ASCENDynamics-NFP / AscendCoopPlatform

An open-source collaboration platform for worker-owned cooperatives, nonprofits, and private organizations, built with Ionic and Firebase, to foster growth, real-time data-driven decision-making, and address basic human needs through community-based solutions.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Feature #1.4 - Application User Guide (onboarding) #229

Open Anirudh19991 opened 6 months ago

Anirudh19991 commented 6 months ago

Description: This Application User Guide is intended to introduce the platform to the new users, and should be the first prompt they receive once they are on the platform. It should ideally be a document which is maximally 2 pages long (to retain interest), or a series of prompts which allow them to experience the features of the platform. It should highlight the main features of the application, and is extremely instrumental in enhancing user onboarding.

User Story: As a Member of an Organisation / Individual User who is NEW to the Platform, I want to understand the features and how to best use the application, so that I can understand how to best maximise the VALUE OBTAINED from the application..

Acceptance Criteria: List the criteria that define when the feature story is completed. What conditions must be met for this feature to be considered done?

  1. A USER JOURNEY experience mapped out
  2. Additional useful features to be shown
  3. Link to social media (ASCENDYNAMICS FB / LinkedIn etc.)
  4. Q&A prompt => For us to respond within 5 working days

To build an effective application onboarding guide, you would typically need the following technical features:

  1. User Authentication:

    • Ability for users to create accounts.
    • Secure login functionality (e.g., username/password, social media login, two-factor authentication).
  2. User Profile Management:

    • Capability for users to update their profile information.
    • Option to upload a profile picture or avatar.
    • Settings for personal preferences (e.g., notification preferences).
  3. Interactive Tutorials or Walkthroughs:

    • Creation and management of step-by-step tutorials or walkthroughs.
    • Ability to customize tutorials based on user roles or preferences.
    • Support for multimedia content (e.g., text, images, videos) within tutorials.
  4. Progress Tracking:

    • Mechanism to track user progress through the onboarding process.
    • Visualization of completed steps and remaining tasks.
    • Option for users to revisit or skip specific steps if needed.
  5. Feedback Collection:

    • Integration of feedback forms or surveys to gather user input.
    • Ability to collect feedback at various stages of the onboarding process.
    • Analytics dashboard to analyze and interpret user feedback data.
  6. In-App Messaging or Support:

    • Chat or messaging functionality for users to ask questions or seek assistance.
    • Integration with support ticketing systems for more complex inquiries.
    • Automated responses or chatbots to provide instant assistance where possible.
  7. Mobile Responsiveness:

    • Design and development of a responsive user interface suitable for both desktop and mobile devices.
    • Support for various screen sizes, orientations, and input methods (touch, keyboard, mouse).
  8. Localization and Internationalization:

    • Support for multiple languages and locales to accommodate global users.
    • Infrastructure for translating and managing localized content within the onboarding guide.
  9. Integration with Analytics Tools:

    • Integration with analytics platforms to monitor user behavior and engagement.
    • Tracking of key metrics such as user retention, completion rates, and drop-off points.
  10. Customization and Scalability:

    • Flexibility to customize the onboarding guide based on the specific needs of different user segments or client applications.
    • Scalable architecture to accommodate growth in user base and content complexity over time.

By incorporating these technical features, you can create a comprehensive and user-friendly onboarding guide that helps users navigate your application smoothly and efficiently.

Building an application onboarding guide involves various roles and resources across different stages of development. Here's a breakdown of the key roles and resources needed:

  1. Project Manager/Scrum Master:

    • Responsible for overall project planning, scheduling, and coordination.
    • Ensures that the project stays on track and meets deadlines.
    • Facilitates communication and collaboration among team members.
  2. Product Owner/Client Representative:

    • Represents the client or end-users and defines the requirements and priorities for the onboarding guide.
    • Works closely with the development team to ensure that the product meets the client's expectations.
  3. UI/UX Designer:

    • Designs the user interface and user experience of the onboarding guide.
    • Creates wireframes, mockups, and prototypes to visualize the design concepts.
    • Ensures that the design is intuitive, accessible, and aligned with the target audience's needs.
  4. Frontend Developer:

    • Implements the UI/UX design using frontend technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
    • Builds interactive elements, animations, and responsive layouts for the onboarding guide.
    • Collaborates with the backend team to integrate frontend components with backend services.
  5. Backend Developer:

    • Develops the backend infrastructure and business logic of the onboarding guide.
    • Implements user authentication, profile management, and data storage functionalities.
    • Integrates with third-party services, databases, and APIs as needed.
  6. Database Administrator:

    • Designs and manages the database schema for storing user profiles, preferences, and other application data.
    • Ensures data integrity, security, and scalability of the database system.
    • Performs database optimization and tuning for improved performance.
  7. Content Creator/Copywriter:

    • Creates written content for the onboarding guide, including tutorial steps, tooltips, error messages, and help documentation.
    • Ensures that the language is clear, concise, and user-friendly.
    • Collaborates with the UI/UX designer to incorporate text into the interface design.
  8. Quality Assurance/Test Engineer:

    • Develops test plans and test cases to verify the functionality, usability, and performance of the onboarding guide.
    • Conducts manual and automated testing to identify bugs, issues, and inconsistencies.
    • Works closely with the development team to resolve defects and ensure product quality.
  9. DevOps Engineer:

    • Sets up and maintains the development, staging, and production environments for the onboarding guide.
    • Implements continuous integration and deployment pipelines for automated build, test, and deployment processes.
    • Monitors system performance, scalability, and security, and implements necessary improvements.
  10. Technical Writer/Documentation Specialist:

    • Creates technical documentation for developers, administrators, and end-users of the onboarding guide.
    • Documents system architecture, API specifications, installation instructions, and troubleshooting guides.
    • Ensures that the documentation is accurate, comprehensive, and up-to-date.
  11. Project Stakeholders:

    • Includes executives, investors, or other stakeholders who have a vested interest in the success of the onboarding guide.
    • Provide guidance, feedback, and approvals throughout the development process.
    • Help prioritize features and allocate resources based on business objectives.
  12. External Resources:

    • May include freelancers, consultants, or third-party vendors who provide specialized expertise or services.
    • Examples include graphic designers, security consultants, localization experts, and usability testers.

By assembling a diverse team with the necessary skills and expertise, and leveraging appropriate resources, you can effectively plan, develop, and deliver an application onboarding guide that meets the needs of your users and stakeholders.

mufniarz commented 6 months ago

@Anirudh19991 We can discuss this, but I don't think we're creating a User Guide, I think we need to put this information on a Landing Page. We'll need the landing page anyway, and we need to build out features for us to be able to create a guide for them. I don't think anything we have currently is complicated enough to demand a guide.