ARMmbed / sal-stack-nanostack

IPv6+6LoWPAN+Thread stack for mbed OS.
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Thread Test harness failure with ARM as DUT #32

Closed ganguricharishma closed 7 years ago

ganguricharishma commented 7 years ago

Hi, I had connected 3 ARM devices with 1 ARM as DUT(Leader Role). Harness version - Thread Test Harness V1.1 Beta v1.0 Reference devices and their firmware: ARM :( NXP FRDM-K64F with Firefly 6LoWPAN shield) and Firmware : mbed-client-cliapp_16_11_04.bin

Observed some Failure cases. Can anyone figure out the issue of failure? Harness reports are attached for reference. Leader__2017_07_27-18_15_01.pdf

ciarmcom commented 7 years ago

ARM Internal Ref: ONME-3155

deepakvenugopal commented 7 years ago

@ganguricharishma thanks for reporting this issue. Could you please report Thread harness related issues to the Thread Group JIRA pages?

TuomoHautamaki commented 7 years ago

Set to closed as Thread Harness issues need to be reported to the Thread Group JIRA