AY2425S1-CS2103T-F14a-1 / tp

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Update UG #113

Open Feng1231 opened 4 days ago

Feng1231 commented 4 days ago

Adding a person: add

Adds a person to the address book. Format: `add n/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER e/EMAIL a/ADDRESS t/SCHEDULE s/SUBJECT f/FEE [paid/PAID_AMOUNT] [owed/OWED_AMOUNT]` Examples: ` add n/John Doe p/98765432 e/johnd@example.com a/21 Kent Ridge Rd, S119077 t/Sunday-1000-1200 s/GP f/100 paid/100 owed/0 ` ` add n/Betsy Crowe s/Math t/Saturday-1400-1600 e/betsy@mail.com a/Block 7 #02-02 Red Hill p/1234567 f/200 owed/200 ` **Constraints:** 1. SCHEDULE must be in the format of `DAY_OF_THE_WEEK`-`START_TIME`-`END_TIME` 2. DAY_OF_THE_WEEK includes Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. 3. START_TIME and END_TIME are represented as `HHmm`. 4. SUBJECT should only be: `economics` / `literature` / `music` / `biology` / `chemistry` / `science` / `english` / `chinese` / `malay` / `tamil` / `math` / `history` / `geography` / `physics` / `GP` 5. FEE, PAID_AMOUNT and OWED_AMOUNT must be at least 0 with at most 2 decimal places. Example: `12.00`, `0.0` or `7` **Tips** 1. New clashing schedule will be informed so that you can modify using the [`edit` command](#editing-a-person--edit) 2. RATE is the tuition rate (per hour).
Feng1231 commented 4 days ago

Press edit and copy the format in the issue for each feature