AWiderDotNET / AWiderDotNet

An attempt to foster more involvement in the .NET OSS world. This repo is for discussions and features surrounding the effort. See for the web site itself.
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Calling graphics folks: anyone want to brainstorm logos / designs? #12

Open SeanKilleen opened 8 years ago

SeanKilleen commented 8 years ago

We're eventually going to need some sort of a logo/theme.

Given the name of the site and the theme -- "Casting a Wider .NET", I think we have a good direction to start playing around with initially.

If anyone wants to draft something or start kicking around ideas for logos, etc. that combine .NET with that theme of casting a wider net, I'd love to see some discussion here.

No rush -- we still have a while to go -- but it's never too late to start kicking ideas around.

SeanKilleen commented 8 years ago

/cc @RyKilleen.

RyKilleen commented 8 years ago

The theme of nodes and lines has become really common place theses days, but I think in this case could be used to both visually represent an open net, while also graphing out what an open source community looks like. Crude suggestions coming shortly.