I think that the stack overflow is raised when too many error are raised.
cannot find variable with bcode=B25193, level=265,1,-,-, trange=254,0,0
cannot find variable with bcode=B13212, level=103,2000,-,-, trange=1,0,900
cannot find variable with bcode=B25025, level=265,1,-,-, trange=254,0,0
cannot find variable with bcode=B25192, level=265,1,-,-, trange=254,0,0
cannot find variable with bcode=B25193, level=265,1,-,-, trange=254,0,0
cannot find variable with bcode=B13212, level=103,2000,-,-, trange=1,0,900
Lua error while filtering variables: [string "return function(q, l) res = {} for idx,item in pairs(l) do found = true for k, v in pairs(q) do if (item[k] ~= v) then found = false break end end if (found) then table.insert(res,idx) end end return res end"]:1: stack overflow
I think that the stack overflow is raised when too many error are raised.