AVHMMT-Production / NFT-Marketplace-Bachelor-Thesis

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cloud funtions moralis #1

Closed EduardoMateos closed 2 years ago

EduardoMateos commented 2 years ago

Hey !


Thanks for your work, it's incredible!

I have found your repository and I am working with it locally to fully understand how smart contracts and moralis work.

I see that you make calls to cloud function of moralis. Can you share the code of these functions?



vaehaaland commented 2 years ago

Hey @EduardoMateos !

These are the cloud functions I got on Moralis.

`Moralis.Cloud.define("listedAndSoldNFTs", async (request) => { const query = new Moralis.Query("ListedNFTs"); query.descending("createdAt"); query.limit(10); const list = await query.find();

const query2 = new Moralis.Query("MintedNFTs"); query2.descending("createdAt"); let mints = await query2.find(); let listed = []; let sold = [];

for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (list[i].attributes.Sold === 0) { for (let j = 0; j < mints.length; j++) { if (list[i].attributes.TokenID === mints[j].attributes.tokenId) { const nft = { tokenId: list[i].attributes.TokenID, price: list[i].attributes.Price.toString(), createdAt: list[i].attributes.createdAt, image: mints[j].attributes.image, name: mints[j].attributes.name } listed.push(nft) } } } }

for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (list[i].attributes.Sold === 1) { for (let j = 0; j < mints.length; j++) { if (list[i].attributes.TokenID === mints[j].attributes.tokenId) { const nft = { tokenId: list[i].attributes.TokenID, price: list[i].attributes.Price.toString(), createdAt: list[i].attributes.createdAt, image: mints[j].attributes.image, name: mints[j].attributes.name } sold.push(nft) } } } }

return [listed, sold] });

Moralis.Cloud.define("createdNFTs", async (request) => { const query = new Moralis.Query("ListedNFTs"); query.descending("createdAt"); const list = await query.find();

const query2 = new Moralis.Query("MintedNFTs"); query2.descending("createdAt"); query2.equalTo("creator", request.params.acc) let mints = await query2.find(); let created = [];

for (let i = 0; i < mints.length; i++) { if (mints[i].attributes.creator === request.params.acc){ const nft = { tokenId: mints[i].attributes.tokenId, creator: mints[i].attributes.creator, price: undefined, createdAt: mints[i].attributes.createdAt, image: mints[i].attributes.image, name: mints[i].attributes.name } created.push(nft) for (let j = 0; j < list.length; j++){ if (created[created.length-1].tokenId === list[j].attributes.TokenID){ created[created.length-1].price = list[j].attributes.Price.toString() } } } }

return created });`

Using Moralis Cloud Functions to make the lists I use on feed, dashboard, index etc.

Hope this helps!

EduardoMateos commented 2 years ago

Thank you so much!