AS-Devs / signalr_flutter

A flutter plugin for .net SignalR client.
MIT License
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Not supporting MULTIPLE HUBs #17

Open pravinbhole1 opened 3 years ago

pravinbhole1 commented 3 years ago

when we are connecting to multiple hubs it is only remembering the recent object initialised . Instead of invoking method of first hub it is checking for the same method on recent hub.

AyonAB commented 3 years ago

Have you tried the pre-release version?

AyonAB commented 3 years ago

This issue has been addressed in latest pre-release version. Will reopen this issue if problem persists.

pravinbhole1 commented 3 years ago

hub1 and hub2 are created and the method of hub1 invoked then this issue occurs.... " method could not be resolved. No method found with that name"

if the same hubs are swapped hub2 created first and hub1 after it then the same method works fine

because dependency remembers latest initialized hub only for invoke

17 @AyonAB

AyonAB commented 3 years ago

Ok, I misunderstood your issue previously, Sorry for that.

Currently you can connect to only one Hub. Multiple Hubs not supported yet.

I'll try to solve this issue in the next stable update after 0.1.0.