ASU-CompMethodsPhysics-PHY494 / final-stern-gerlach-simulation

final-stern-gerlach-simulation created by Classroom for GitHub
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Introduction for poster #9

Closed gvetaw closed 8 years ago

gvetaw commented 8 years ago

@ion201 @andrewdurkiewicz Here is a great start for the introduction for the poster. Feel free to add or subtract.

The Stern-Gerlach experiment demonstrates that when a beam of atoms passes through an inhomogeneous (nonuniform) magnetic field the beam splits into two discrete states being spin up or spin down. This effect is purely quantum mechanical and is owing to an inherent property possessed by particles called Spin angular momentum. Spin is an intrinsic degree of freedom that is separate from moving particles’ spatial degrees of freedom.

gvetaw commented 8 years ago

@andrewdurkiewicz @ion201 please send any resources to be cited so that I can add it to the poster. For the introduction I used Zettili.

andrewdurkiewicz commented 8 years ago

those two i sent you should be sources.

gvetaw commented 8 years ago

Are we settling on the Hamiltonian on the wikipage and states because I am going to add it to the methods section.

andrewdurkiewicz commented 8 years ago

I say we should, I think we could go about this project in many different ways. And that way does a wonderfully smart thing where they set the origin to the electron. Its incredibly smart when you think about it. But go for it if you want. But to me, that is a sign that you are considering doing it my way?

gvetaw commented 8 years ago

Did @ion201 just use the Crank-Nicolson method for the project?

andrewdurkiewicz commented 8 years ago

first thing, do we owe you $ for the poster? We both agreed to pitch in. second. you might want to print things out but not post them. Until we know for sure that the code works then we should wait. Nate is finding issues with both of our hamiltonian. They both seem to be unstable in time.

gvetaw commented 8 years ago

What I am going to do is start the poster in send it to you and you can decided if you want to print it out as a whole or do individual papers since it was your proposed project.

gvetaw commented 8 years ago

The introduction of the poster doesn't have any equation or methods that can be done today. There are two methods section on the poster: method for the theory and method for the algorithm. The theory section can be done today.

andrewdurkiewicz commented 8 years ago

dont say 'beam of atoms' because its imply not true. Say silver. then we should add a sentence about how this works with silver because it has all of its electrons except the 5s electron paired.

gvetaw commented 8 years ago

That sounds like a good idea.

andrewdurkiewicz commented 8 years ago

wait, didnt you say it was for all atoms a second ago, im confused.

gvetaw commented 8 years ago

I only know it works for silver atoms because of the odd electron and hydrogen atoms in the ground state.