AVHuntley / TM-Supply-A3-Migration

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Comp Transfer to Financials Cube #7

Open afs1jes opened 1 month ago

afs1jes commented 1 month ago

Retrieval from Comp works fine. Formatting is different from prod.

2nd grid needed to send to Finance cube. Prod uses overlapping grids. 2nd grid setup, side-by-side with the Comp retrieval grid. Using formulas to pull data into the Finance grid. Finance grid uses a fixed number of rows with a "DoNotSendRows" marker for rows below the range retrieved from Comp cube. Also added Template Validation to check for possible need to extend the fixed rows on the Finance grid.

afs1jes commented 1 month ago

Last version using side-by-side grids is dated 5/29/2024 1:30.

Updated versions uses a single grid, much like the original model. It pulls from Comp and submits to Finance. VBA is used to reset the grid properties, pointing to Finance, in A3Modeling_OnBiuld.

Note that months tagged as Actual will be protected on submission my cube level protection, which is bypassed if the user is in the role "CanSubmitProtected".

AVHuntley commented 3 weeks ago

I suspect that the two-grid setup on "Comp Transfer to Financials Cube" is messing with the way formatting is being applied. Seems like none of the formatting rows have an effect. So far, the best I've gotten is to modify the A3LeafData style and enable 'format using styles'. But even then, only the fill color seems to get applied (or at least not the number formatting).


AVHuntley commented 3 weeks ago

Okay I think the formatting issues have been corrected. Note that this template only builds with correct formatting if run from server. If run locally (client-side), then formatting is only correctly applied the first time. Subsequent runs will apply incorrect formatting.