Closed elendil-software closed 6 years ago
Hi Julien,
To cross check this I've just run Conform through a Remote Client camera driver to an instance of the Remote Server and it passed OK including returning ImageArray ImageArrayVariant so I'm wondering whether this is in some way related to the way the server is interacting with your network.
Please can you help me with some more information.
Thanks, Peter
I think I have found why it didn't work. I was trying with Postman ( And it looks like it limit the size of the returned data. I think we can close this issue. I tried again from TheSkyX and it works
The problem is there again, even with TheSkyX Here are logs and screenshot of configuration dialogs :
Hi Julien,
Thanks for the logs, you are clearly in one of the French locales but I can't tell exactly from the log files. In case this is a locale based issue I've created a test environment, based on the French(France) locale, to see if I can reproduce what you are seeing but ASCOM Remote runs fine in that environment.
I'm using Conform as the test client because it exercises every device method call and is well hardened to deal with misbehaving drivers. I suggest that we try and synchronise application versions and test methodology as a first step in getting to the bottom of this issue.
Here is what I suggest:
Hopefully this will work with no errors.
If there are issues please can you post the Conform log, remote server and client logs.
Please can you also run the Platform Diagnostics application that you will find in Start / ASCOM Platform 6 and also post the log from this.
Regards, Peter
Hi Julien,
Thanks for the logs, I'll go through them in detail to see if I can figure out what is going on and will set up a Swiss locale test environment. Its possible that this is happening because the drivers are now running in separate threads, this is a new feature that I recently added.
Please can you test whether the problem still exists when the drivers run on the main thread by unchecking the "Run drivers in separate threads" checkbox in the server configuration screen and retesting.
I couldn't see the Diagnostics log in your last ZIP file, I'd appreciate it if you can you also post this.
Many thanks, Peter
Hi Julien,
One more thought, do you have the "Log Responses" checkbox checked on the main server screen? If so, please can you try a test with it unchecked, it may be that the list box is unhappy with the characters being logged from your Swiss locale.
Regards, Peter
Hi Julien,
I've been able to reproduce the issue here now, it occurs only when "Log Responses" is enabled, I'll check this through tomorrow and let you have a fixed version. This was working OK but has clearly broken at some point, as you can tell, I don't usually log the JSON responses!
Regards, Peter
I confirm, it works when Log Responses is disabled
Regards Julien
Hi Julien,
That's good news! I've attached a new version that should now work with Log Responses enabled.
The cause of the issue was that the 1.8Mb ImageArray JSON response was more than the status text box could handle. I've now truncated displayed JSON responses to 500 characters and all seems to be well.
Please let me know how you get on.
Regards, Peter
Perfect ! Thanks
Great good news Julien!
Regards, Peter
When I try to call /api/v1/Camera/0/ImageArray the app freeze (Not Responding). I tried with the versions 1.0.1 and 1.1. I tried with my QSI Camera and with the simulator.
Here is the log :