AWiderDotNET / AWiderDotNet

An attempt to foster more involvement in the .NET OSS world. This repo is for discussions and features surrounding the effort. See for the web site itself.
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Potential Use Case: Guidelines for forming a contribution policy #2

Open SeanKilleen opened 8 years ago

SeanKilleen commented 8 years ago

I think it would great if the site could feature a guide / game plan to help companies adopt a contribution policy.

I imagine these things can't be easy and there are probably a number of considerations that companies have to make in this process, from legal to procedural to time-based.

I think we could go along way toward easing companies fears if we can provide a basis to remove the doubts, and perhaps some templates or starting points so companies can more confidently move in this direction.

What are your thoughts?

SeanKilleen commented 8 years ago

Some links on the topic from @damianh:

damianh commented 8 years ago

I just popped by to add this issue :)

I think this is one place where MS can help with. Unless of they don't actually want companies looking outside of the MSOSS sphere...