ASMV-Module-Project / ASMV-Casing

Casing for the ASMV Module Project
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Update March 2024 - Casing 1 - Kevin update for re-3D-printing #2

Open VBAero opened 4 months ago

VBAero commented 4 months ago

1- Faire les murs rasant aux connecteurs haut, bas et coté i2c uniquement.

2 - Des triangles sur tous les passage de vis.

3- splitter board maintenu par des rrglette vissé. - type de vis à confirmer

4- 4th modif! I realize the splitter board must 5mm lower so that there at least 1mm extra on the holes on the lower part of the telem holes.

VBAero commented 4 months ago

23/04/24 - Review of 3D printed test& assembly

#Issue 1 : Micro-USB of the RPI does not fit the TOP-casing

The left micro-usb does not fit in the casing. The 2 other connectors fit well because you design a space to insert them in the casing but you forgot to make the same kind of space for the left micro-usb. Even if this micro-usb is not supposed to be accessible for the user, the design must integrate a small space on the inside to be able to insert the RPI in the casing.

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#Issue 2 : It's impossible to insert the AZMV-Hat in the BOTTOM-casing due to extremely tight screw passage

The screw passage on the right of the casing is too thick, so it's impossible to fit the 2xI2C connectors. Even if you already make a hole on the screw passage, the hole is not big enough. When trying to fit the module, I heard a "crack" and the 2 I2C connectors break hitting the screw passage. If you can increase the hole size to make sure the connector are not too close of the screw-passage

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Issue 3 : The design is not compatible with FDM 3D printing (filament)

Now, with the very tight adjustment between the board and the wall of the casing, FDM 3d printing is not a good option to get a good result... And with the new shape of hole around the connector, which are very profile and thin, the overall quality is very bad...


Good Point 1 : The radiator fits well


Good Point 2 : the new holes for connectors make the connection very easy

Thanks to the new design of the hole around connectors, it's very easy to plug the connector and to unplug it. Well done !

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rfv-370 commented 4 months ago

Thanks Valentin. @KevinTapiaP here are my comments on Valentin's issues list.

#Issue 1 : Micro-USB of the RPI does not fit the TOP-casing indeed the 2nd USB must not be available as it is the Power USB on the RPi. but the wall can be thinner there as there is normally no pressure or use.

#Issue 2 : It's impossible to insert the AZMV-Hat in the BOTTOM-casing due to extremely tight screw passage make sure the lenght and height of the I2C will fit .

Broken I2C connectors: @VBAero send back the damaged PCB to Kevin, he will send you a new one. We have some spares if I remember. @KevinTapiaP can you check and send a spare PCB to Valentin ?

#Issue 3 : The design is not compatible with FDM 3D printing (filament) Increase thickness of the wall toward the outside and/or make shorter and less thin ? And even with Nylon printing it seems the end of the top part of the connector hole is too thin...

I2C Splitter Board @Valentin have you checked how we get the I2C splitter board in place - can we screw it ? Do we need a small bed so that it fits more easily ?

KevinTapiaP commented 4 months ago

New modifications ready

KevinTapiaP commented 4 months ago

Square and not too thin outer walls
