AWiderDotNET / AWiderDotNet

An attempt to foster more involvement in the .NET OSS world. This repo is for discussions and features surrounding the effort. See for the web site itself.
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Potential Use Case: Dismantling common myths & misunderstandings around .NET OSS #6

Open SeanKilleen opened 8 years ago

SeanKilleen commented 8 years ago

There are certain myths or misunderstandings that persist, particularly in .NET enterprise shops, about open source (e.g. "it's insecure", "it will go away", "microsoft won't support you", etc.). These myths and misunderstandings are roadblocks to development shops using OSS.

By addressing them clearly and concisely, I think we can remove a lot of obstacles right out of the gate and lend a bunch of support/momentum to developers who may be evangelizing OSS within their orgs.

What are your thoughts? I'd love to hear some of the excuses / myths you've heard before, or other unnecessary roadblocks (and/or your take on how to answer them).

adron-orange commented 8 years ago

The first thing that comes to mind here, if a shop is concerned about OSS still, is to research and learn about the specific licenses to understand what they actual entail.

GPL, Apache-2.0, and maybe a few more well known licenses ought to become regular vocabulary for anybody encouraging closed source shops to write or even use OSS code bases.

SeanKilleen commented 8 years ago

@adron-orange +1. The myth of "we can just pull it from Nuget and then legally use it" is an important one to tackle.