Thanks for your excellent work!
I followed the instructions and trained the COCO model from scratch.
After I got bestcheckpoint.pth.tar, I tried to store the results in v-coco format, but I got "Failed to load checkPoint" error message.
~/VSGNet/scripts$ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python2 -fw COCO_result -ba 8 -r t -i t
Doing a test run to detect bad detections
In training set object detector failed to detect any person in the following images:
[6357, 17487, 130851, 153892, 176148, 326601, 364400, 365013, 369213, 429514, 483039, 560726]
In validation set object detector failed to detect any person in the following images:
[130099, 196981, 352877, 387895, 426849, 526087, 567439, 568117]
In testing set object detector failed to detect any person in the following images:
[16875, 30828, 56701, 66706, 75768, 165157, 228418, 230501, 255483, 267725, 293855, 344045, 413805, 419143, 451038, 479280, 561411]
Failed to load checkPoint
Only doing testing for storing result from a model
Epoch 0/0
I noticed bestcheckpoint.pth.tar's data size(303633714 ) is a little different from other tar such as 20checkpoint.pth.tar(302550252 ). Is this is a bug or not? Thank you very much!
I only got "Failed to load checkPoint error " by bestcheckpoint.pth.tar. Other tars are worked.
Dear Sir,
Thanks for your excellent work! I followed the instructions and trained the COCO model from scratch. After I got bestcheckpoint.pth.tar, I tried to store the results in v-coco format, but I got "Failed to load checkPoint" error message.
In training set object detector failed to detect any person in the following images: [6357, 17487, 130851, 153892, 176148, 326601, 364400, 365013, 369213, 429514, 483039, 560726] In validation set object detector failed to detect any person in the following images: [130099, 196981, 352877, 387895, 426849, 526087, 567439, 568117] In testing set object detector failed to detect any person in the following images: [16875, 30828, 56701, 66706, 75768, 165157, 228418, 230501, 255483, 267725, 293855, 344045, 413805, 419143, 451038, 479280, 561411] ../COCO_result/bestcheckpoint.pth.tar 0 Failed to load checkPoint Only doing testing for storing result from a model Epoch 0/0
I noticed bestcheckpoint.pth.tar's data size(303633714 ) is a little different from other tar such as 20checkpoint.pth.tar(302550252 ). Is this is a bug or not? Thank you very much! I only got "Failed to load checkPoint error " by bestcheckpoint.pth.tar. Other tars are worked.