LAS Specification
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formalize adding of new 'Standard System Identifiers' #105

Open rapidlasso opened 3 years ago

rapidlasso commented 3 years ago

In today's meeting Evon seemed to (?) suggest to directly edit the Wiki as one way for adding new LiDAR sensors. It seems the Livox series is getting popular for drone based LiDAR systems. Rather than waiting for the manufacturers to contribute their own codes, I've edited the Wiki to add the currently advertised systems. Feel free to change this as you see fit. There are a number of other LiDAR sensor manufacturers such as Quanergy and Ouster that should be added too. Should there be a more formal way to assure consistent and unique identifiers that are somewhat future-proof? Given the speed at which these cheaper sensors are released, we may soon run out of digits for enumerating them.

esilvia commented 3 years ago

Thanks @rapidlasso ! I just updated the xlsx and csv files with your contributions.

The Excel XLSX file is configured with conditional formatting to detect and highlight duplicates in the identifier column, so updating that file is probably the first place to do additions.

Posting here for additions is fine, as is editing the wiki directly. Unfortunately I can't get notifications of wiki edits (GitHub bug), so I need to be notified if additions are made and files need to be updated.

Does this work, or should I have a formal request form generated? Something similar to the VLR key request form, perhaps?

jdnimetz commented 3 years ago

@esilvia A form may be best to ensure no duplication of codes in the wiki. An additional benefit of this approach is the LAS WG chair (you) are guaranteed to be notified when a new code is submitted.

rapidlasso commented 3 years ago

I've edited the wiki and added these systems:

Hesai Technology Pandar40M HP00 Pandar40P HP01 Pandar64 HP02 PandarQT HP03 PandarXT HP04 Pandar128 HP05
SureStar Technology R-Fans-32M SR00
R-Fans-32 SR01
AP-0600 SA00
AP-1000 SA01
AP-3500 SA02
RA-0500 SR00
RA-1000 SR01
RA-1500 SR02
Ouster OS0-32 OO00
OS0-64 OO01
OS0-128 OO02
OS1-32 OO03
OS1-64 OO04
OS1-128 OO05
OS2-32 OO06
OS2-64 OO07
OS2-128 OO08
esilvia commented 3 years ago

@esilvia A form may be best to ensure no duplication of codes in the wiki. An additional benefit of this approach is the LAS WG chair (you) are guaranteed to be notified when a new code is submitted.

I think you're right. I'll inquire about my options with the ASPRS folks since GitHub doesn't support web forms.

esilvia commented 3 years ago

I've edited the wiki and added these systems:

Hesai Technology Pandar40M HP00 Pandar40P HP01 Pandar64 HP02 PandarQT HP03 PandarXT HP04 Pandar128 HP05
SureStar Technology R-Fans-32M SR00
R-Fans-32 SR01
AP-0600 SA00
AP-1000 SA01
AP-3500 SA02
RA-0500 SR00
RA-1000 SR01
RA-1500 SR02
Ouster OS0-32 OO00
OS0-64 OO01
OS0-128 OO02
OS1-32 OO03
OS1-64 OO04
OS1-128 OO05
OS2-32 OO06
OS2-64 OO07
OS2-128 OO08

Thanks for another contribution Martin! The SR codes were already in use so I modified the SureStar codes to be ST00-ST07. I also changed Ouster to OU00-OU08 because having the capital "O" and "0" next to each other made me nervous. The XLSX and CSV files were also updated in the wiki.