fix price in the account currency or foreign currency
eg.: Adobe is using EUR in the region and was paid with a HUF account
monthly / bimonthly (every second month) / quarterly / annual
these are projected into "next" month (if they occur) and show up as placeholder spending until their due date with a placeholder balance based on projected transactions and budgets
end date or number of recursions
recursion by day of date or number of days (like for zooplus relax our refresh is 5 weeks but for TB it's the 3rd of every month)
Groups are used to group the accounts for account overviews
household spending / business balance etc.
Loan accounts
group within group
only instalments added to the balance of the group they are a part of
transactions can be added:
out - account that the money was wired from
in -account that the money was wired to
one transaction tied to main account to be edited later
2 transactions split by interest/capital
bulk edit option to split transactions by interest/capital
ideas: Recurring payments
Groups are used to group the accounts for account overviews
Loan accounts