ATFutures / hugo-site

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List all ATF "members" on website #1

Open mpadge opened 5 years ago

mpadge commented 5 years ago

@eyesofbambi @layik @Robinlovelace Among the stuff I'm now getting on to is updating the ATF website, which hasn't been done for going on a year. Firstly: Anyone should feel free to contribute anything they like to the site. It's a hugo-based site, so it's all markdown-based and pretty easy to change, modify, update. Just clone this repo, change stuff most in the content folder, where the main content is currently held in a directory called about-us.

You can view changes locally with make local, or you can just push directly with make (default). The latter command simply pushes changes in this content repo across to the front end site. If people would rather not directly commit like that, then PRs can be done via changes to the markdown content in this site - including adding new files if desired. I (or anyone else) can then do the subsequent deploy.

Aside from that, main issue here is that the old website just listed us two initial members (Robin & Mark, that is), but of course it'd be great to list all who've contributed. @eyesofbambi @layik Are you happy with being listed in the people page? I'll probably also change that to provide some kind of brief descriptions too, so it'd be good if you could add that within this issue. @Robinlovelace Your contribution in this regard would be good too.

Thanks! :smile:

Robinlovelace commented 5 years ago

One request: can we use blogdown, a wrapper around HUGO to build the site? Will mean easy integration with .Rmd files for fancy effects and reproducibility. I just tried it with this test website I created yesterday and was impressed:


mpadge commented 5 years ago

Short answer: Tricky. I've already tried to blogdown-ify the site, but it is only minimally compatible with full hugo functionality, and most importantly is waaay slower and doesn't allow the live serving capabilities of full hugo. As is, we can

hugo serve

And any changes to the .md files will be rendered instantly on the localhost. This is amazing and is the entire selling-point of hugo. blogdown does not do this, and it makes it for me hardly usable in comparison. Hugo can also do way fancier effects than blogdown alone. The question for me is are we likely to actually use .Rmd files, which is equivalent to the Q of whether reproducibility is likely to be important?

... and of course I fear the answer is Yes. Which means we need to find a solution. I'll open another issue for this ...

Robinlovelace commented 5 years ago

I think blogdown is compatible with hugo serve based on this:

#> function (host, port) 
#> {
#>     hugo_cmd(hugo_server_args(host, port))
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x55a1830e8708>
#> <environment: namespace:blogdown>

Created on 2018-11-08 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)

layik commented 5 years ago


  1. Happy to be listed
  2. Will now have to get into a bit of Hugo_Blogdown :)
Robinlovelace commented 5 years ago

Should've set at the get go: also very happy, stoked, to be listed : )

eyesofbambi commented 5 years ago

Stoked indeed :)