ARiisgaard / Thesis

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Measurement of ongoing performance #32

Open ARiisgaard opened 4 years ago

ARiisgaard commented 4 years ago

Google Lighthouse, which I am using for the measurement of performance is only measuring the performance for loading the page. I would like to also measure the performance while using the site.

I was considering measuring this in two ways:

Im struggling a bit with providing a context for these times. As a user it is easy to feel that 6 seconds to load new tileset seems like a lifetime

Do you have an idea of what the numbers could be compared with or some other means of providing context?

I could compare it with the time it would take to achieve the same in QGIS, I considered comparing with the results which Sarah gets, but her measurement is counting the time to zoom from the extent of the world to the extent of Cairo. Replicating her test in my program require me to run gdal2tiles for the entire world, which would not finish before the handin date

crstn commented 4 years ago

Have you been able to load the tiles in QGIS? Then the comparison could make sense. I think it will be hard to find something "fair" to compare to, though. One of the bottlenecks is that you have the server and client running on the same computer. Moreover, if you had the tiles served through multiple subdomains, the client could load multiple tiles at once (now it is only loading one at a time, a limitation of the HTTP protocol). These are all considerations for the discussion, of course.

ARiisgaard commented 4 years ago

I never got QGIS to load the tiles as tiles - it can get them individually, but setup in the tile grid doesn't work, so I'll skip on the comparison

Is using multiple subdomains the same as domain sharding? Because if that is the case, then the mentioned limitation is only relevant for HTTP/1 and not HTTP/2: "HTTP2 supports unlimited concurrent requests making domain sharding an obsolete requirement when HTTP/2 is enabled"

Since I use HTTP/2, I would already have the advantages, which multiple subdomains would provide?

crstn commented 4 years ago

Yes, that’s the same. I didn’t know that HTTP 2 doesn’t have that limitation any more. Good to know! Then you are right that it doesn’t make sense, of course.