ATGH15102AFMLD / Linkbar

Windows desktop toolbar
MIT License
193 stars 28 forks source link

Can't access to configuration LinkBar #37

Open Csavie opened 2 years ago

Csavie commented 2 years ago


Fist of all I want to congratulation you for this jewel of software that is LinkBar, and many thanks for make it free.

My issue is that I can't access configuration menu option of Linkbar. I don't know exactly since when, but maybe is since 1.6.9 beta 7. And 1.7.0 beta 1, has the same isue. At the moment of create new LinkBar and access to his setting, or if a LinkBar is yet created and access to his settings, the dialog does not apears and the clock appears and never ends. If the LinkBar are created, all seams work ok, except access his configuration, as I told.

I use linknar64 in windows 10: About Windows 10

Many thanlks in advance,
