Full pipeline for the ARTD
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Feature/move from arusdriverless ros #2

Closed MarianodelRio closed 2 years ago

MarianodelRio commented 2 years ago

This is a branch to move all packages developed last year. It contains a common package to build all missions and messages of ROS system, a planning node to build trajectory with cones using delaunay triangulation, a control node to track the route via pure pursuit algorithm to control steering and PID controller to accelerator and fssim interface to be able to use Fssim simulator with our ROS system, transforming topics and drawing route.

Joroba3 commented 2 years ago

As with the other branch, the merge will be forced despite all actions failing. This is however expected since there aren't any pytest tests yet. No checks of the correct functioning are performed either, as this branch just pretends to migrate between repositories.