ASharpPen / Valheim.DropThat

The Unlicense
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DropThat mod incompatible with ManagerDetector Mod #150

Open jneb802 opened 1 year ago

jneb802 commented 1 year ago

I receive the following error when I start up Valheim game from r2modman with Manager Detector installed and also Drop That installed. If I remove ManagerDectector the error is gone.

I am running current version of Valheim as of 9/16/23 on Windows desktop.

See attached screenshot for error. See attached logs (one log with both mods, one log with only Drop That.

[Error : Unity Log] ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown. Stack trace: System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () (at <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0) ManagerDetector.ManagerDetectorPlugin.GetManagerType (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly, System.String namespaceName, System.String className) (at <1829cc67a6f14c2da3d9f6bfa1fa49bb>:0) ManagerDetector.ManagerDetectorPlugin.CheckManagers (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly, BepInEx.PluginInfo info) (at <1829cc67a6f14c2da3d9f6bfa1fa49bb>:0) ManagerDetector.ManagerDetectorPlugin.LogTheManagers () (at <1829cc67a6f14c2da3d9f6bfa1fa49bb>:0) ManagerDetector.ManagerDetectorPlugin.DoPatch () (at <1829cc67a6f14c2da3d9f6bfa1fa49bb>:0) (wrapper dynamic-method) FejdStartup.DMD(FejdStartup)

Drop That  ManagerDetector menu mod error LogOutput_withDropThat.log LogOutput_withDropThat_withManagerDetector.log

jneb802 commented 1 year ago

Issue also posted to ManagerDetector github page: