AU-BCE-EE / PRIME-issues

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R package installation problems #1

Open sashahafner opened 11 months ago

sashahafner commented 11 months ago

One we dealt with today. .bashrc file had the default R library set with . . . (@J-Kamp can you add it in a comment below?) It was to a directory that didn't exist. Fixed by simply making the directory e.g., with

mkdir xxx

in Bash.

Important point is that this setting won't show up in R or .Rprofile, so remember to check .bashrc too.

J-Kamp commented 11 months ago

The issue is regarding R running on PRIME ( that is a Linux based cluster computer. R was installed on /com/ (common) folder available for all BCE users (installed by JK in 2019).

Create bash-files in user directory to make a shourt cut for R:


# Source global definitions
if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then
        . /etc/bashrc

alias R=/com/bceairq/R/4.0.1/bin/R
alias Rscript=/com/bceairq/R/4.0.1/bin/Rscript

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/com/bceairq/src/geos/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

#export LD_RUN_PATH=/path/to/lib1:/path/to/lib2:/path/to/lib3
#export LD_RUN_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/com/bceairq/src/geos/lib/

# User specific aliases and functions

# classify files in colour
alias ls='ls -hF --color=auto -a'
# list all but . and ..
alias la='ll -A'

# add site library (ask christoph haeni ;)
export R_LIBS_USER=~/.R/site-library

# change dir color

Issue was that the directory. "~/.R/site-library" was not created and should be created manually.


exec /com/bceairq/R/4.0.1/bin/R
exec /com/bceairq/R/4.0.1/bin/Rscript $@

env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/com/bceairq/src/geos/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH R

Issue on rgeos

There is on issue on installing rgeos, same issue as described here:

Solved: Frist install geos and search for the library:

cd /temp/geos/
tar -vxjf geos-3.6.1.tar.bz2
cd geos-3.6.1
./configure --prefix=/com/bceairq/src/geos
make check
make install

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/com/bceairq/src/geos/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH_


install.packages("rgeos", configure.args =

## RcppParallel installation
_**Is this the cause?**_
I think this error happens if the working directory is not the package root (
_> getwd()
>  rcmdcheck(getwd())
Error: No root directory found in /home/jk or its parent directories. Root criterion: contains a file "DESCRIPTION" with contents matching "^Package: "
J-Kamp commented 11 months ago


slurm/prime stuff

    #bls.slurm.jobdir = '/scratch',
    bls.slurm.exclude.partition = 'q32g'

terminal appearance

colorize terminal output (

if(interactive()) {

    # my colors
        normal = 109,
        number = 172,
        negnum = 167,
        zero = 226,
        date = 179,
        string = 117,
        const = 131,
        false = 202,
        true = 150,
        infinite = 123,
        index = 30,
    #     stderror = 213,
    #     warn = c(1, 16, 196),
    #     error = c(160, 231),
    #     zero.limit = NA,
        verbose = FALSE

    # custom patterns (copied from
    # custom patterns data.table
    colorout::addPattern('[0-9]*:',  '\x1b[38;2;143;188;187m')  # Row num
    colorout::addPattern('---',      '\x1b[38;2;76;86;106m')    # Row splitter
    colorout::addPattern('<[A-z]*>', '\x1b[38;2;143;188;187m')  # Col class

    # custom patterns str
    ## List
    colorout::addPattern('List of [0-9]*', '\x1b[38;2;235;203;139;48;2;76;86;106;1m')
    ## Class
    colorout::addPattern(' num ',          '\x1b[38;2;143;188;187m')
    colorout::addPattern(' int ',          '\x1b[38;2;143;188;187m')
    colorout::addPattern(' dbl ',          '\x1b[38;2;143;188;187m')
    colorout::addPattern(' chr ',          '\x1b[38;2;143;188;187m')
    colorout::addPattern(' logi ',         '\x1b[38;2;143;188;187m')
    colorout::addPattern(' lglc ',         '\x1b[38;2;143;188;187m')
    colorout::addPattern(' Factor ',       '\x1b[38;2;143;188;187m')
    colorout::addPattern(' Ord.factor ',   '\x1b[38;2;143;188;187m')
    colorout::addPattern(' POSIXct, ',     '\x1b[38;2;143;188;187m')
    colorout::addPattern('function ',      '\x1b[38;2;143;188;187m')
    colorout::addPattern(' lgcl ',         '\x1b[38;2;143;188;187m')
    colorout::addPattern(' Factor ',       '\x1b[38;2;143;188;187m')
    colorout::addPattern(' Ord.factor ',   '\x1b[38;2;143;188;187m')
    colorout::addPattern(' POSIXct, ',     '\x1b[38;2;143;188;187m')
    colorout::addPattern('function ',      '\x1b[38;2;143;188;187m')
    colorout::addPattern(' lgcl ',         '\x1b[38;2;143;188;187m')
    colorout::addPattern(' cplx ',         '\x1b[38;2;143;188;187m')
    # Misc
    colorout::addPattern('$ ',             '\x1b[38;2;76;86;106m')
    # comments
    colorout::addPattern('#[ -~]*',             '\x1b[38;2;76;86;106m')

add "aliases" ----------------------------------------

exit R

exit <- structure(list(), class = "hac5_exit")
print.hac5_exit <- function(x, ...) q("no")

clear workspace

.create_clear <- function(fun){
    fu_name <- deparse(substitute(fun))
    bf <- body(fun)
    bf[4] <- bf[3]
    bf[3] <- parse(text =
        'Kill <- List[!(List %in% c(',
        paste0('"', ls(envir = .GlobalEnv), '"', collapse = ', '),
    body(fun) <- bf
    assign(fu_name, fun, envir = .GlobalEnv)

clear <- structure(list(), class = "hac5_clear")
print.hac5_clear <- function(x, ...) {
    List <- ls(envir = .GlobalEnv)
    rm(list = Kill, envir = .GlobalEnv)

close all devices

goff <- structure(list(),class="hac5_goff")
print.hac5_goff <- function(x,...)

pseudo bash mode (passing command line to system)

sh <- structure(function(path = getwd()){
    if (!dir.exists(path) && dir.exists(dn <- dirname(path))) {
        path <- dn
    } else if(!dir.exists(path)) {
        path <- getwd()
    system(paste0('bash -c "cd ', path, '; bash --rcfile <(cat ~/.bashrc; echo \\"PS1=\'\\033[1;31m \\w $\\033[0m \'\\")"'))
}, class = "hac5_shell")
print.hac5_shell <- function(x, ...){


set column width of terminal

widescreen <- structure(list(),class="hac5_widescreen")
print.hac5_widescreen <- function(x,...) options(width=as.integer(Sys.getenv("COLUMNS")))

if(interactive())options(width=system("tput cols", intern=TRUE))

general settings

    # help as text
    help_type = "text",
    # don't use annoying guis to select from choices = FALSE

set CRAN mirror

    r <- getOption("repos")
    r["CRAN"] <- ""
    options(repos = r)

initialize objects

## create clear object
sashahafner commented 11 months ago

Good news on rgeos!

Hate to say it but it would be good to upgrade a 2019 version of R.

J-Kamp commented 11 months ago

New version of R

R has been installed in my personal folder (/home/jk/R/4.3.1)

Packages installed

Packages has been installed, including devtools

rgeos issue

Still issues with rgeos: solved

Frist install geos:

cd /temp/geos/
tar -vxjf geos-3.6.1.tar.bz2
cd geos-3.6.1
./configure --prefix=/com/bceairq/src/geos
make check
make install

 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/com/bceairq/src/geos/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

IN R: install.packages("rgeos", configure.args = "--with-geos-config=/com/bceairq/src/geos/bin/geos-config")

RcppParallel issue

Error: package or namespace load failed for 'RcppParallel':
 .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'RcppParallel', details:
  call: dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...)
  error: unable to load shared object '/home/jk/R/4.3.1/lib64/R/library/00LOCK-RcppParallel/00new/RcppParallel/libs/':
  /home/jk/R/4.3.1/lib64/R/library/00LOCK-RcppParallel/00new/RcppParallel/libs/ undefined symbol: _ZN3tbb10interface58internal9task_base7destroyERNS_4taskE
Error: loading failed

Possible solution:

export tbb_os=linux
export arch=x86_64
R CMD INSTALL /home/jk/RcppParallel_5.1.7.tar.gz

Not working:

Error: package or namespace load failed for 'RcppParallel':
 .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'RcppParallel', details:
  call: dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...)
  error: unable to load shared object '/home/jk/R/4.3.1/lib64/R/library/00LOCK-RcppParallel/00new/RcppParallel/libs/':
  /home/jk/R/4.3.1/lib64/R/library/00LOCK-RcppParallel/00new/RcppParallel/libs/ undefined symbol: _ZN3tbb10interface58internal9task_base7destroyERNS_4taskE

Posible solution: Add file 'Makevars' to ~/4.3.1/lib64/R/etc/ containg: CXX11 = /gsc/software/linux-x86_64-centos7/gcc-7.2.0/bin/g++ Add file 'Makevars' to ~/.R/ containg: CXX11 = /gsc/software/linux-x86_64-centos7/gcc-7.2.0/bin/g++