In Section 15.3.1, McElreath fit a model using what he called the “weighted average” approach to handling missing values for categorical data (p. 517). Here's his model:
# load
# data
N_houses <- 100L
alpha <- 5
beta <- (-3)
k <- 0.5
r <- 0.2
cat <- rbern( N_houses , k )
notes <- rpois( N_houses , alpha + beta*cat )
R_C <- rbern( N_houses , r )
cat_obs <- cat
cat_obs[R_C==1] <- (-9L)
dat <- list(
notes = notes,
cat = cat_obs,
RC = R_C,
N = as.integer(N_houses) )
# fit the model
m15.8 <- ulam( alist(
# singing bird model
## cat known present/absent:
notes|RC==0 ~ poisson( lambda ),
log(lambda) <- a + b*cat,
## cat NA:
notes|RC==1 ~ custom( log_sum_exp(
log(k) + poisson_lpmf( notes | exp(a + b) ),
log(1-k) + poisson_lpmf( notes | exp(a) )
) ),
# priors
a ~ normal(0,1),
b ~ normal(0,0.5),
# sneaking cat model
cat|RC==0 ~ bernoulli(k),
k ~ beta(2,2)
), data=dat , chains=4 , cores=4 )
I'm not sure if this is even possible with brms. If you know the answer or, better yet, know how to fit the model, I'd love to see your code.
In Section 15.3.1, McElreath fit a model using what he called the “weighted average” approach to handling missing values for categorical data (p. 517). Here's his model:
I'm not sure if this is even possible with brms. If you know the answer or, better yet, know how to fit the model, I'd love to see your code.