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tools for WebAssembly #10

Open monperrus opened 5 years ago

monperrus commented 5 years ago

we collect open-source tools here

monperrus commented 5 years ago

WABT: WebAssembly Binary Toolkit

monperrus commented 5 years ago

Octopus: Security Analysis tool for WebAssembly module

Jacarte commented 5 years ago

WASABI: First tool for dynamic analysis of webassembly modules, implemented in RUST

jianguda commented 5 years ago

Wasmer: a standalone WebAssembly runtime, for running WebAssembly outside of the Browser

monperrus commented 5 years ago

A small and efficient runtime for WebAssembly & WAS

satabin commented 5 years ago

A small and efficient runtime for WebAssembly & WAS

On that topic, I also intend to add a WASI implementation to Swam, might be relevant for you as it also include security by capabilities.

Jacarte commented 5 years ago

Jacarte commented 4 years ago

Hi @shrin18 WDYT?

monperrus commented 4 years ago

for fun: Vim editor ported to WebAssembly

monperrus commented 4 years ago

TeaVM is an ahead-of-time compiler for Java bytecode that emits JavaScript and WebAssembly

monperrus commented 4 years ago

Similar to TeaVM Java to WebAssembly compiler

jianguda commented 4 years ago

Lucet (the Sandboxing WebAssembly Compiler) Lucet is a native WebAssembly compiler and runtime. It is designed to safely execute untrusted WebAssembly programs inside your application.

shrin18 commented 4 years ago

a) Web Assembly Studio:

b) WASM Explorer - Side by side comparison of WASM, LLVM with Firefox x86 programs

Jacarte commented 4 years ago


orestisfl commented 4 years ago

WebAssembly to C decompiler

monperrus commented 4 years ago

Cool. To what extent is C the easiest target language for disassembling WASM?

monperrus commented 4 years ago

SideFuzz is an adaptive fuzzer that uses a genetic-algorithim optimizer in combination with t-statistics to find side-channel (timing) vulnerabilities in cryptography compiled to wasm.

Jacarte commented 4 years ago

Cheerp: a C/C++ compiler for Web applications

monperrus commented 4 years ago

Walrus is a WebAssembly transformation library

monperrus commented 4 years ago

GraalWasm a WebAssembly engine in GraalVM

monperrus commented 4 years ago

Gate: a WebAssembly runtime which can migrate live programs across CPU architectures

Jacarte commented 4 years ago

ilwasm Maps a subset of .NET CIL to WebAssembly S-expressions. Implemented as a custom code generator backend for the JSIL CIL -> JS compiler.

shrin18 commented 4 years ago

WASM Binary file parser from Mozilla:

jianguda commented 4 years ago


Twiggy is a code size profiler for Wasm. It analyzes a binary's call graph to answer questions like:

  • Why was this function included in the binary in the first place? Who calls it?
  • What is the retained size of this function? I.e. how much space would be saved if I removed it and all the functions that become dead code after its removal.
Jacarte commented 4 years ago

monperrus commented 4 years ago

Running LibFuzzer in a Browser, via WASM

monperrus commented 4 years ago

Fuzzing JavaScript WebAssembly APIs with Dharma/Domato (Chrome/v8)

monperrus commented 4 years ago

inNative WebAssembly Runtime: inNative is an AOT (ahead-of-time) compiler for WebAssembly that creates C compatible binaries, either as sandboxed plugins you can dynamically load, or as stand-alone executables that interface directly with the operating system

monperrus commented 4 years ago

wasm3/wasm3: 🚀 The fastest WebAssembly interpreter

Jacarte commented 4 years ago

orestisfl commented 4 years ago

Symbolically Executing WebAssembly in Manticore

monperrus commented 4 years ago Collects all WebAssembly modules from a given website

Jacarte commented 4 years ago

A library able to create, read, modify, write and execute WebAssembly (WASM) files from .NET-based applications. Execution does not use an interpreter. WASM instructions are mapped to their .NET equivalents and converted to native machine language by the .NET JIT compiler.

Jacarte commented 4 years ago

UNIX IN YOUR BROWSER TAB Run C, C++, Go and Node.js programs as processes in browsers, including LaTeX, GNU Make, Go HTTP servers, and POSIX shell scripts.

Jacarte commented 4 years ago

Jacarte commented 4 years ago

WebAssembly Tool Conventions

This repository holds documents describing conventions useful for coordinating interoperability between wasm-related tools. This includes descriptions of intermediate file formats, conventions for mapping high-level language types, names, and abstraction features to WebAssembly types, identifiers, and implementations, and schemes for supporting debuggers or other tools.

These conventions are not part of the WebAssembly standard, and are not required of WebAssembly-consuming implementations to execute WebAssembly code. Tools producing and working with WebAssembly in other ways also need not follow any of these conventions. They exist only to support tools that wish to interoperate with other tools at a higher abstraction level than just WebAssembly itself.

These conventions are also not exclusive. There could be multiple conventions for a given language for a given purpose. There are natural benefits to interoperability, but there are many reasons where having more than one way to do things can also make sense in many circumstances.

monperrus commented 4 years ago

Octopus: Security Analysis tool for WebAssembly module (wasm) and Blockchain Smart Contracts (BTC/ETH/NEO/EOS)

Jacarte commented 4 years ago

Instruments wasm files and traces execution, using Binaryen.js and Wasmer.js

monperrus commented 4 years ago

WebAssembly Virtual Machine: WAVM uses LLVM to compile WebAssembly code to machine code with close to native performance.

monperrus commented 4 years ago

the tigress c obfuscator now targets webassembly

satabin commented 4 years ago

Instruments wasm files and traces execution, using Binaryen.js and Wasmer.js

I rely like this one, I think it would be easy to adapt our tracer to produce the same kind of output.

monperrus commented 4 years ago

But you can use <WASMER> in a lot of other languages. After having announced libraries to use Wasmer, and thus WebAssembly, in:

  • PHP with the ext/wasm extension,
  • Python with the wasmer library,
  • Ruby with the wasmer library,
  • Go with the wasmer library (see Announcing the fastest WebAssembly runtime for Go: wasmer), and even
  • Postgres with the wasmer library (see Announcing the first Postgres extension to run WebAssembly),
  • and many other contributions in .NET/C#, R and Elixir…
  • …we are jazzed to announce that Wasmer has now landed in Java!

monperrus commented 4 years ago

Enarx is an application deployment system enabling applications to run within Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) without rewriting for particular platforms or SDKs. It handles attestation and delivery into a run-time “Keep” based on WebAssembly [...] Work is currently underway on AMD SEV and Intel SGX.

monperrus commented 4 years ago

Proprietary software: Jeb decompiler for WebAssembly

monperrus commented 4 years ago

Blazor: run C# and .NET in WebAssembly

Jacarte commented 4 years ago

Benchmarks study on WASM (quite exhaustive),

orestisfl commented 3 years ago

(wasmer) WebAssembly Runtime for python

monperrus commented 3 years ago

Webassembly Plugins for the Envoy proxy

(We could write a diversifying proxy by putting Crow there)

orestisfl commented 3 years ago

wasm-smith: A WebAssembly test case generator

monperrus commented 3 years ago

WasmView: Visual Testing for WebAssembly Applications