I recommend you to list some command example like
"add-task t/todo des/borrow book d/3/10/2019 p/med f/weekly #friends #owesMoney"
in your user guide.
as a new user, i am not part of your developer team so i have no idea what is the command. from the user guide, when i read from first part to last, the user guide is like slowly giving me the idea of all the command parameter
like add-task
first u talk about task type then des then date etc...
as a new user, i dont have time to read all that.. so i really recommend you to input some commands for me to copy and paste first as listed in user guide
I recommend you to list some command example like "add-task t/todo des/borrow book d/3/10/2019 p/med f/weekly #friends #owesMoney" in your user guide.
as a new user, i am not part of your developer team so i have no idea what is the command. from the user guide, when i read from first part to last, the user guide is like slowly giving me the idea of all the command parameter like add-task first u talk about task type then des then date etc...
as a new user, i dont have time to read all that.. so i really recommend you to input some commands for me to copy and paste first as listed in user guide
[original: wongchuankai/ped#8]