ASU-CPI / honest-pi

The CPI is launching an experiment in open collaboration and we invite you to join us. We're exploring how the GitHub platform can be adapted from its primary purpose as a collaborative software development environment, to be used instead for collaborative text-based writing. Start below with the file.
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Say hello to you #43

Open eduOS opened 9 years ago

eduOS commented 9 years ago

Hello Dr. Longo,

I am glad to know that you have conducted an experiment on collaborative writing. We're doing a similar research as you've done. Here is the open repository on GitHub.

Sorry for bothering you. Hoping to keep talking through with you.

Warmly, Leo

JustinLongo commented 9 years ago

Hi Leo @eduOS - thanks for your note and thanks for the link to your repo. Very excited to learn of others interested in using GitHub for collaborative writing. I would characterize our experiment as a useful failure at best, but we're committed to trying again. If you haven't seen our recent blog post, please check it out (two more in this series will be appearing in the coming days).

We will be submitting an article to the journal Canadian Public Administration in the next few days about our research looking at various uses for GitHub in Canadian governments. And we hope to present a poster on our collaborative writing experiment to the OpenSym 2015 Conference in San Francisco in August.

Cheers, @JustinLongo

eduOS commented 9 years ago

Thanks very much for your brave attempt. Had I found it at that time, I would certainly try my best to participate. What a pity! If I could do anything for you next time, please let me know.

I took a quick look at it yeserday, and found that it's difficult to attract enough contributors to commit changes. We try to conduct an experiment based on language exchange for both the native English speakers who are learning Chinese and native Chinese speakers who are learning English. We're planning and finding the potential collaborators in China and in western countries.

Hoping to find and read more info about your research findings. If possible, I hope we could conduct a cooperative experiment later on. I have sent you an invitation to be a member of us. It's an honor for me if you could join us.

Thanks very much again.


eduOS commented 8 years ago

Dear Dr. Longo @JustinLongo

I'm writing my master thesis related to version control based writing. I'm wondering if I can cite any of your works, works presented at any conference or published or unpublished. Any recommendations are highly appreciated. Thanks in advance. My paper will be totally finished in about four months and be published in half a year or more for the Chinese researchers.

Best regards, Leo

JustinLongo commented 7 years ago

Hi Leo @eduOS - sorry for taking so long to get back to you. I fear that I may have missed the opportunity to connect with you during your research and writing window for your masters thesis.

If it is of any use to you, these two publications may be of interest:

Longo, Justin and Tanya Kelley. 2016. “GitHub use in public administration in Canada: Early experience with a new open collaboration tool.” Canadian Public Administration. Vol. 59, no. 4, pp. xxx-xxx.

Longo, Justin and Tanya Kelley. 2015. “Use of GitHub as a Platform for Open Collaboration on Text Documents.” OpenSym 2015, August 19-21, San Francisco.

Longo, Justin. 2014. “GitHub in Canadian Government.” Ottawa: Web Experience Toolkit CodeFest. August 15 & 16, 2014.

Please feel free to correspond with my via email at

And please send me your thesis when it is complete (I do not read Chinese myself, but some of my students do).

Cheers, Justin

Justin Longo, Assistant Professor and Cisco Research Chair in Big Data & Open Government Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy University of Regina - Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada All contact info: