Closed ganguricharishma closed 7 years ago
ARM Internal Ref: ONME-3155
@ganguricharishma thanks for reporting this issue. Could you please report Thread harness related issues to the Thread Group JIRA pages?
Set to closed as Thread Harness issues need to be reported to the Thread Group JIRA
Hi, I had connected 3 ARM devices with 1 ARM as DUT(Leader Role). Harness version - Thread Test Harness V1.1 Beta v1.0 Reference devices and their firmware: ARM :( NXP FRDM-K64F with Firefly 6LoWPAN shield) and Firmware : mbed-client-cliapp_16_11_04.bin
Observed some Failure cases. Can anyone figure out the issue of failure? Harness reports are attached for reference. Leader__2017_07_27-18_15_01.pdf