ASCENDynamics-NFP / AscendCoopPlatform

An open-source collaboration platform for worker-owned cooperatives, nonprofits, and private organizations, built with Ionic and Firebase, to foster growth, real-time data-driven decision-making, and address basic human needs through community-based solutions.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Feature #1.2 - Group Creation and Organizational Structuring #198

Open Nyero2023 opened 5 months ago

Nyero2023 commented 5 months ago


The Group Creation and Organizational Structuring functionality empowers users to seamlessly establish and manage groups, fostering a structured and collaborative environment. This feature enables the effortless creation of diverse groups tailored to specific project requirements and community or organizational goals. Users can efficiently organize and allocate tasks, streamline communication, and enhance productivity by customizing group structures to align with their unique workflow.

User Story:

As a group admin, I want to be able to create groups and organize them within a structured hierarchy so that I can efficiently manage team collaboration and communication.

Acceptance Criteria:

Edge Cases

Technical Requirements (if applicable):

List any technical requirements or specifications for this feature. Include details like APIs, data models, or architectural considerations.

Design Specifications:

Attach or link to any design mockups, wireframes, or UI/UX specifications related to this feature.


List any dependencies that this feature story has on other tasks, user stories, or Epics.

Resources Needed:

Related Issues/Epics:


Add any additional notes or comments that can provide more context to the team members working on this feature story.

quakermiss commented 5 months ago

Hi @Nyero2023! This is my first attempt at using GitHub, so please allow me a bit of leniency as I try to understand the purpose of a Feature.

Will this ticket be used to track the development through testing/implementation for everything listed under this feature? And, QA would be expected to test everything listed under the Acceptance Criteria and Edge Cases under this one ticket?

Nyero2023 commented 5 months ago

Hi @Nyero2023! This is my first attempt at using GitHub, so please allow me a bit of leniency as I try to understand the purpose of a Feature.

Will this ticket be used to track the development through testing/implementation for everything listed under this feature? And, QA would be expected to test everything listed under the Acceptance Criteria and Edge Cases under this one ticket?

Hi @quakermiss! It's alright, I totally understand.

Yeah, this ticket will be used to track the development of this feature. The QA team is expected to test everything listed under the AC and Edge Cases, but in case I miss an important task or anything related to the QA team, please feel free to add or bring it to my notice. Thank you!

quakermiss commented 5 months ago

Thanks, @Nyero2023 thanks for the clarification. You have done an excellent job in fleshing out this feature! From a testing standpoint, may I make a suggestion? Imho, categorically, we need to break down large features such as these into individual subtasks.

My concern is that testing and notes may become unmanageable and confusing quickly. This also will allow different testers to test pieces of extensive features, and potentially the same on the dev side: have multiple devs working concurrently.

Please review this document for details of how I'd break down this feature into 19 sub-tasks or tickets (not sure what we'd call them?).

Acceptance Criteria:

Edge Cases:

Please let me know if I'm off base or if we need to have a brainstorming session(s) to ensure we're all (QAs, PMs, UX/UI, devs, and Graphic Designers).

quakermiss commented 5 months ago

@Nyero2023 The links did not work due to my lack of experience with this tool. UPDATE: I figured out there are reserved characters, which I have now fixed. The link works now. Listed below, too.

^^^ Please see the Shared/Quality Assurance folder Feature 1.2 - Group Creation and Organizational Structuring 198 doc


Nyero2023 commented 5 months ago

@quakermiss Well!! I understand what you are saying here. if we are to treat each of the subtasks as issues or tickets, that means we will have a total of 19 issues to create, which is a lot to track and manage. I'm thinking of using a checklist format where the team can tick off any subtasks they've worked on or completed tests on, does it make any sense? Which other better way can we track the subtasks related to feature 1.2 and other features?

I will be using the doc as a guide to create these subtasks.

quakermiss commented 5 months ago

@Nyero2023 Thanks for your feedback! It does make sense from the Project Manager's point of view. However, from a testing standpoint, checking off a box to show that something has been tested is not standard operating procedure. There's a lot more to testing than that.

For example, when something fails (and it often does on a new project multiple times), there are repro steps, screenshots, and other information, such as OS and browser version, so the dev can delve into the issue(s).

Maybe I'm being overly concerned or perhaps this project does not need the level of detail I'm used to providing?

I think it would be prudent to have the key players talk about what the requirements and expectations are, at least from a testing standpoint. If only a checkbox is needed, then maybe my concern is a moot point. Thoughts?

Nyero2023 commented 5 months ago

@quakermiss Okay, I see! As you mentioned, let's have every key stakeholder meet to discuss and brainstorm on this topic. Tomorrow would be great. From what you just said, I think there may be a need to create a QA project or a separate board for the QA team since your work involves so many details.

quakermiss commented 5 months ago

@Nyero2023 I am definitely amenable to whatever the team feels is necessary. The sooner the better so we're all on the same page to avoid rework.

I'm available tomorrow and/or mostly through the 31st. I'm thinking @mufniarz would need to set up a special Zoom meeting and invite the specific key players? Maybe we can chat in board-of-advisors in Slack to coordinate. Whatever works best for everyone. Thanks!

Nyero2023 commented 5 months ago

@quakermiss Okay! That sounds good. I hope Marcin can follow our chat on here.

Maybe I didn't mention it to you when responding to your messages, but Marcin and I discussed that the Group Creation for this feature will be the focus for now, and the other part which is the Organizational Structuring will be attended to later, I think it would be a lot of work to implement the Organizational Structuring functionality from a research, product, dev and design standpoint. Just decided to share this. I am looking forward to the brainstorming session with key players or stakeholders though.

mufniarz commented 5 months ago

@Nyero2023 @quakermiss Can we move these types of discussions to Slack. It's just easier to keep everyone in the loop, as not everyone gets notified when you're commenting on a specific ticket. Moreover this comment thread should be specific to this ticket and not the our process. I'm going to move this conversation to Slack. Thanks all!