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Askbot sets TINYMCE_URL, but python-django-tinymce expects TINYMCE_JS_URL #201

Open AdamWill opened 10 years ago

AdamWill commented 10 years ago

I may be missing something here, but I don't think so.

Askbot's sample configs specify a Django config setting "TINYMCE_URL", and there's a (fairly idiotic) check in which checks that this is set to what Askbot believes is the One True Value It Can Possibly Be and complains if it isn't.

However, AFAICT, python-django-tinymce does not use this setting at all. It expects a setting TINYMCE_JS_URL , which points not to the directory but to the file tiny_mce.js . It then derives a JS_BASE_URL setting from this. But AFAICS it doesn't do anything with a setting called TINYMCE_URL.

I think this has probably been hidden in most deployments because you also turn the compressor on and specify TINYMCE_JS_ROOT, and I think in that case, the setting is unimportant so long as python-django-tinymce's compressor function works. But it's still wrong and will lead to the wrong thing happening if the compressor doesn't work for any reason, I think - python-django-tinymce's bundled tinymce, assuming the copy installed on the server has one, will be used instead of askbot's.

AdamWill commented 10 years ago

yeah, OK, if I'm reading python-django-tinymce's correctly, the setting of TINYMCE_JS_URL is entirely moot when the compressor is in use, because the compressor basically reads all tinymce .js files out of TINYMCE_JS_ROOT, compresses them, and serves that out.

AFAICS there isn't even a fallback from the compressor to the JS_URL if the compressor goes sideways, so if you're enabling the compressor, I think you may as well completely drop the setting and checking of TINYMCE_URL instead of correcting it to TINYMCE_JS_URL.

AdamWill commented 10 years ago

oh, I was looking at our (fedora's) packaged askbot; looks like this was fixed since on upstream master, at least in the main file (setup_templates / There's still a stray TINYMCE_URL in .