ATGH15102AFMLD / Linkbar

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[FR] Make the jump list width configurable, please šŸ™ #33

Open claudio-salvio opened 2 years ago

claudio-salvio commented 2 years ago


I think it would be very useful to make the jump list width configurable or at least make the default at least twice as wide as it is today. Many of the items in the jumps lists (especially the path) are very large and it is very annoying to be able to see only a very small fraction of them.

I was looking at the code and found that on line 446 of Jumplists.Form.pas the following assignment is made:

  ListWidth := ScaleDimension(269);

If I understand correctly, it seems to me that this is where the width of the jump list is being set.

I wanted to verify this by modifying the line and rebuilding the project. To do this I downloaded the RAD Studio v1.4 Community Edition and installed it.

Unfortunately when I try to build the project I get an error when trying to compile jcl(project-jedi). The error reads:

This version of the product does not support command line compiling.

I did some research on the web and it seems that the version of RAD I installed does not include the command line compiler. I tried to download it but could not find how. So here I am stuck.

I tell you this last to show that I tried to explore the issue before bothering you.

It would be optimal for you to make the modification since you are the author of the project. However, I would appreciate if you could at least give me some tips on how to solve the command line compilation. Obviously buying RAD Full is not an option for me.

Thanks for Linkbar!

Regards, Claudio

ATGH15102AFMLD commented 2 years ago


The latest Delphi Community Edition lacks command line compilation. Remove JCL Exception Dialog from the project by deleting the following line. I will add this option in future versions.

claudio-salvio commented 2 years ago

Hello @ATGH15102AFMLD

Thank you for your suggestion. I will try again as soon as I can.

Honestly, I was surprised to find that problem. I understand that Embarcadero wants to sell its products but it seems to me that something like this discourages the use of Delphi, a product that is not going through a period of great popularity.

Regards, Claudio Salvio