AUTOMATIC1111 / stable-diffusion-webui-aesthetic-gradients

Aesthetic gradients extension for web ui
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Issue with training- only produces 4k files that don't seem to work #19

Open juan9999 opened 1 year ago

juan9999 commented 1 year ago

I installed the extension via extensions in 1111.

I resized 10 images to 512x512, put them in a folder (I know it finds them as I mistyped the path and got error messages), I then create the embedding and get Done generating embedding message and the embedding is placed in the correct directory. It's done generating super quick but it only generates a 4k .pt file. Tried it with two different training sets of 10 images.

On the txt2img screen, I select a 1.5 variation that I trained with a face, then under Clip Aesthetic I select the aesthetic that I trained, and have varied the steps from 10-max, and changed the weight from .1 to 1 but nothing happens.

Any ideas?

magejosh commented 1 year ago

.pt files from embeddings are supposed to be that size generally speaking, at least as far as the ones you get from normal textual inversion trained embeddings, but i am just looking into this extension today. I'll report back after i've tried making some if i have any success.