ATGH15102AFMLD / Linkbar

Windows desktop toolbar
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[Request] Add some handy Jumplist features to Linkbar #20

Open ghost opened 3 years ago

ghost commented 3 years ago

Linkbar is a very nice little program that is very handy and i love it!

It would be cool if some handy features could be added to the Linkbar Jumplists. This would improve the Jumplists of Linkbar compared to those of Windows.

When right clicking a Jumplist entry Linkbar should also have the following functions:

Please add those funtions to the Linkbar so that the Linkbar Jumplist have the same functionality like the native Windows Jumplists.

ATGH15102AFMLD commented 3 years ago

Please provide an example of the default Windows 10 apps or free apps for each function. The app name or screenshots will be helpful.

ghost commented 3 years ago

Screenshot 1: When right-clicking on "Document 3" in the native Windows 10 Taskbar Jumplist, there is "Properties" ("Eigenschaften" in German). When clicking on this, the Windows file property window opens.

Screenshot 2: In Linkbar's Jumplist there is no "Properties" menu item to select.

Screenshot 1 Properties 1

Screenshot 2 Properties 2

ghost commented 3 years ago

It would also be a very handy and/or productive feature if there would be also an option named "Open file location". So when a user makes a right click on a Jumplist entry, this option "Open file location" would be there. Clicking on this option would then open a Explorer window with the folder where this file sits.

ghost commented 3 years ago

See screenshot 2 above: The width of the Jumplist ist kind of narrow (like it is the Windows standard width). This is ok for short file names, but when file names are longer, they are shortened witn an ellipsis (...). This makes files hard/impossible to distinguish from each other.

It would be great if there was a setting in the Linkbar options menu to set the width of the Jumplist manually to a custom width. Settting custom icon sizes and padding is already possible, so I think setting custom Jumplist width is technically possible, too.

ghost commented 3 years ago

Those Jumplist ideas I propose here are available in a very nice Start Menu replacement called StartIsBack++ (website It would be so cool if those little but very handy features could be added to Linkbar, too.

ATGH15102AFMLD commented 3 years ago

I've done some research and I think I can add this feature in the next version. Unfortunately, I can't specify when the next version will be released.

ghost commented 3 years ago


ATGH15102AFMLD commented 3 years ago

I implemented this feature to the version 1.7.0 beta 1.

ghost commented 3 years ago

Great implementation of the access to file location and file properties.

ghost commented 3 years ago

I have noticed something. When hovering over an item that is pinned to the JumpList, a tooltip appears that shows path and file name of the pinned item. 1) The way Windows 10 shows this information follows the formula: "File name (path)" (see screenshot 1). 2) The way Linkbar shows this information follows the formula: "Path\File name" (see screenshot 2).

I think the way Windows 10 displays this information has an advantage: When the names of pinned items are long, they are truncated at the end with ellipses (see screenshot 3). To see the full file name users need to hover with the mouse over it. The name of the long file can be seen much easier/faster when it is in the first place (1).

But this formula (1) could be improved a little more to make the file name be even more easy/fast to read:

  1. "File name [new line/line break] Path"

So if it is possible, please modify LinkBar to show this information like proposed in 3) or, if that's not possible, at least like in 1) which would be more streamlined/fitting to Windows.

Screenshot 1 Name 1

Screenshot 2 Name 2

Screenshot 3 Truncation

ghost commented 3 years ago

On an additional thought: Maybe there could be an option to make the JumpLists of LinkBar a custom width that the user can set in the preferences. This would help with the truncation of long file names.