While we are waiting for Daoud to send us which additional items need to be anonymized:
[x] Robel to complete #36
[x] Robel to create #35
[x] Daoud to have someone from his end fill in the JSON file additional items he wants us to anonymize? We need Daoud or Michelle to tell us if it is sensitive and if we should explore ways to anonymize the data (not just the metadata). NBCC has sent the modified .json file. For xx_nbcc_family_records.tsv, instead of anonymizing year_of_death, can we use age_at_death by subtracting year_of_birth from year_of_death? This will allow us to retain the survival information.
[X] Lori to create a simple google form for now (#26)
[x] Once the GW GUI is ready for access with the trial data from breastcancer.org Lori to talk with Nichole and get Cu Nguyen (cun@mail.nih.gov) a GW email.
[x] Once Robel finishes the anonymization. We need Michelle to approve it. And we need to record her approval.
[x] We need to add Daoud as an authenticated user of the data.
[ ] #62
[ ] Once Daoud has access, Robel will give NBCC data access to Daoud with a decryption key.
This will allow us to make sure the process I am proposing will work. In the future this process will be more streamlined by using additional technology we are developing with ARPA-H and allowing hosting of your full data.
While we are waiting for Daoud to send us which additional items need to be anonymized:
This will allow us to make sure the process I am proposing will work. In the future this process will be more streamlined by using additional technology we are developing with ARPA-H and allowing hosting of your full data.