ATFutures / geoplumber

Serve geographic data from R and consume with scalable front end.
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security vulnerability #61

Closed mpadge closed 5 years ago

mpadge commented 5 years ago

Morning @layik! @silberzwiebel is currently developing a gp framework for moveability which encounters this alert. The offending js tool is webpack-dev-server, which is loaded in package-lock.json under generic react-scripts. That currently loads 2.9.4, yet the security alert says this can be solved by insiting webpack-dev-server >= 3.1.11. I'm not sure where best to put that as it's simply loaded as a generic part of react. Can you solve this for us please?

layik commented 5 years ago

Hey @mpadge. Thanks for raising this, anything with security even false alarms are worth my attention. The link to the "alert" is dead but I assume it is one like this

my_app git:(rproj2) npm audit

                       === npm audit security report ===                        

# Run  npm install react-scripts@2.1.3  to resolve 3 vulnerabilities
SEMVER WARNING: Recommended action is a potentially breaking change
│ High          │ Missing Origin Validation                                    │
│ Package       │ webpack-dev-server                                           │
│ Dependency of │ react-scripts                                                │
│ Path          │ react-scripts > webpack-dev-server                           │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Prototype pollution                                          │
│ Package       │ merge                                                        │
│ Dependency of │ react-scripts                                                │
│ Path          │ react-scripts > jest > jest-cli > jest-haste-map > sane >    │
│               │ exec-sh > merge                                              │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Prototype pollution                                          │
│ Package       │ merge                                                        │
│ Dependency of │ react-scripts                                                │
│ Path          │ react-scripts > jest > jest-cli > jest-runtime >             │
│               │ jest-haste-map > sane > exec-sh > merge                      │
│ More info     │                       │

found 3 vulnerabilities (2 low, 1 high) in 14061 scanned packages
  3 vulnerabilities require semver-major dependency updates.

webpack is indeed included in CRA. I think I just need to update the "template" min version of the above.

Will reference this ticket, thanks @mpadge.

layik commented 5 years ago

OK. Next commit should remove this but for current apps we just need a couple of more steps just to be safe.

So to fix @silberzwiebel's current app:

  1. Is there the global version of create-react-app?
    ➜  code npm -g list create-react-app
    └── create-react-app@2.0.3

If not please install it sudo npm i -g create-react-app there are ways of doing this without sudo that is a documentation issue for npm/yarn to worry about.

  1. Remove the local version and save it by running npm remove -S create-react-app no harm if it is already removed. From a gp app, this should be the same:

    ➜  my_app git:(master) ✗ npm list create-react-app   
    my_app@0.1.0 .../my_app
    └── (empty)
  2. Really the only step required as per above npm audit output, we can just run npm i react-scripts@

  3. Finally, permanent fix is in package.json (within a geoplumber app) update the line for react-scripts to "react-scripts": "^2.1.3"

Then I just removed the node_modules folder and clean installed npm i for my geoplumber app and I ran the audit again

npm audit                     

                       === npm audit security report ===                        

found 0 vulnerabilities
 in 36167 scanned packages
layik commented 5 years ago

Boring background stuff: somehow a "caret" got lost in that inst packag.json file and caused this. So apologies there.

Also, perhaps this is something that needs to go into the documentation somewhere, that I have made it a rule/convention that we rely on a -g global installation of create-react-app for now (till others come onboard or I find a better way of doing things). As the gp_create function uses it on a clean directory, related to #59 in a sense, we must have create-react-app before we create a gp app.

Therefore, this line should have never been there. Its redundant.

What does this mean? It means the global npm package is relied upon, our package.json gets slimmer. All this in the next commit/PR.

Robinlovelace commented 5 years ago

Seems this seemingly small issue has led to lots of genuinely useful changes. Hard for people new to it to understand the JS ecosystem. The documentation should link to the relevant places.

layik commented 5 years ago

Yes, and documentation needs "research funding" time :)

layik commented 5 years ago

Hope to push sometime soon but may do some extra work on this which is the root of missing the caret there.

layik commented 5 years ago

Come on github, "fix" != "close"

silberzwiebel commented 5 years ago

Thanks, @layik! I'll have a look at your steps to fix the vulnerability next week. (BTW I disagree with "fix" != "close" :P )

mpadge commented 5 years ago


Didn’t know about this feature? You can use any of these keywords to close an issue via commit message:

close, closes, closed, fixes, fixed

All of them work the same, including this behavior.

But seriously, thanks @layik for taking it so seriously and fixing - great stuff!

layik commented 5 years ago

Too Boring DR; For the record and interested parties, so far what we have been doing is copy lines such as "react": "^16.7.0", during gp_create(). Then let user gp_build(). But system commands which is the "only"/current way of talking to npm is asynchronous. That means R needs to know when that has finished for geoplumber to issue subsequent commands.

And so, a line such as "react-scripts": "2.1.3" will become a potential (not necessarily) security vulnerability despite the fact that on npx create-react-app command installing the newer version.

Therefore, we fall back to current "not ideal" way of installing npm dependencies from R. Code for future change is in the next commit and hope to work this out between R and npm sooner than later.

PS: I never missed the caret, it looks like npx create-react-app creates package.json with "react-scripts": "2.1.3", noticed it after pasting it here actually, but that is even more boring reading.