AWiderDotNET / AWiderDotNet

An attempt to foster more involvement in the .NET OSS world. This repo is for discussions and features surrounding the effort. See for the web site itself.
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Potential Use Case: Calculating how much companies should give back #1

Open SeanKilleen opened 8 years ago

SeanKilleen commented 8 years ago

In a perfect world, a .NET development shop would be giving back as much as possible to OSS.

In order to get the maximum amount of companies to be able to adopt a contribution policy, I think it makes sense to figure out what we as an open-source community would reasonably expect from companies using open source.

Idea: we could use stats (source code, dev-hours, other attempted calculations of value) to determine how much time/effort a project saves a company. This in turn would let us help folks tally up the total for all the OSS projects/packages they use (e.g. all the nuget packages and DLLs in a lib folder) and give them an estimate of what their "offset" would be.

These would be murky estimates at best, and will never capture the true effort and value put into the .NET OSS community by these authors. But I'm thinking it could be a starting place, especially if the efforts are intentionally conservative.

Eventually, I'd like this to be a calculator that people could use on the site itself.

The folks at OpenHub have already graciously offered to let us use their API to pull stats about open source projects to support this effort.

What are you thoughts on a use case like this?