.c Compile [ 55.3%]: mac_indirect_data.c Compile [ 55.5%]: mac_pd_sap.c Compile [ 55.7%]: mac_security_mib.c Compile [ 55.8%]: mac_timer.c Compile [ 56.0%]: mac_mcps_sap.c Compile [ 56.2%]: ethernet_mac_api.c Compile [ 56.3%]: mac_mlme.c Compile [ 56.5%]: sw_mac.c Compile [ 56.7%]: rf_driver_storage.c Compile [ 56.9%]: virtual_rf_client.c Compile [ 57.0%]: serial_mac_api.c Compile [ 57.2%]: virtual_rf_driver.c Compile [ 57.4%]: mle_tlv.c Compile [ 57.6%]: mle.c Compile [ 57.7%]: protocol_core_sleep.c Compile [ 57.9%]: protocol_stats.c Compile [ 58.1%]: protocol_timer.c Compile [ 58.3%]: mpl.c Compile [ 58.4%]: protocol_core.c Compile [ 58.6%]: rpl_mrhof.c Compile [ 58.8%]: rpl_objective.c Compile [ 59.0%]: rpl_data.c Compile [ 59.1%]: rpl_of0.c Compile [ 59.3%]: rpl_policy.c Compile [ 59.5%]: rpl_control.c Compile [ 59.7%]: rpl_downward.c Compile [ 59.8%]: security_lib.c Compile [ 60.0%]: eap_protocol.c Compile [ 60.2%]: pana_avp.c Compile [ 60.3%]: pana_eap_header.c Compile [ 60.5%]: pana_header.c Compile [ 60.7%]: pana.c Compile [ 60.9%]: pana_relay_table.c Compile [ 61.0%]: rpl_upward.c Compile [ 61.2%]: pana_client.c Compile [ 61.4%]: tls_ccm_crypt.c Compile [ 61.6%]: aes_mbedtls_adapter.c Compile [ 61.7%]: ccm_security.c Compile [ 61.9%]: neighbor_cache.c Compile [ 62.1%]: ns_sha256.c Compile [ 62.3%]: trickle.c Compile [ 62.4%]: shalib.c Compile [ 62.6%]: blacklist.c Compile [ 62.8%]: etx.c Compile [ 63.0%]: pana_server.c Compile [ 63.1%]: tls_lib.c Compile [ 63.3%]: channel_list.c Compile [ 63.5%]: fhss_beacon.c Compile [ 63.7%]: fhss_beacon_tasklet.c Compile [ 63.8%]: fhss_channel.c Compile [ 64.0%]: fhss_configuration_interface.c Compile [ 64.2%]: fhss_statistics.c Compile [ 64.3%]: fnv_hash.c Compile [ 64.5%]: fhss_mac_interface.c Compile [ 64.7%]: fhss.c Compile [ 64.9%]: fnet_poll.c Compile [ 65.0%]: load_balance.c Compile [ 65.2%]: ns_fnet_events.c Compile [ 65.4%]: ns_fnet_port.c Compile [ 65.6%]: fnet_stdlib.c Compile [ 65.7%]: ns_mdns_api.c Compile [ 65.9%]: mle_service_interface.c Compile [ 66.1%]: fnet_mdns.c Compile [ 66.3%]: mle_service_buffer.c Compile [ 66.4%]: pan_blacklist.c Compile [ 66.6%]: mle_service_security.c Compile [ 66.8%]: isqrt.c Compile [ 67.0%]: nd_proxy.c Compile [ 67.1%]: ns_crc.c Compile [ 67.3%]: ns_file_system.c Compile [ 67.5%]: mle_service.c Compile [ 67.7%]: whiteboard.c Compile [ 67.8%]: dhcp_service_api.c Compile [ 68.0%]: protocol_ipv6.c Compile [ 68.2%]: libDHCPv6.c Compile [ 68.3%]: libDHCPv6_server.c Compile [ 68.5%]: net_6lowpan_parameter_api.c Compile [ 68.7%]: multicast_api.c Compile [ 68.9%]: ipv6_routing_table.c Compile [ 69.0%]: net_ipv6.c Compile [ 69.2%]: net_mle.c Compile [ 69.4%]: net_short_address_extension.c Compile [ 69.6%]: net_rpl.c Compile [ 69.7%]: net_load_balance.c Compile [ 69.9%]: net_test.c Compile [ 70.1%]: EMACMemoryManager.cpp Compile [ 70.3%]: socket_api.c Compile [ 70.4%]: ns_net.c Compile [ 70.6%]: NetworkInterface.cpp Compile [ 70.8%]: NetworkInterfaceDefaults.cpp Compile [ 71.0%]: EMACInterface.cpp Compile [ 71.1%]: EthernetInterface.cpp Compile [ 71.3%]: Socket.cpp Compile [ 71.5%]: NetworkStack.cpp Compile [ 71.7%]: TCPServer.cpp Compile [ 71.8%]: SocketAddress.cpp Compile [ 72.0%]: WiFiAccessPoint.cpp Compile [ 72.2%]: OnboardCellularInterface.cpp Compile [ 72.3%]: TCPSocket.cpp Compile [ 72.5%]: UDPSocket.cpp Compile [ 72.7%]: PPPCellularInterface.cpp Compile [ 72.9%]: UARTCellularInterface.cpp Compile [ 73.0%]: mbed_critical_section_api.c Compile [ 73.2%]: nvstore.cpp Compile [ 73.4%]: mbed_flash_api.c Compile [ 73.6%]: mbed_itm_api.c Compile [ 73.7%]: mbed_gpio.c Compile [ 73.9%]: nsapi_dns.cpp Compile [ 74.1%]: mbed_lp_ticker_api.c Compile [ 74.3%]: mbed_lp_ticker_wrapper.cpp Compile [ 74.4%]: mbed_pinmap_common.c Compile [ 74.6%]: mbed_sleep_manager.c Compile [ 74.8%]: mbed_us_ticker_api.c Compile [ 75.0%]: mbed_ticker_api.c [Warning] mbed_ticker_api.c@47,22: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare] Compile [ 75.1%]: CallChain.cpp Compile [ 75.3%]: FileHandle.cpp Compile [ 75.5%]: FileBase.cpp Compile [ 75.7%]: FilePath.cpp Compile [ 75.8%]: ATCmdParser.cpp Compile [ 76.0%]: LocalFileSystem.cpp Compile [ 76.2%]: mbed_application.c Compile [ 76.3%]: Stream.cpp Compile [ 76.5%]: mbed_alloc_wrappers.cpp Compile [ 76.7%]: mbed_assert.c Compile [ 76.9%]: FileSystemHandle.cpp Compile [ 77.0%]: mbed_critical.c Compile [ 77.2%]: mbed_board.c Compile [ 77.4%]: mbed_error_hist.c [Warning] mbed_error_hist.c@39,5: implicit declaration of function 'memcpy'; did you mean 'fmemopen'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] Compile [ 77.6%]: mbed_interface.c Compile [ 77.7%]: mbed_error.c Compile [ 77.9%]: mbed_mktime.c Compile [ 78.1%]: mbed_mem_trace.cpp Compile [ 78.3%]: mbed_sdk_boot.c Compile [ 78.4%]: mbed_semihost_api.c Compile [ 78.6%]: mbed_poll.cpp Compile [ 78.8%]: mbed_wait_api_no_rtos.c Compile [ 79.0%]: mbed_rtc_time.cpp Compile [ 79.1%]: mbed_stats.c Compile [ 79.3%]: ConditionVariable.cpp Compile [ 79.5%]: EventFlags.cpp Compile [ 79.7%]: mbed_retarget.cpp Compile [ 79.8%]: Mutex.cpp Compile [ 80.0%]: mbed_wait_api_rtos.cpp Compile [ 80.2%]: Semaphore.cpp Compile [ 80.3%]: except.S Compile [ 80.5%]: SysTimer.cpp Compile [ 80.7%]: Kernel.cpp Compile [ 80.9%]: mbed_rtx_fault_handler.c Compile [ 81.0%]: RtosTimer.cpp Compile [ 81.2%]: mbed_boot.c Compile [ 81.4%]: mbed_rtx_handlers.c [Warning] mbed_rtx_handlers.c@44,18: unused variable 'tid' [-Wunused-variable] Compile [ 81.6%]: cmsis_os1.c Compile [ 81.7%]: irq_cm4f.S Compile [ 81.9%]: RTX_Config.c Compile [ 82.1%]: rt_OsEventObserver.c Compile [ 82.3%]: mbed_rtx_idle.cpp Compile [ 82.4%]: rtx_delay.c Compile [ 82.6%]: rtx_lib.c Compile [ 82.8%]: rtx_evflags.c Compile [ 83.0%]: rtx_memory.c Compile [ 83.1%]: rtx_evr.c Compile [ 83.3%]: rtx_kernel.c Compile [ 83.5%]: rtx_mutex.c Compile [ 83.7%]: rtx_mempool.c Compile [ 83.8%]: rtx_semaphore.c Compile [ 84.0%]: rtx_msgqueue.c Compile [ 84.2%]: rtx_system.c Compile [ 84.3%]: os_tick_ptim.c Compile [ 84.5%]: os_systick.c Compile [ 84.7%]: PeripheralPinsDefault.c Compile [ 84.9%]: PeripheralPins.c Compile [ 85.0%]: rtx_timer.c Compile [ 85.2%]: startup_NRF52832.S Compile [ 85.4%]: cmsis_nvic.c Compile [ 85.6%]: system_nrf52.c Compile [ 85.7%]: critical_section_api.c Compile [ 85.9%]: rtx_thread.c Compile [ 86.1%]: analogin_api.c [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@124,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@174,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@187,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 86.3%]: itm_api.c Compile [ 86.4%]: flash_api.c Compile [ 86.6%]: object_owners.c Compile [ 86.8%]: lp_ticker.c Compile [ 87.0%]: i2c_api.c [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.h@88,6: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.h@88,6: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.h@89,7: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.h@89,7: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.h@89,29: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.h@89,49: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.h@93,6: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.h@93,6: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.h@94,7: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.h@94,7: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.h@94,30: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.h@94,47: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@124,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@174,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@187,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 87.1%]: pinmap_ex.c Compile [ 87.3%]: Thread.cpp Compile [ 87.5%]: reloc_vector_table.c Compile [ 87.7%]: pwmout_api.c Compile [ 87.8%]: sleep.c Compile [ 88.0%]: trng_api.c [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@124,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@174,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@187,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 88.2%]: spi_api.c Compile [ 88.3%]: ble_radio_notification.c Compile [ 88.5%]: serial_api.c [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@124,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@174,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@187,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 88.7%]: us_ticker.c [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@124,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@174,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@187,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 88.9%]: nrf_dfu_mbr.c [Warning] nrf_log.h@54,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log_internal.h@293,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 89.0%]: nrf_sdh_ant.c [Warning] nrf_sdh_ant.c@42,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 89.2%]: nrf_fstorage_sd.c [Warning] nrf_fstorage_sd.c@43,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 89.4%]: nrf_sdh_ble.c [Warning] nrf_sdh_ble.c@42,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log.h@54,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log_internal.h@293,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 89.6%]: nrf_sdh_soc.c [Warning] nrf_sdh_soc.c@42,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log.h@54,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log_internal.h@293,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 89.7%]: nrf_sdh.c [Warning] nrf_sdh.c@42,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log.h@54,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log_internal.h@293,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 89.9%]: nrf_drv_clock.c [Warning] nrf_drv_clock.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 90.1%]: boards.c Compile [ 90.3%]: ble_flash.c Compile [ 90.4%]: nrf_drv_comp.c [Warning] nrf_drv_comp.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 90.6%]: nrf_drv_common.c [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@124,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@174,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@187,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.c@46,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.c@46,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.c@54,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log.h@54,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log_internal.h@293,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.c@75,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.c@75,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.c@75,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.c@75,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.c@91,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.c@91,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.c@91,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.c@91,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.c@111,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.c@111,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.c@127,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.c@127,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.c@254,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.c@266,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.c@278,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.c@278,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 90.8%]: nrf_nvmc.c Compile [ 91.0%]: nrf_ecb.c Compile [ 91.1%]: nrf_saadc.c Compile [ 91.3%]: nrf_drv_lpcomp.c [Warning] nrf_drv_lpcomp.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 91.5%]: nrf_drv_i2s.c [Warning] nrf_drv_i2s.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 91.7%]: nrf_drv_pdm.c [Warning] nrf_drv_pdm.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 91.8%]: nrf_drv_power.c [Warning] nrf_drv_power.c@42,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 92.0%]: nrf_drv_ppi.c [Warning] nrf_drv_ppi.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 92.2%]: nrf_drv_qspi.c Compile [ 92.3%]: nrf_drv_qdec.c [Warning] nrf_drv_qdec.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 92.5%]: radio_config.c Compile [ 92.7%]: nrf_drv_gpiote.c [Warning] nrf_drv_gpiote.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@124,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@174,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@187,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log.h@54,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log_internal.h@293,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 92.9%]: nrf_drv_rtc.c [Warning] nrf_drv_rtc.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 93.0%]: nrf_drv_pwm.c [Warning] nrf_drv_pwm.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@124,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@174,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@187,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log.h@54,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log_internal.h@293,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_pwm.c@62,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_pwm.c@490,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_pwm.c@497,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_pwm.c@504,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 93.2%]: nrf_drv_rng.c [Warning] nrf_drv_rng.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@124,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@174,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@187,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log.h@54,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log_internal.h@293,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 93.4%]: sdio.c Compile [ 93.6%]: nrf_drv_saadc.c [Warning] nrf_drv_saadc.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@124,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@174,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@187,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log.h@54,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log_internal.h@293,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 93.7%]: nrf_drv_swi.c [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@124,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@174,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@187,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_swi.h@66,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_swi.h@114,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log.h@54,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log_internal.h@293,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_swi.c@160,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_swi.c@170,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_swi.c@193,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_swi.c@247,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_swi.c@328,3: #warning No available SWIs. [-Wcpp] [Warning] nrf_drv_swi.c@385,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_swi.c@409,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_swi.c@422,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_swi.c@456,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_swi.c@480,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_swi.c@239,13: 'nrf_drv_swi_process' defined but not used [-Wunused-function] Compile [ 93.9%]: nrf_drv_spi.c [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@124,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@174,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@187,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log.h@54,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log_internal.h@293,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@78,6: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@78,6: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@78,42: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@78,42: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@79,6: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@79,26: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@79,46: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@83,6: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@83,6: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@83,43: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@83,43: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@84,6: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@84,23: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@84,40: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@124,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@135,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@139,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@142,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@145,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@149,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@152,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@155,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@181,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@342,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@745,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@749,10: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@749,27: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@749,27: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@757,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@761,10: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@761,27: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@761,27: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@769,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@773,10: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@773,27: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spi.c@773,27: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 94.1%]: nrf_drv_systick.c [Warning] nrf_drv_systick.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 94.3%]: nrf_drv_spis.c [Warning] nrf_drv_spis.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@124,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@174,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@187,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log.h@54,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log_internal.h@293,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spis.c@71,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spis.c@94,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spis.c@98,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spis.c@101,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spis.c@104,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spis.c@108,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spis.c@111,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spis.c@114,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spis.c@178,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spis.c@315,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spis.c@480,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spis.c@484,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_spis.c@488,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 94.4%]: nrf_drv_timer.c [Warning] nrf_drv_timer.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 94.6%]: nrf_drv_usbd.c Compile [ 94.8%]: nrf_drv_twis.c [Warning] nrf_drv_twis.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 95.0%]: nrf_drv_wdt.c [Warning] nrf_drv_wdt.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 95.1%]: nrf_atfifo.c Compile [ 95.3%]: nrf_balloc.c [Warning] nrf_balloc.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log.h@54,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log_internal.h@293,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 95.5%]: nrf_drv_twi.c [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.h@88,6: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.h@88,6: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.h@89,7: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.h@89,7: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.h@89,29: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.h@89,49: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.h@93,6: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.h@93,6: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.h@94,7: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.h@94,7: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.h@94,30: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.h@94,47: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@124,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@174,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@187,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log.h@54,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log_internal.h@293,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.c@149,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.c@156,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.c@160,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.c@163,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.c@167,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.c@170,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.c@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.c@277,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.c@350,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.c@1260,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.c@1263,10: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.c@1263,10: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.c@1263,23: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.c@1272,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.c@1275,10: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.c@1275,10: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_twi.c@1275,23: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 95.7%]: nrf_log_backend_rtt.c [Warning] nrf_log_backend_rtt.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log_backend_rtt.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 95.8%]: nrf_drv_uart.c [Warning] nrf_drv_uart.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@124,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@174,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@187,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log.h@54,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log_internal.h@293,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 96.0%]: nrf_log_backend_serial.c [Warning] nrf_log_backend_serial.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 96.2%]: nrf_log_backend_uart.c [Warning] nrf_log_backend_uart.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log_backend_uart.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 96.3%]: nrf_log_default_backends.c [Warning] nrf_log_default_backends.c@42,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 96.5%]: nrf_log_frontend.c [Warning] nrf_log_frontend.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 96.7%]: nrf_log_str_formatter.c [Warning] nrf_log_str_formatter.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 96.9%]: nrf_fstorage.c Compile [ 97.0%]: nrf_section_iter.c [Warning] nrf_section_iter.c@43,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 97.2%]: nrf_memobj.c Compile [ 97.4%]: nrf_strerror.c [Warning] nrf_strerror.c@42,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 97.6%]: app_error.c Compile [ 97.7%]: app_error_weak.c [Warning] nrf_log.h@54,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log_internal.h@293,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_log_ctrl_internal.h@50,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 97.9%]: nrf_queue.c [Warning] nrf_queue.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 98.1%]: app_util_platform.c Compile [ 98.3%]: nrf_assert.c Compile [ 98.4%]: sdk_mapped_flags.c Compile [ 98.6%]: fds.c [Warning] fds.c@41,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] fds.c@1228,16: this statement may fall through [-Wimplicit-fallthrough=] Compile [ 98.8%]: pinmap.c Compile [ 99.0%]: common_rtc.c [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@124,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@174,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@187,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@259,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] [Warning] nrf_drv_common.h@322,1: this use of "defined" may not be portable [-Wexpansion-to-defined] Compile [ 99.1%]: port_api.c Compile [ 99.3%]: gpio_api.c Compile [ 99.5%]: rtc_api.c Compile [ 99.7%]: test_env.cpp Compile [ 99.8%]: main.cpp [Error] main.cpp@14,1: invalid use of template-name 'rtos::Queue' without an argument list [Error] main.cpp@22,2: 'queue' was not declared in this scope [ERROR] ./source/main.cpp:14:1: error: invalid use of template-name 'rtos::Queue' without an argument list Queue queue(8*EVENTS_EVENT_SIZE); ^~~~~ ./source/main.cpp:14:1: note: class template argument deduction is only available with -std=c++1z or -std=gnu++1z In file included from ./mbed-os/rtos/Mail.h:28:0, from ./mbed-os/rtos/rtos.h:34, from ./mbed-os/mbed.h:37, from ./source/main.cpp:6: ./mbed-os/rtos/Queue.h:53:7: note: 'template<class T, long unsigned int queue_sz> class rtos::Queue' declared here class Queue : private mbed::NonCopyable<Queue<T, queue_sz> > { ^~~~~ ./source/main.cpp: In function 'int main()': ./source/main.cpp:22:2: error: 'queue' was not declared in this scope queue.call_every(1000, blinkCallback); ^~~~~ ./source/main.cpp:22:2: note: suggested alternative: 'equeue' queue.call_every(1000, blinkCallback); ^~~~~ equeue

[mbed] ERROR: "/(...)/lab/venv36/bin/python3.6" returned error code 1. [mbed] ERROR: Command "/(...)/lab/(...)/lab/venv36/bin/python3.6 -u /(...)/lab/(...)/mbed-os/tools/ -t GCC_ARM -m NRF52_DK --source . --build ./BUILD/NRF52_DK/GCC_ARM" in "/(..)/lab/(...)"

ciarmcom commented 6 years ago

ARM Internal Ref: MBOTRIAGE-882

cederom commented 6 years ago

Update: BLE + UART + nRF52 now builds in Online Compiler, I had to update all internal components/libraries by hand one by one..

Still I am experiencing offline build issues with Queue type and BatteryService..

cederom commented 6 years ago

Okay, the problem is with my local setup: mbed scans recursively for *.cpp files from the top level directory.. and it found some invalid code in tmp directory that I have created for garbage.. after removing all tmp/ problem is gone.. sorry :-)

How can I make mbed only search for source files in a given specific directory?

I have this module.json top level:

  "name": "(...)",
  "version": "1",
  "description": "(...)",
  "author": "(...)",
  "license": "(...)",
  "dependencies": {
    "ble": "^2.0.0"
  "targetDependencies": {},
  "bin": "./source"

and this source.lib:


But I nowhere set the tmp/ to be part of the build..

0xc0170 commented 6 years ago

Use this to ignore folders/files

0xc0170 commented 6 years ago

And I assume the question above is answered and this issue can be closed , or?

cederom commented 6 years ago

Thank you @0xc0170, that does the job :-) I thought mbed will only build sources from the configuration locations list, but the logic is opposite here I need to specify which files not to build.. thank you! :-)