AWiderDotNET / AWiderDotNet

An attempt to foster more involvement in the .NET OSS world. This repo is for discussions and features surrounding the effort. See for the web site itself.
MIT License
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Potential Use Case: A Signed call to action #7

Open SeanKilleen opened 8 years ago

SeanKilleen commented 8 years ago

I'd love to see a statement drafted together that folks could sign onto. Short of a manifesto, it would explain the motivations behind this site, point to common goals, and allow folks to get on board and state publicly that they care about this topic dearly.

We could accept additions to the list for folks via pull requests, and the web site could read them upon startup/deployment and display them in order.

I'm thinking we could ask for:

Maybe eventually we could show these on a map of some sort.

We might have to verify that folks are who they say they are on the pull request (lest we have Prince Harry signing onto the pledge, etc.).
