AUTOMATIC1111 / stable-diffusion-webui

Stable Diffusion web UI
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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[Feature Request]: Image Formats passed to api calls #15628

Open BlinderUhu opened 3 weeks ago

BlinderUhu commented 3 weeks ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

What would your feature do ?

init_image parameter for img2img using the local path as the corresponding value.

When I try to generate an image using an API call, by means of utilizing base64 encoded images as request values (ControlNet or even in init_image), the quality is horrendous, as compared to using publicly accessible urls as request values.

I want to combine the local accessibility (not needing to resort to urls) with the quality produced from url images.

Is there any way I can achieve this?

Proposed workflow

  1. Go to ....
  2. Press ....
  3. ... jhgj

Additional information

No response

w-e-w commented 3 weeks ago

Base64 is binary-to-text encoding it does not affect the data (in this case image) in any way

assuming that the input image is the same the result will be identical no matter your using base64 or http the only conclusion is that for whatever reason the input image convert into base64 is somehow different