AY2425S1-CS2103-F10-1 / tp

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[PE-D][Tester E] Address format is not optimised enough for fast-typists or target users #238

Open nus-pe-script opened 3 weeks ago

nus-pe-script commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the bug: The format includes unnecessary words prone to user mistakes, such as "#" and "Singapore". They also make it less efficient to type quickly

Expected behaviour: add n/John Doe p/98765432 a/421 Marina Bay Road 12-34 Tan Kim PTE Building 123456

Actual behaviour: add n/John Doe p/98765432 a/421 Marina Bay Road #12-34 Tan Kim PTE Building Singapore 123456



Labels: type.FeatureFlaw severity.Medium original: limjeremy496/ped#9

jialegitgud commented 3 weeks ago

Also falls under feature changes to accept, and should be marked as a requirement instead in UG/DG. Take note: @thenosewizard