AVapps / FileReader

A FileReader polyfill for Internet Explore and Safari using Flash
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The two lines required for Safari support are commented out #10

Open kylemacfarlane opened 12 years ago

kylemacfarlane commented 12 years ago

Lines 86-87 (https://github.com/Jahdrien/FileReader/blob/master/jquery.FileReader.js#L86-87) are required with Safari (on Windows at least) but for some reason they are currently commented out. Uncommenting them doesn't seem to break any other browser.

Without those two lines Safari doesn't seem to consider the SWF as displayed and so the onSWFReady event won't fire.

kylemacfarlane commented 12 years ago

The notes also say that Safari on Windows requires a scroll to work. This isn't exactly true and the actual problem is that the swf won't run until it's displayed. A fix for this is to make it always viewable by using position: 'fixed' on line 86.

EDIT: But then in onSWFReady you need to set the position back to absolute in order for the swf to be overlayed in the correct position FileAPIProxy.container.css({position: 'absolute'});.