Open ZeroCool22 opened 3 months ago
Facing exactly the same issue. Any news on that yet? Chaning onnx version didn't help, tried all kinds of combinations. Version: v1.10.1 Python: 3.10.6 CUDA: 12.1
Current pip list returns:
albumentations 1.3.1 certifi 2023.11.17 charset-normalizer 3.3.2 colorama 0.4.6 coloredlogs 15.0.1 contourpy 1.2.0 cycler 0.12.1 Cython 3.0.8 easydict 1.11 flatbuffers 23.5.26 fonttools 4.47.2 humanfriendly 10.0 idna 3.6 ifnude 0.0.3 imageio 2.33.1 insightface 0.7.3 joblib 1.3.2 kiwisolver 1.4.5 lazy_loader 0.3 matplotlib 3.8.2 mpmath 1.3.0 networkx 3.2.1 numpy 1.26.3 onnx 1.16.1 onnxruntime 1.16.1 onnxruntime-gpu 1.16.1 opencv-python opencv-python-headless packaging 23.2 pillow 10.2.0 pip 24.2 prettytable 3.9.0 protobuf 4.25.2 pyparsing 3.1.1 pyreadline3 3.4.1 python-dateutil 2.8.2 PyYAML 6.0.1 qudida 0.0.4 requests 2.31.0 scikit-image 0.22.0 scikit-learn 1.3.2 scipy 1.11.4 setuptools 63.2.0 six 1.16.0 sympy 1.12 threadpoolctl 3.2.0 tifffile 2023.12.9 tqdm 4.66.1 typing_extensions 4.9.0 urllib3 2.1.0 wcwidth 0.2.13
Facing exactly the same issue. Any news on that yet? Chaning onnx version didn't help, tried all kinds of combinations. Version: v1.10.1 Python: 3.10.6 CUDA: 12.1
Current pip list returns:
albumentations 1.3.1 certifi 2023.11.17 charset-normalizer 3.3.2 colorama 0.4.6 coloredlogs 15.0.1 contourpy 1.2.0 cycler 0.12.1 Cython 3.0.8 easydict 1.11 flatbuffers 23.5.26 fonttools 4.47.2 humanfriendly 10.0 idna 3.6 ifnude 0.0.3 imageio 2.33.1 insightface 0.7.3 joblib 1.3.2 kiwisolver 1.4.5 lazy_loader 0.3 matplotlib 3.8.2 mpmath 1.3.0 networkx 3.2.1 numpy 1.26.3 onnx 1.16.1 onnxruntime 1.16.1 onnxruntime-gpu 1.16.1 opencv-python opencv-python-headless packaging 23.2 pillow 10.2.0 pip 24.2 prettytable 3.9.0 protobuf 4.25.2 pyparsing 3.1.1 pyreadline3 3.4.1 python-dateutil 2.8.2 PyYAML 6.0.1 qudida 0.0.4 requests 2.31.0 scikit-image 0.22.0 scikit-learn 1.3.2 scipy 1.11.4 setuptools 63.2.0 six 1.16.0 sympy 1.12 threadpoolctl 3.2.0 tifffile 2023.12.9 tqdm 4.66.1 typing_extensions 4.9.0 urllib3 2.1.0 wcwidth 0.2.13
I finally got it working with this:
pip install --upgrade torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url
It seems that xformers 0.0.27 does not have dependencies for CUDA 12.4. You need to (assuming you have xformers installed):
pip install --upgrade xformers==0.0.28.dev881
I let you here my pip list:
(venv) C:\Users\ZeroCool22\Desktop\AutoSDXL\stable-diffusion-webui\venv\Scripts>pip list returns
Package Version
------------------------- ------------------
absl-py 2.1.0
accelerate 0.21.0
addict 2.4.0
aenum 3.1.15
aiofiles 23.2.1
aiohappyeyeballs 2.3.7
aiohttp 3.10.4
aiosignal 1.3.1
albumentations 1.4.3
altair 5.4.0
antlr4-python3-runtime 4.9.3
anyio 3.7.1
async-timeout 4.0.3
attrs 24.2.0
blendmodes 2022
certifi 2024.7.4
cffi 1.17.0
chardet 5.2.0
charset-normalizer 3.3.2
clean-fid 0.1.35
click 8.1.7
clip 1.0
colorama 0.4.6
coloredlogs 15.0.1
colorlog 6.8.2
contourpy 1.2.1
controlnet-aux 0.0.9
cssselect2 0.7.0
cycler 0.12.1
Cython 3.0.11
deprecation 2.1.0
depth_anything 2024.1.22.0
depth_anything_v2 2024.7.1.0
diskcache 5.6.3
dsine 2024.3.23
easydict 1.13
einops 0.4.1
exceptiongroup 1.2.2
facexlib 0.3.0
fastapi 0.94.0
ffmpy 0.4.0
filelock 3.15.4
filterpy 1.4.5
flatbuffers 24.3.25
fonttools 4.53.1
frozenlist 1.4.1
fsspec 2024.6.1
ftfy 6.2.3
fvcore 0.1.5.post20221221
geffnet 1.0.2
gitdb 4.0.11
GitPython 3.1.32
glob2 0.5
gradio 3.41.2
gradio_client 0.5.0
h11 0.12.0
handrefinerportable 2024.2.12.0
httpcore 0.15.0
httpx 0.24.1
huggingface-hub 0.24.5
humanfriendly 10.0
idna 3.7
imageio 2.35.0
importlib_metadata 8.2.0
importlib_resources 6.4.3
inflection 0.5.1
insightface 0.7.3
iopath 0.1.9
jax 0.4.31
jaxlib 0.4.31
Jinja2 3.1.4
joblib 1.4.2
jsonmerge 1.8.0
jsonschema 4.23.0
jsonschema-specifications 2023.12.1
kiwisolver 1.4.5
kornia 0.6.7
lark 1.1.2
lazy_loader 0.4
lightning-utilities 0.11.6
llvmlite 0.43.0
lxml 5.3.0
manifold3d 2.5.1
mapbox_earcut 1.0.2
markdown-it-py 3.0.0
MarkupSafe 2.1.5
matplotlib 3.9.2
mdurl 0.1.2
mediapipe 0.10.14
ml-dtypes 0.4.0
mpmath 1.3.0
multidict 6.0.5
narwhals 1.4.2
networkx 3.3
numba 0.60.0
numpy 1.26.2
omegaconf 2.2.3
onnx 1.15.0
onnxruntime-gpu 1.19.0
open-clip-torch 2.20.0
opt-einsum 3.3.0
orjson 3.10.7
packaging 24.1
pandas 2.2.2
piexif 1.1.3
Pillow 9.5.0
pillow-avif-plugin 1.4.3
pip 24.2
platformdirs 4.2.2
portalocker 2.10.1
prettytable 3.11.0
protobuf 3.20.0
psutil 5.9.5
py-cpuinfo 9.0.0
pycollada 0.8
pycparser 2.22
pydantic 1.10.17
pydub 0.25.1
Pygments 2.18.0
pyparsing 3.1.2
pyreadline3 3.4.1
python-dateutil 2.9.0.post0
python-multipart 0.0.9
pytorch-lightning 1.9.4
pytz 2024.1
PyWavelets 1.7.0
pywin32 306
PyYAML 6.0.2
referencing 0.35.1
regex 2024.7.24
reportlab 4.2.2
requests 2.32.3
resize-right 0.0.2
rich 13.7.1
rpds-py 0.20.0
Rtree 1.3.0
safetensors 0.4.2
scikit-image 0.21.0
scikit-learn 1.5.1
scipy 1.14.0
seaborn 0.13.2
semantic-version 2.10.0
sentencepiece 0.2.0
setuptools 69.5.1
shapely 2.0.5
six 1.16.0
smmap 5.0.1
sniffio 1.3.1
sounddevice 0.5.0
spandrel 0.3.4
spandrel_extra_arches 0.1.1
starlette 0.26.1
svg.path 6.3
svglib 1.5.1
sympy 1.13.2
tabulate 0.9.0
termcolor 2.4.0
threadpoolctl 3.5.0
tifffile 2024.8.10
timm 0.6.7
tinycss2 1.3.0
tokenizers 0.13.3
tomesd 0.1.3
tomli 2.0.1
torch 2.4.0+cu124
torchaudio 2.4.0+cu124
torchdiffeq 0.2.3
torchmetrics 1.4.1
torchsde 0.2.6
torchvision 0.19.0+cu124
tqdm 4.66.5
trampoline 0.1.2
transformers 4.30.2
trimesh 4.4.6
typing_extensions 4.12.2
tzdata 2024.1
ultralytics 8.2.78
ultralytics-thop 2.0.3
urllib3 2.2.2
uvicorn 0.30.6
vhacdx 0.0.8.post1
wcwidth 0.2.13
webencodings 0.5.1
websockets 11.0.3
xatlas 0.0.9
xformers 0.0.28.dev881
xxhash 3.5.0
yacs 0.1.8
yapf 0.40.2
yarl 1.9.4
zipp 3.20.0
As you can see it works now:
venv "C:\Users\ZeroCool22\Desktop\AutoSDXL\stable-diffusion-webui\venv\Scripts\Python.exe"
Python 3.10.6 (tags/v3.10.6:9c7b4bd, Aug 1 2022, 21:53:49) [MSC v.1932 64 bit (AMD64)]
Version: v1.10.1
Commit hash: 82a973c04367123ae98bd9abdf80d9eda9b910e2
CUDA 12.4
Launching Web UI with arguments: --xformers --api
C:\Users\ZeroCool22\Desktop\AutoSDXL\stable-diffusion-webui\venv\lib\site-packages\xformers\ops\fmha\ FutureWarning: `torch.library.impl_abstract` was renamed to `torch.library.register_fake`. Please use that instead; we will remove `torch.library.impl_abstract` in a future version of PyTorch.
C:\Users\ZeroCool22\Desktop\AutoSDXL\stable-diffusion-webui\venv\lib\site-packages\xformers\ops\fmha\ FutureWarning: `torch.library.impl_abstract` was renamed to `torch.library.register_fake`. Please use that instead; we will remove `torch.library.impl_abstract` in a future version of PyTorch.
CHv1.8.11: Get Custom Model Folder
Tag Autocomplete: Could not locate model-keyword extension, Lora trigger word completion will be limited to those added through the extra networks menu.
[-] ADetailer initialized. version: 24.8.0, num models: 10
ControlNet preprocessor location: C:\Users\ZeroCool22\Desktop\AutoSDXL\stable-diffusion-webui\extensions\sd-webui-controlnet\annotator\downloads
2024-08-20 07:25:12,490 - ControlNet - INFO - ControlNet v1.1.455
07:25:12 - ReActor - STATUS - Running v0.7.1-a1 on Device: CUDA
Loading weights [c85b8558ed] from C:\Users\ZeroCool22\Desktop\AutoSDXL\stable-diffusion-webui\models\Stable-diffusion\1.5\Pony\2dnPony_v10_3.safetensors
CHv1.8.11: Set Proxy:
2024-08-20 07:25:13,260 - ControlNet - INFO - ControlNet UI callback registered.
Creating model from config: C:\Users\ZeroCool22\Desktop\AutoSDXL\stable-diffusion-webui\repositories\generative-models\configs\inference\sd_xl_base.yaml
Running on local URL:
To create a public link, set `share=True` in `launch()`.
Startup time: 17.9s (prepare environment: 7.1s, import torch: 3.3s, import gradio: 0.9s, setup paths: 1.3s, initialize shared: 0.3s, other imports: 0.5s, load scripts: 2.6s, create ui: 0.7s, gradio launch: 0.5s, add APIs: 0.6s).
Loading VAE weights specified in settings: C:\Users\ZeroCool22\Desktop\AutoSDXL\stable-diffusion-webui\models\VAE\sdxl_vae.safetensors
Applying attention optimization: xformers... done.
Model loaded in 6.3s (load weights from disk: 0.8s, create model: 1.0s, apply weights to model: 3.9s, load VAE: 0.2s, move model to device: 0.1s, calculate empty prompt: 0.2s).
Thank you! Tried it, but did not help, xformers has been installed though. Any more ideas what might be wrong? Current piplist looks like this:
albumentations 1.3.1 certifi 2023.11.17 charset-normalizer 3.3.2 colorama 0.4.6 coloredlogs 15.0.1 contourpy 1.2.0 cycler 0.12.1 Cython 3.0.8 easydict 1.11 filelock 3.13.1 flatbuffers 23.5.26 fonttools 4.47.2 fsspec 2024.2.0 humanfriendly 10.0 idna 3.6 ifnude 0.0.3 imageio 2.33.1 insightface 0.7.3 Jinja2 3.1.3 joblib 1.3.2 kiwisolver 1.4.5 lazy_loader 0.3 MarkupSafe 2.1.5 matplotlib 3.8.2 mpmath 1.3.0 networkx 3.2.1 numpy 1.26.3 onnx 1.15.0 onnxruntime 1.16.1 onnxruntime-gpu 1.19.0 opencv-python opencv-python-headless packaging 23.2 pillow 10.2.0 pip 24.2 prettytable 3.9.0 protobuf 4.25.2 pyparsing 3.1.1 pyreadline3 3.4.1 python-dateutil 2.8.2 PyYAML 6.0.1 qudida 0.0.4 requests 2.31.0 scikit-image 0.22.0 scikit-learn 1.3.2 scipy 1.11.4 setuptools 63.2.0 six 1.16.0 sympy 1.12 threadpoolctl 3.2.0 tifffile 2023.12.9 torch 2.4.0+cu124 torchaudio 2.4.0+cu124 torchvision 0.19.0+cu124 tqdm 4.66.1 typing_extensions 4.9.0 urllib3 2.1.0 wcwidth 0.2.13 xformers 0.0.28.dev884
same . Works fine only with onnx==1.16.1
Thanks for your help! Got it working, turned out I simply did not understand I had to fix this in the webUIs virtual environment python and not the global system python. So if anyone still struggling at this point, the fixes provided by the other are working but have to be applied to venv
What happened?
Steps to reproduce the problem
Start the app.
What should have happened?
NO show problems.
What browsers do you use to access the UI ?
Mozilla Firefox
Console logs