AY2425S1-CS2103T-W14-3 / tp

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Increase code quality #230

Closed starchypotatocode closed 3 weeks ago

starchypotatocode commented 3 weeks ago

Commit 1: Improve code quality / consistency Commit 2: Add additional tests, mark minor enhancement for the future Commit 3: Widen error message to match actual implementation Commit 4: Add additional tests and comments. Commit 5: Add additional tests and fix the outdated internal testing data. (None of the code changes in commit 5 affect anything that is user-facing.) Commit 6: Defensive coding related to the fix introduced by #228 Commit 7: Add more tests. Commit 8: Add yet more tests, and 'missing' test class. Commit 9: Fix checkstyle.

Fix #194

codecov[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

Codecov Report

All modified and coverable lines are covered by tests :white_check_mark:

Files with missing lines Coverage Δ Complexity Δ
...er/address/logic/commands/UpdateMemberCommand.java 92.04% <ø> (ø) 14.00 <0.00> (ø)
src/main/java/hallpointer/address/model/Model.java 100.00% <ø> (ø) 1.00 <0.00> (ø)
...n/java/hallpointer/address/model/ModelManager.java 100.00% <ø> (ø) 24.00 <0.00> (ø)
.../java/hallpointer/address/model/member/Member.java 100.00% <100.00%> (+2.63%) 31.00 <1.00> (+2.00)
...in/java/hallpointer/address/model/member/Name.java 100.00% <ø> (ø) 7.00 <0.00> (ø)
...in/java/hallpointer/address/model/member/Room.java 100.00% <ø> (ø) 7.00 <0.00> (ø)
...ava/hallpointer/address/model/member/Telegram.java 100.00% <100.00%> (ø) 7.00 <0.00> (ø)
...pointer/address/model/member/UniqueMemberList.java 96.00% <100.00%> (+0.16%) 25.00 <0.00> (+2.00)
...c/main/java/hallpointer/address/model/tag/Tag.java 100.00% <ø> (+28.57%) 7.00 <0.00> (+2.00)

... and 2 files with indirect coverage changes